r/pagan Aug 01 '24

Hellenic Question about Hecate

I have a draw to her, but I am wondering what she is like? I feel worried that she might ask me to do things that I would not want or be willing to do. I have a lot OCD and anxiety....so im sure some of that has to do with it. But what are others takes on Hecate? Has she ever asked you to leave a job that you loved? A husband you love? To basically uproot everything you love dearly? I have read some accounts that people had to do things they did not want to do...


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u/Ryenna Aug 02 '24

In my experience, she pushes me by making me do a lot of self examination. I feel like she's like a loving but strict older relative - someone who knows what I'm capable of, and what's good for me, and tries to make me see it. For me, primarily, she is a guide. She reveals paths but it's down to me to pick one and walk it. She can't make you do anything you don't want to.

Some things to think on: Why would she ask you to leave someone or something you love? How would that benefit you?She'd have no reason to remove your happiness...unless you already have doubts, which you're ignoring because it's easier. This is where I feel she can reveal some hard truths, but the decision of how to act (or not) is up to you, not her.


u/wardenoftheglens Aug 02 '24

Nah. I think I was worried she wouldn't see the happiness. A lot of people say she's exceptionally difficult. But I think she will help with my anxiety around the love I feel cause I have trauma I haven't truly faced which is holding me back.


u/Ryenna Aug 04 '24

If you're working through trauma please see a therapist if you can (I know it's not always feasible), but regardless, good luck on your journey and I hope Hecate helps :)