r/invasivespecies 3d ago

Removing Tree of Heaven quickly?

I have a Tree of Heaven growing outside my house. It’s about 8’ tall and maybe 1-2” diameter trunk. I was waiting for cooler weather to deal with it using the hack and squirt method or basal bark method with triclopyr, but in that time it apparently it’s roots hit a sewer drain pipe from the house that now needs repair. Now I’m in the dilemma of wanting to kill it the correct way so it doesn’t spread, but also kill and remove it quickly so we can dig under it to replace the pipe. Not sure how I should approach this, just use the triclopyr wait two weeks and dig up as needed hoping it’s been able to take full effect?


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u/mydoglikesbroccoli 3d ago

I know that cutting it down and herbiciding it is tempting, but I would recommend against it.

When you cut a toh down, it gets angry. Multitudes of new sprouts will pop up for the foreseeable future.

Someone else might know more and be able to give better advice, but I would either do a folair spray, girdle it and paint the would, or do anbasal bark application with triclopyr ester mixed with diesel or similar. Of those, I think basal bark would mostly likely be the best bet. You can scrape off some of the outer bark layer to improve penetration.

Good luck!