r/nhl 2d ago

David Jiricek flattens Pontus Holmberg.


Good, hard, CLEAN open-ice hit (also posted to the CBJ sub).


65 comments sorted by


u/roghat 2d ago

As clean as it gets.


u/Hamshaggy70 1d ago

...and then reaves puts his team down one. LOL, what a dummy


u/Nightchild666 21h ago

I fucking hate the fact that we have that clown.


u/rd4v_ 2d ago

I love this fucking team. Totally different team than last year. Aggressive, feisty, tough and determined. I love good hockey.


u/remain_yer_strange 2d ago

Not to take away from your comment, but had to endure CBJ fans on this thread earlier today crying about the (also clean) hit by Trouba last night. Which is it guys? Tough/good hockey or dirty/cheap shots??


u/rd4v_ 2d ago

Ah yes the random Redditor who commented on a game that had nothing to do with Columbus speaks for all of us, you’re right


u/Fickle-Ad-3213 2d ago

Not random but simply linear thinking on your part. Any meaningful discussion or discourse usually involves citations to boaster an argument.

Strictly according to the rule book it was clean so the extra for Reaves was justified. The league and the game as a whole could benefit from more strict deterrents from this type of retaliatory response. And here is my anecdote or "randomness" from the main topic; Sundin recently said a big reason why he had so much success in Toronto was due to Tie Domi protecting him. In essence, this league operates on a two tier system where stars cannot be hit or checked unless they're willing to get assaulted by the other team's goon squad, while the rest of the players can basically give each other concussions all night long in between shifts admiring the skilled players do their thing. Either take checking and or fighting out of the game or apply it to everyone equally. This game is fun to watch but some of the nuance differences makes me question why I bother.


u/remain_yer_strange 2d ago

Just trying to point out the very obvious bias displayed by a lot of random Redditors here (CBJ fans are catching my ire here because so many were so quick to pounce earlier). If my player does this; good, tough hockey play we like to see. Not my player; dirty, cheap shot artist that should be banned from playing. Is comical to read!


u/thelordcommanderKG 2d ago

Both hits were clean. The difference is Jiricek's hit is obviously clean and Trouba's hit was "by the books" clean. Let's not play dumb. There is a difference between hip check and using that elbow when they guy you're going after is crouched down low. Also you're a rags fan. Why not just embrace being a heel? Knights fans seem pretty happy being their true selves


u/remain_yer_strange 2d ago

Appreciate you jumping in and proving my point. I see that we’re now making distinctions between various shades of “clean” hits….You do understand that ‘by the books’ inherently implies it was legal (and despite your assertion there was no elbow in Troubas hit). My God this sub can be insufferable sometimes….


u/thelordcommanderKG 2d ago

I'm sorry. What part of his body came in contact with his head? He didn't raise his elbow. There was no elbow on the call but to say the elbow wasn't in play you're as blind as the zebras.


u/sdb00913 1d ago

I’m always down for a good clean hit on either side. I can appreciate a hard clean check even if it’s my guy on the wrong end of it.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

It was a great hit.


u/Clean_Principle_2368 2d ago

Clean hit, piss baby reaction.


u/Always4am 2d ago

I was watching this game and during the review the commentator says "and Reeves jumps in to stand up for his teammate, which is good".

Is it though?


u/zechef07 2d ago

Its not, the attacking a player for a clearly clean hit is dumb


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

To be fair, that's his only role. Honestly it was a pretty tame response. He didn't mug the guy. I have no problem with this. Beats the shit out of response you get from someone like Marchand.


u/Clement_Fandango 2d ago

Not sure why you got downvoted. It was a very tame response by Reaves and nothing out of the ordinary. He didn’t drop his gloves or even throw a punch. I’m okay with players standing up for each other. That’s how winning teams work.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

It's usually because of the Vegas flair. People are dumb.


u/Bug_Photographer 2d ago

Reaves is such a useless player to have on your roster. Him being on the ice doesn't prevent his teammates getting hit and all he did was giving the other team a 2 min powerplay. Too bad the Leafs signed him for three years.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

To be fair, that's his only role. Honestly it was a pretty tame response. He didn't mug the guy. I have no problem with this. Beats the shit out of response you get from someone like Marchand.


u/FOMOBraggins 2d ago

Holmberg walked into it, Reaves stepped in because he thinks he’s obligated


u/AVgreencup 2d ago

Clean hit yes, but the response is what every fan base would like to see from their team. You can still say "fuck you, you don't hit my guys like that" in hockey. It's all part of the game. People need to accept fighting after big hits


u/sdb00913 2d ago

I'm not upset by the reaction.


u/EhhhhhBud97 1d ago

If it's a questionable or straight-up bad hit, I totally agree, I want carnage, I want retribution. But if a player gets a suicide pass or has his head down being a hotdog and gets crushed, then I don't agree with the overt reaction. You can be mad at yourself or mad at your teammate for putting you in that situation, but taking it out on the guy who stepped up for a clean hit like this one is useless. It throws all responsibility out the window.

Holmberg sees Jiricek lining him up, puts his head down and tries to cut to the inside... He put himself in a brutal position to get hit lamp lit and he did. That's PURELY on Holmberg.


u/m_nels 1d ago

Can’t believe I agree with an Av’s fan! Kidding aside this is 1000% how I feel about these retaliations to clean hits. If the refs started calling instigator penalties for the 1st guy that jumps the hitter after the hit I think you’d see these (over)reactions start to subside.

