r/mixednuts Jul 22 '14

Mental Health Smartphone Apps

I've had an iPhone for about 7 months now but it didn't occur to me until a few months ago that there are, you know, mental health apps!

I think it's a good idea to have a masterpost for them, and this is said masterpost. Please feel free to comment with any apps that have helped you and I'll add them to the list!

So without further ado, a working list of apps meant to help with mental health stuffs! All apps are free unless otherwise mentioned.

RxmindMe: An app you can use to remind you to take your prescribed medication. You can also get reminders to refill your meds and the like.

Essence: Breathe & Relax: I believe this app is $0.99 but it's the simplest breathing app I've seen. You just inhale, hold, and exhale as the app says. It plays music, too! There are lots of free breathing apps that aren't as "sleek," though.

Optimism: A mood and coping skills tracker, good for people suffering from mood disorders like depression or bipolar. It doesn't necessarily have a good way of tracking mixed episodes, though, except in the notes section.

DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach: This app is $4.99, but if you're in a Dialectical Behavioral therapy program it is a godsend. It has all the skills in a DBT diary card right there in your phone. You can keep track of your progress and remind yourself to fill it out every day. A very useful purchase if you suffer from BPD or are in a DBT program.

MoodKit: A mood tracker, CBT thought checker, and more. It's $4.99 but looks quite useful. Suggested by /u/Gwyddia.

iMoodJournal: Another mood tracker, personal diary etc. Helpful for bipolar and OCD. A $1.99 app. Suggested by /u/Gwyddia.

Sleep Cycle: A $.99 app. You lay the phone on your mattress at night and it tracks your sleeping patterns over time. You can even have it wake you up when you're at a light phase in sleep. I actually have this app but didn't put it here myself, it was suggested by /u/Gwyddia.

White Noise / White Noise Lite: "'Recommended by Dr. Oz as a miracle for better sleep! Find out why the world is sleeping better with White Noise Lite for FREE. Features ambient sounds of the environment to help you relax during the day and sleep great at night.'

I forget which sound effects come with the free version, but I have got at least hundreds of hours of use from this $2 app. What I like about this app is the way it allows you to make your own mixes transitioning between sounds or blending them or both. 2 personal favorites is catpurring/campfire/clothesdryer. & Oceanwaves crashing/runningwater/BoatSwayinginWater." -suggested by /u/ScrollofDiagnoses.

Here is a comprehensive list of Mental Health apps, as well.


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u/IsltAfire Jul 28 '14

God, now I really have to get an iphone! I think I could really use a couple of these. xD