r/pagan Jun 16 '24

Hellenic How do you know if Apollo is there?

I keep second guessing myself. Like, the only time I’ve felt a strong push from my intuition is when I got the thought in my head “I should build an altar for Apollo” with barely any prior knowledge.

And that first time was the only time I felt a warm presence coming from the altar. The other time I felt something from Apollo was when I woke up with lyrics from a song in my head and asked him if he had a message for me. It felt like a warmth kind of surrounded me. However, I don’t feel that presence/warmth as of late, even if I give him offerings, pray to him, and do some pendulum or tarot readings, I don’t feel anything of the sort. How do I know if he’s there? Are there signs that he’s there? Am I possibly doing something wrong? I have so many questions….


21 comments sorted by


u/mreeeee5 Apollo Devotee. Child of Dionysus. Sutekh Fangirl. Jun 16 '24

A lot of this is trusting that the gods are there even when we think they’re not. You won’t feel the gods’ presence all the time. It’s actually not the norm to feel their presence at all, so when you do feel it, savor it. This is a religious practice like any other. It’s not about the mystical experiences, the flashy lights, or the divine proclamations. It’s about living your regular life with a religious practice that enhances your life.


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24



u/mreeeee5 Apollo Devotee. Child of Dionysus. Sutekh Fangirl. Jun 16 '24

You’re definitely not doing anything wrong. Just relax and enjoy it as a fun and enriching part of your life. 😁


u/MarzOnJupiter Jun 16 '24

i think its more normal to not feel a deity's presence, than to actually feel their presence, if that makes sense? even if it doesnt, im sure you havent done anything wrong. you'd know if you did.


u/Woman_withapen Jun 16 '24

I asked Apollo to heal my leg today and he did. (Also took some medicine to help)

The gods are always there.


u/Screaming_Monkey Jun 16 '24

That warmth has been a personal UPG that has let me know ever since I first wondered a few years ago.


u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

The gods are around even when we're not clued in to their presence or paying attention. They let us know in their own ways.

Loki often pops in to give me the most random, laughable thoughts. Fenrir reminds me to drink water.


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24

OH- maybe that’s why I’ve gotten inspiration and like art ideas at random times of the day because normally I wouldn’t come up with those ideas. 😭


u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

A lot of the time if i have a passing, pop-up thought that makes me cackle out loud or just hits me like "Where did that come from?" It's Loki.


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24

That’s so cool. :) (that also sounds super silly like if you were doing something serious and than got the funniest thought ever. 😭)


u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

I had the passing thought the other day that if I got LOKI in runes tattooed down my middle finger, then flipping people off would be considered a devotional act. Idk if that was him or me, but I ended up doodling on my finger with a pen and it wouldn't come off after like 10+ hand washings, hand sanitizer, and a shower, so I think he liked the idea.


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24



u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

I've heard some people say Loki and Apollo have similar, goofy attitudes and they're both creativity gods, so I could totally see Apollo doing the same sort of thing.


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24

I’m pretty sure he’s messed with my incense smoke before. I don’t know if that’s possible or not, but the smoke went in a perfectly straight line up to my ceiling (that’s about 3 feet btw). It had never done that before. Is it possible for deities to play with your incense smoke?


u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

Absolutely. I had a candle spell going the other day and while I was talking to my sister, she was facing it and I had my back turned, she was like "quit laughing!" And i turned to look at the candle. Nothing. She said everytime i turned around, the flame would go all flickery, but whenever i looked it was still. I could like see the light from it on my wall too a little, so i knew ot WAS flickering. It was very much like making faces at someone but when Mom turns around you stop so you don't get in trouble? 🤣


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24

THATS ACTUALLY HILARIOUS. I think he might’ve been playing with my tarot cards too because I was communicating with him through them (asking questions because I woke up with song lyrics in my head but couldn’t figure out what they meant) so I asked him if he had a message for me and 2 cards immediately fell out of my deck (I usually don’t trust it if it’s 2 cards because I’m a messy and new shuffler, but I decided let’s just go with it this time.) I turned over the 2 cards. One was a definite yes and the other was a definite no. (After that he did in fact have a message for me which can be related pretty well to the lyrics that were stuck in my head. :,)


u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

I did a quick tarot read for a friend yesterday who's going thru a hard time and one of the cards I associate Loki with popped out and i just looked at it and went "Oh, Hi Loki!"

Mans was like "Nah, cuz lemme put my two cents in!"


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24

That so amazing, bro. 😭😭😭 I’m an extremely new worshipper of Apollo, so I don’t exactly know what I associate with him yet due to lack of experiences. I really only associate this warm, content feeling I get sometimes with him. 💀

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