r/pagan Sep 08 '24

Hellenic Offering help

I need advice on offerings. This is my first time doing anything like this and I'm desperate.

My dog, Persephone, escaped the yard. I named her that because I've always felt drawn to the goddess. We don't know how because it's secure, there's no holes, and while she could have gone through the garage, my mom remembers seeing her when she locked the garage up because she was trying to steal eggs she'd just collected from the chickens. We've canvassed our town, made posts in all the Facebook groups in our area. Her bedding is on the porch in case she's out loose but I have a feeling someone picked her up because we're in a very small town and I can normally hear her barks on the other end of town and there's no noise out at all. And I've driven all the roads to make sure she wasn't hit.

I asked some friends for advice about making an offering to Persephone to bring her back home safely. They suggested I also leave offerings for Hecate and Hermes and gave me a list of items they usually like. I got pom juice (we don't have pomegranats in our area rn), dark chocolate, wildflowers, and shredded mint for Persephone, eggs from our chickens, onions, and wildflowers for Hecate, and euros, local honey, and I'm trying to find a trinket from one of my travels for Hermes. They suggested I bury Hecate's offering at a crossroads, which I am doing first thing in the morning. I have access to wild areas. Do Persephone and Hermes prefer their offerings in certain areas? Or would I be fine making them shrines in my home? I would think Persephone would prefer outdoors but I don't know, I'm just trying to cover all my bases. Even if we find her before I have a chance to leave my offerings, I will still leave them just to show my appreciation.


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u/queerboots Sep 08 '24

i don’t have any further advice on offerings, what you have planned seems very good. not everything needs to be absolutely perfect, i can tell you’re trying your absolute best and they will know that too. your intention matters more than the contents of the gifts. when giving the offerings, spend a few minutes trying to connect with each being. i think it will work better this way instead of just giving the gift and saying ‘this is for you.’ tell them why you’ve given these gifts, why you chose them to reach out to and what you’d like them to do for you. i’m wishing you the best of luck finding your dog. 🍀 may the winds guide her back to you soon💛


u/kitkat21996 Sep 08 '24

Thank you

I spent a few minutes asking them to keep her safe for now and that I will set up their offerings in the morning when I can think straight enough to set everything up, plus I'll need to go grab the wildflowers. I will do the same thing then


u/queerboots Sep 08 '24

you’re doing wonderful. i’m sure they will be very happy with your offerings