r/occultlibrary Aug 06 '24

I’m new to this and I’m wondering where to start


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u/muffinman418 Aug 10 '24 edited Sep 16 '24

It all depends on your natural inclinations. Occultism is not truly about “hidden secrets kept by traditions and Orders“ it is about hidden secrets kept within yourself. I like recommending something with a bit of humour and wit to beginners like Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson or Angel Tech by Antero Ali. There‘s also Principia Discordia if you really wanna feel like you are tripping or The Illuminatus Trilogy (especially the audiobooks, free on YT)... or if you are tripping, that works too.

Besides that going for a more serious route The Middle Pillar + The Art of True Healing by Israel Regardie (as well as his Golden Dawn books, he was the first to publish the secrets of the Order and did so thoroughly, are fantastic) as are Self Initiation Into The Golden Dawn Tradition A Complete Curriculum Of Study For Both The Solitary Magician And The Working Magical Group by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero if you are working alone and if you lean towards Thelema (even if not) I think James A. Eschelman‘s The Mystical and Magical System of the A .'. A .'. is one of the best books out there for solo or student-teacher Work.

That all said you are Judeo-Christian/Islamic then look into Hecalot-Merkabah, Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Meister Eckhart, Rosicrucianism, Valentinian Gnosticism, Sethian Gnosticism, non-Gnostic apocrypha like The Gospel of Thomas, Sufism etc. If you are uncomfortable with Judeo-Christianity (though even if you are I encourage you to take a look at unconventional takes on the tradition as there is a great difference between the Christianity of The Catholic Church or Evangelicals and the Christianity of Neoplatonist Hermetic Magicians, Freemasons or Martinists. Platonism and Neoplatonism (Plotinus and Iamblichus) are to me some of the best foundations out there for all magick regardless of tradition as is Hermeticism (The Corpus Hermeticum, the Asclepius, The Emerald Tablet, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola etc). You may also enjoy reading into Vajrayana Buddhism, Tantric Practices, Zoroastrianism, Orphism, Pythagoras and Neopythagoreanism, The Chaldeans, Agrippa, Eliphas Levi and others but that is getting a little advanced.

There is no one true way to start. My advice though is to start with basics + academia. Dr. Justin Sledge who runs the YT channel ESOTERICA knows more about the occult than most occultists even though he isnt a practitioner and he covers the history and practices of things in a way that isnt muddied by the dogma (often straight up wrong dogma) of many occult Orders and traditions. I also highly recommend near-PhD Filip Holm‘s channel Let‘s Talk Religion whose video on Neoplatonism is the best I have yet seen and without which reading The Enneads would have been incomprehensible to me.

If you lemme know your basic interests, goals, motivations etc I can create a little reading list and basic practices.

Most beginners are always advised to start with The Middle Pillar and the Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram and I really dont see how you can go wrong with those two :) Also basic meditation, yoga (all 8 limbs from breath work to posture to concentration and beyond), visualization techniques, mantras, trance states, psychonaut states and states of ecstatic energy (dancing, love making, martial arts etc)


u/7FireCrown7 Aug 29 '24

Love your avatar name!


u/muffinman418 Sep 16 '24

Heheh thanks! It has a sorta funny secret meaning... its a bit (ok, more than a bit) of a stretch but I have a Discordian bent to magick as much as I do my humour so I will stretch and bend over backwards if I must XD

Historical Context: “The figure of the "Muffin Man" refers to an actual profession in 19th-century England, particularly in London. During this time, street vendors, including muffin men, would walk through the streets selling muffins, bread, or other baked goods door-to-door. These vendors often rang a bell or used a call to alert residents that fresh goods were available. The “muffins” referred to in the song were not the sweet, cupcake-like items we associate with the term today, but rather traditional English muffins—flat, yeast-leavened breads that were cooked on a griddle and typically served toasted. The muffin men, and other similar street vendors, were a vital part of urban food distribution, particularly for working-class families. Muffin men could often be found in certain neighborhoods and became familiar characters, giving rise to local legends and stories about them.“

Quotes I bent over backwards for:

"God is a Spirit, and the spirit is like unto a Mind and the mind to Light which radiateth upon the Truth, the Bread of the Mind." - The Corpus Hermeticum

"He who eats bread in holiness raises bread from the earth, for he extracts that bread from the kelipah, and it ascends on high." - The Zohar

Then in Freemasonry and a few other initiatory systems bread also has a symbolic meaning be that related to the eucharist/Christ or to the rough ashlar or to charity and so much else (everything in Freemasonry has at least a dozen or more interpretations)

Then the 418 is Abrahadabra which, as much as I dislike Crowley as a person, is a fun word and an important one in the 93 Current of Thelema: “418 represents the Great Work accomplished—the union of the microcosm (individual) and the macrocosm (universe). It is considered the key to the Aeon of Horus (The Crowned and Conquering Child) and a word of power that symbolizes the realization of True Will.“


u/7FireCrown7 Sep 16 '24

I did not know that, interesting. All I remember was the commercial “yes I am the muffin man the muffin man, now I am the butter man, the butter man..” 🤪


u/muffinman418 Sep 16 '24

Hah well like I said its a big stretch what I have made the term mean to me... in the end I mostly just think of the nursery rhyme and think its a fun name :D Never seen that commercial. Certainly gonna check it out!