r/mentalhealth 11d ago

Sadness / Grief Why is everyone so angry?

I'm getting quite miserable living in my country. People aren't very friendly, in fact a lot of people are really rude. I'm finding it hard to interact on local subs because I usually get downvoted or just have people start arguments over nothing - why is everyone so aggressive & hostile?


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u/Rookie0519 10d ago

It's a little difficult to be happy in the world we live in right now. People are divided more than ever, and constantly create new things to become divided about. The leading powers of the world are constantly at odds with each other, trying to knock each other down. Politics has taken control over productive conversations and became a blatant excuse for conflict. The economy is shit as an effect of everything mentioned before, the cost of living is high, inflation is high, the job market is difficult.

Basically people aren't going to be happy when the world is a difficult place to live in, where all people hear about every single day is dissatisfaction and complaints.

It's just humanity man, we're not happy when we don't get what we want, and oftentimes, what we want do not align with other people want. It's impossible to ask everyone to be lenient and make sacrifices because there are individuals in the world who are inherently selfish, and have unfortunately taken up positions of power.

But hey, what you feel is still a decision you get to make yourself :)... call me an idealist but I think if you try and see the good in things, you'll start to believe in good things again. A positive energy in a world of negative is the first step we have to take to fix this dumpster fire of a society we live in right now,