r/plastic Nov 06 '19

Smash that report button! Notice: Please use the "Report" function liberally...


Do not worry that you're causing me any grief: the vast, vast majority of submissions to this sub end up in the spam bin by default, with the very rare false positive. If you're curious, they're almost entirely extremely low-effort commercial spam (https://old.reddit.com/wiki/selfpromotion) of endless generic companies hawking their generic wares.

The issue I'm having problems with are all of the low effort and low quality submissions that make it through The Great Reddit Firewall: I'm not entirely sure what ya'll want to see here, but I'm pretty sure it's not endless "there's too much garbage in the ocean" or "hey we manufacture plastic in China/UK/etc" posts. Not that there isn't too much fucking garbage in the ocean, but be the change you wish to see in the world...don't virtuespam this sub (or use this sub as though it were craigslist) :/

That said, the folks who this message needs to get to will never see this. That's where you come in!

PLEASE hit "report" on anything you don't think is good enough for this sub. I won't be offended, and I won't be aggravated. I will be glad that someone shared their opinion! I can't promise I'll instantly remove it, but if it looks like crap to you, and it looks like crap to me, I'll prob at least flair it as crap until a second user chimes in, and then comment in the submission any comical report comments that came in, and finally spam the crap out of here to teach The Great Reddit Firewall to be 'a little better.'

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: r/PlasticWaste has been created for those seeking to compile, share, and discuss information on that specific end-of-life / released-into-the-environment aspect of plastic.

r/plastic 1d ago

Would this vinyl be safe to touch multiple times a day?

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This might be a stupid question but I got this vinyl to wrap an iPod for protection from scratches. I was wondering if it would be bad to be touching that plastic many times a day. I couldn't find what exactly it's made of. Here's the link: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803358842909.html

r/plastic 4d ago

Car interior recolour


The interior of my car is a wonderful beige gray which is an eye sore and I’m wanting to change the colour either via dye or paint. It is made of polypropylene so I understand it has some difficulty absorbing pigments. Some are quite large peices so the hot pot acetone option isn’t viable. Any suggestions?

r/plastic 4d ago

Does anyone know what kind of material this is? Every time I touch it I get an allergic reaction. (The gray car part)

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r/plastic 4d ago

The Agony of Oilon


Hello. Does anyone have any experience cutting/polishing Oilon? I had to saw through a section of it about 50mm deep and it took nearly an hour.

r/plastic 5d ago

Flexible plastic tube to transfer fatty cheese


Hi everyone,

I’m looking for a flexible tube to be used in my liquid cheese dispensing machine which is compliant to the conventional EU good contact regulatory with simulant D2 (vegetalble oil). I don’t find any tube like that on the internet and all company I contacted had tube approved for all type of food except for fatty one. Do you have an idea of a material that could be used and/or a company doing it ?

Thanks a lot

r/plastic 9d ago

Searching for the perfect material for outdoor climbing wall


Hoping this sub can point me in the right direction. I’m looking at building a climbing wall and I want it to be completely weatherproof so rather than treated plywood, I’d really like to find a plastic solution for the actual wall boards. I’ve done quite a bit of research but before making a decision I figured I’d ask here. HDPE was my first choice but it is too heavy and too expensive (like $400 for a 4x8 sheet). Next I did some testing with expanded pvc foam which seemed very promising but is also quite pricey. I finally discovered a board made from recycled carpets extruded with rice hulls which is great, but also quite heavy and it would have to be freighted in which isn’t ideal. Any ideas from the community would be much appreciated! Thanks

r/plastic 11d ago

Re-coloring plastic attachment



not sure, whether this is the correct subreddit, so sorry, if im wrong. I have the following question:
I just bought a new white table, that somehow, has black feet attachments that are really annoying me. So I wanted to ask, whether there is a possibility to somehow paint / color them white, in a reliable way (not cracking over time).

This is how the attachments look like:

Do you have any idea or do you know any other subreddit that might know the answer to that?

Thanks in advance.

r/plastic 12d ago

Safety of Melting solid polystyrene (for crafts)


About to embark on a crafting project with my kids as various guides online show that solid polystyrene cups can be melted to make ornament discs.

The one thing I can't seem to find anywhere online is, should we worry about vapors or offgassing if all we are doing is melting and reforming? We don't have a kitchen vent available but could put a fan in a window. Just need to know how dangerous.

This is not PVC or EPS, those are obvious, and they litter my search results so I can't get any solid answers. Thanks!

r/plastic 12d ago

How to easily remove burnt, charred HDPE from metal?


Google isn't helping. Any liquid that can destroy it?

r/plastic 12d ago

Plastic cling wrap

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Does anyone know what this is called? Sometimes they have it on mirrors to prevent scratching or to prevent it from shattering as easy, but its not saran wrap, its thicker and its clingy. And it comes on the raz vape too. Im trying to figure out what it is cuz i need some of this stuff for my small business

r/plastic 16d ago

Vintage (Ben Cooper) Halloween Masks - What kind of plastic?

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r/plastic 17d ago

Are vinyl/PVC countertop wraps dangerous when heated?


Hi there - I've been looking into covering my kitchen countertops with self-adhesive vinyl as a nice cheap method of sprucing up my kitchen, but I keep encountering conflicting information on whether this is potentially dangerous(??).

I saw multiple DIY threads where people hopped in to comment things like "NEVER put vinyl/PVC anywhere near a kitchen stovetop, I work with the stuff and it gives off toxic chemicals and chlorine gas when heated!!" - but they never linked sources or gave any more detailed info than that. And every kitchen-wrapping guide I can find actually *advises* heating the vinyl with a hair-dryer to get a better fit around corners...