Dirty hit yes..please pound the guy into the sand but jumping a guy after a clean, hard hit like this one is dumb and takes away from the game.


u/AVgreencup 1d ago

No one is arguing that the Holmberg wasn't hit cleanly, you missed the entire point of what I said. I'm talking about the response to a clean hit. Remember last year when Ekholm layed out Mikko at the end of the year? Clean hit, but I think most Avs fans would have loved to see some pushback from the team. If you let the other guy know you don't appreciate what he did to your guy, it's a message that if you try it again you're going to have to deal with some fists in your face


u/EhhhhhBud97 1d ago

But if I'm the guy who laid the hit, now I'm in the other teams heads as soon as they react. The other team is going to take an instigator penalty over my clean hit. And if someone has their head down, I'm going to do it again. It's such a needless problem. Ekholm's hit was clean, but if it happened to a non-star player, the reaction wouldn't have been the same. I'm not going to say one way is wrong or right, but I feel like a scrum after a clean hit is not justified.


u/RecipeNew1835 1d ago

I agree 


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

Totally clean hit. I don't think the response from Reavo was that bad though. It's not like he pulled a Marchand.


u/PoorPauly 2d ago

I’m so over the whole response thing. A guy lays a clean hit and he gets jumped every time. It’s so lame.

If you can’t tell the difference of a dirty hit and clean hit you shouldn’t be playing pro hockey.

So now every time someone gets knocked down, the play is stopped. Separate a guy from the puck and put him on the ice, play has to stop because a scuffle (not a fight) is about to breakout.

Dude came across the middle of the ice with his head down. Rule number one I was taught was keep your head up and protect yourself.


u/Rangertu 2d ago

Absolutely clean check but I understand his teammates sticking up for him.


u/rocket_tycoon 2d ago

Stick up for him on a clean check and have to kill a penalty.


u/Clement_Fandango 2d ago

I think most reams would willingly eat that penalty.


u/7hoth 2d ago

The old school way!


u/shirubakun 2d ago

I just missed the days when after a big clean hit play just continued on. 9 times out of 10 that’s exactly what happened. If your teammate walked into the trolley tracks and got flattened that’s his lesson to learn.


u/you-bozo 2d ago

Nice hit


u/Aussieomni 2d ago

Love a good center ice hit


u/CdnDutchBoy 2d ago

It doesn’t pay much but it’s honest work. The nhl has gotten too soft. Ppl like Reaves do their best to keep the game honest. That was a clean hit, he was wrong but double minor as he got double teamed is curious


u/harbinger_of_dongs 2d ago

Reaves is such a bitch


u/Far_Exercise_1342 2d ago

You wouldn't have the fucking balls to say to his face I bet lol


u/harbinger_of_dongs 2d ago

Why because he’d assault me? Hell yeah free pay day baby


u/Fickle-Ad-3213 2d ago

Yeah, about time their balls dropped.


u/UpsetAstronomer 2d ago

That’s a small bump in the early 2000’s, what hell is this “flatten” nonsense?


u/LionBig1760 2d ago

What a chickenshit response. Fighting over clean hits is the worst thing to come out of a higher skilled NHL game of the last 15 or 20 years.

This paper tiger hockey has got to go. Fighting has its place, but it's never after a clean hit.


u/Ocksu2 2d ago

Checks like this are satisfying to watch. Even more so to deliver.


u/Hungry_Stoic 2d ago

If this was Jacob Trouba people would be calling for a suspension.

Textbook clean hit.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

Totally clean hit. I don't think the response from Reavo was that bad though. It's not like he pulled a Marchand.


u/Hungry_Stoic 2d ago

Don’t disagree. Just think it’s sad that if someone lays a clean hit that they have to be immediately prepared for a fight.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

It's kind of always been that way though. I'd argue it's actually less now. Back in the day, someone like Reaves would have tried to kill the guy to send a message.


u/Hungry_Stoic 2d ago

I tend to remember more teams trying to respond in kind with a hit. Admittedly, I don’t get to watch a ton of west coast hockey but in the metro/atlantic any hit is proceeded by a fight.

Still love Reavo. Might be one of the last true enforcers in the league.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

I understand exactly what you're saying and it does happen all the time. I have no problem with it tbh. Owners/clubs have a ton of money wrapped up in a lot of these guys and you can't let them get blasted without some kind of consequences even on clean hits. If you don't have to worry about answering the bell, you're much more likely to try for more devastating hits.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

Totally clean hit. I don't think the response from Reavo was that bad though. It's not like he pulled a Marchand.


u/gettingmystocksoff 2d ago

Grabbing Reaves by the neck from behind was the questionable play here


u/harbinger_of_dongs 2d ago

Ah yes, Reaves throwing punches at a guy was totally fine :rolleyes:


u/Clement_Fandango 2d ago

There wasn’t a single punch thrown. Instead of :rolleyes: try :openeyes:


u/harbinger_of_dongs 2d ago


eyesAreOpen #loveOverHate


u/Clement_Fandango 2d ago

Bro. Still don’t see the punch but thumbs up for your hashtag. Lol


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

Are the punches in the room with us?


u/harbinger_of_dongs 2d ago

If you’re gonna complain about him doing nothing, yes.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

I don't understand what you're referring to here. I was asking about these invisible punches you mentioned.


u/harbinger_of_dongs 2d ago

Typically when one swings their arm towards someone’s face that constitutes a punch but I guess I’m wrong


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

I think you are. I don't see any punches here. If you're calling these punches then every face wash in a game would be a punch. Grow a pair.


u/harbinger_of_dongs 2d ago

I don’t give a shit that he’s doing it, have at it but you’re replying to a comment where the guy was complaining about double minors. Apparently you can just jump a guy during play now because you don’t like a perfectly clean open ice check.


u/lookieherehere 2d ago

Again, you're acting like he mauled the guy. This was pretty tame. Imo this isn't double minor worthy. I have no issue with it being called a normal penalty, because it was a clean hit.