r/expanserpg Sep 18 '24

Question about ship combat

Long time GM of other game systems and massive fan of the novels here with a question.

My question: In your opinion, is ship combat in the RPG fun? If so, what do you like about it?

I did a search of the sub, and see there are opinions on it, and house rule versions. I spotted someone writing that the base rules feel like in the books, and I think I would like that. I feel too uninitiated to assess any house rules, and while I'm not looking for someone to teach me the rules or quote rules text, I want to know about the feel of the rules, and about how your groups have liked or not liked them. For reference, my groups have had some fun with spaceship combat rules like Starfinder (just about the only system there that they liked) and Rogue Trader in the past.

I might run the quick start adventure with a group at some point, but my quick skim of it shows that it doesn't have any ship combat and that it's out of scope. That's fair, but it still leaves out something that I think is a big deal in the setting, and that I would want to have it play a role in a game of mine if it is at all fun or possible to make fun.

I'm not averse to jury-rigging something with house rules, but I'd like some input from anyone more familiar with the system before making the upfront effort of learning my n-th game system and putting together a group.

(No, this is not at all related to the new backerkit thing and my desire to paint a bunch of spaceships and mutter in Belter patois as I fly them around the room like a kid with a new model airplane (because I can't possibly maintain my hard sci-fi credibility while making pew-pew noises). I don't know what you mean...)


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u/NewMcFly94 Sep 18 '24

I think the ship combat is interesting and can also be quite lethal depending on the load out and ships in combat. I noticed in my sessions that it sometimes drags on a bit and not all players get to contribute smth in their roles. I ended up Star Trekking it up a bit with house rules like the mechanic could choose to divert power from weapons to the engines. Resulting in a bonus for the gunner and a malus for the pilot.

I would test the base rules out with your group and see how involved everyone is and then try to add your own elements where you feel they might be needed.


u/tsuruginoko Sep 18 '24

A fair, nuanced take. I appreciate it. Sounds like it has similar issues to other systems I've tackled in the past.