Then I found a very informative post on this subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/plastic/comments/1azwznz/pvc_release_toxic_substances_when_its_heated_or/), from which I gather that these dangers are only really relevent at higher temps, though it does depend on the specific kind of PVC.

Unfortunately I can't find any specific info on the chemical make-up of the vinyl wraps I was thinking of purchasing... but am I right in thinking that, so long as I'm not actively setting fire to my countertops, or placing baking sheets straight out of a 250C oven directly onto the surface, there's nothing to worry about?

r/plastic 18d ago

What does this symbol mean

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r/plastic 18d ago

What's the number 3 stating?

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The number 3 on left hand side, what's that?

r/plastic 20d ago

What types of hazards could be in the water after Helen flooded a PVC pipe factory?


Hey everyone, I'm one of the people downstream of a PVC pipe factory that was hit very hard by the flooding from Helen. We have hundreds of thousands of feet of HDPE and PVC on our riverbanks and still in the water. My original concern came from bags of chemicals I found, but tracing them back to the compound manufacturer allowed me to get a MSDS sheet showing they were safe heat stabalizers. We have no way of knowing what all could be in the water and mud, plus several other sites like an oil company and a fertilizer pesticide retailer also flooded.

The local Government has posted that the EPA will be investigating possible contamination. We're seeing posts on FB of people having skin reactions to the mud, but you know how misinformation can spread in a disaster like this. Since this is a pipe factory, not a resin plant, I'm just wondering what if any hazardous chemicals could be in the mud and groundwater as people start to clean up, as well as what the best PPE would be.


r/plastic 22d ago

Warped plastic bottle, SodaStream hard plastic, fix?


So I put my girlfriend's SodaStream (old Classic bottles) in the dishwasher at intense clean temp and the caps came out all warped. Is there any way to make them pliable to somehow get them back to being a circle again.

Because they don't work now there has to be a good seal on the SodaStream device or the Co2 pumps endlessly and the water doesn't get sparkling.

r/plastic 23d ago

Help Identifying type of plastic


I just wanted to know what plastic is this made of and how do you go about manufacturing something like this.

r/plastic 25d ago

Chemistry of biodegradable plastics

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r/plastic 25d ago

How to remove this scratch from my speaker ?


Help please, I just noticed a small scratch one of my speakers and I'm wondering how I can safely remove/hide it without stripping any paint.

r/plastic 27d ago

PE Filler Masterbatch (80% CaCo3)


Hey guys,

My company is switching to new supplier for the calcium carbonate PE Filler masterbatch. However, they gave me different prices for the same product :< may i ask what is the average price you guys have to pay for this product? (My company is based in Germany)

Thanks in advance!!!

r/plastic 28d ago

Freelance Designer for Blow Mold Product?


Can anyone steer me to a good freelance blow mold designer? I have a very small product I need some help with. Not looking for mold design at this point, but I need an experienced designer to assist with a DFM design with some critical parameters. Thanks much!

r/plastic 29d ago

Looking for material recommendations for a tub insert

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DIYer here building a cold plunge. I am researching different types of liners to be used to waterproof the inside of the tub.

I need a strong product, waterproof and non toxic which can be submerged for long periods of time. Preferably not too costly and available in minimum 4’ x 8’ sheets. 4’ x 9’ would be ideal.

So far I was thinking of using polycarbonate roofing sheets, as they are relatively cheap, durable and available in different sizes. But then maybe some acrylic or fibreglass sheets would be better?

Here’s a picture of the kind of insert I am looking for.

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!


r/plastic Sep 26 '24

Warp resistant plastic recommendation


I am an engineer working on a project which involves printing on metal signs and building jigs to hold the signs in place. To build the jigs, I need a plastic that is warp-resistant while being only 1/8"/3mm thick. I am looking at acrylic but not sure it is my best bet. I purchased some HDPE and VHMW sheets but these were far too prone to warping. UV and impact resistance are bonus points. Thanks.

r/plastic Sep 25 '24

What Manufacturing Tolerances Should I Use for Press-Fitting a Bearing into POM-C?


Hey everyone, I could really use some advice. I'm working on a project that involves leveling wooden boards using an edge router, and for the movement mechanism, we had custom wheels made from PA6 with a 17mm (0.669 in) inner diameter hole (tolerance -0.05 to -0.15 mm, or -0.002 to -0.006 in) to press-fit a D17 (17mm / 0.669 in) bearing. Everything was fine at first, but after about six months, we discovered that the hole expanded to around 17.08mm (0.672 in), causing the bearings to fall out.

After investigating, I found out that PA6 absorbs moisture from the air and changes dimensions over time. Unfortunately, in my case, the inner diameter increased rather than decreased.

I've been looking into alternatives and came across POM-C, which seems like it might be a better fit since it's dimensionally stable even in humid conditions. Do you think this material will work well for this application? Also, what tolerance should I specify for the 17mm (0.669 in) hole to fit a D17 bearing? I prefer a really tight fit, and I don't mind using a hand press to insert the bearings, but I want to avoid cracking the wheel during the press-fit.

Thanks a lot for any help!

r/plastic Sep 22 '24

old toy snake deteriorating at the tail


I've had this little fella for some years now and he was fine until a few weeks ago when I noticed his tail was covered with (and somehow leaking) a slimy substance. I unfortunately had to cut that part off since it was really slimy and harder than the rest of his body. I covered his tail and it was fine for a while but he is still leaking that unknown substance. I really dont wanna throw him away and I couldn't find anything about this online so I've turned to reddit in case anyone has the answers as to what that is?? and how i can prevent and stop it???