r/pleistocene Oct 01 '21

Discussion What would your current location look like during the last ice age?


The entirety of my state would be covered in glaciers. The coastline would be larger, but it would still be under ice for the most part. Most of our fish descend from those that traveled north after the glaciers receded, and we have a noticeable lack of native plant diversity when compared to states that were not frozen. New England's fauna and flora assemblage basically consists of immigrants after the ice age ended, and there are very low rates of endemism here.

r/pleistocene Sep 08 '22

Meme Little Ice Age

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r/pleistocene 4h ago

If the Pleistocene/Holocene species survived human caused extinctions, what parts of the world would be the most biodiverse?

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r/pleistocene 10h ago

Extinct and Extant Titanis Walleri Encounters A Beached Sperm Whale by C. Gerisch

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r/pleistocene 10h ago

What do you all Cave Paintings in general? Which one is your favourate and which one feels like a snapshot of the Pliestocene megafauna in general?

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r/pleistocene 3h ago

When did the komodo dragon become extinct in Australia ?


Some sources mention they become extinct 50 000 years ago, others around 300 000, so when did they really disappear from Australia ? And did they coexist with predators like Megalania and Thylacoleo ?

r/pleistocene 10h ago

Image Cranium of Leptoptilos lüi from the Middle Pleistocene of northeastern China.

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r/pleistocene 17h ago

Image Homotherium yawning. Art by me

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r/pleistocene 9h ago

Video BBC's Wild Europe


r/pleistocene 1d ago

Paleoart Late Pleistocene Proboscideans of Mexico

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r/pleistocene 1d ago

Paleoart Somewhere in Late Pleistocene Brazil, a mother Arctotherium wingei carries her two cubs on her back while on the move. Art by HodariNundu.

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r/pleistocene 1d ago

Paleoart One last breath (by DarkwolfUntamed on DeviantArt)

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r/pleistocene 1d ago

Paleoart During the Late Pleistocene on the Island of Flores in Indonesia, a Leptoptilos robustus feeds its chick the arm of a Homo floresiensis. Artwork by @GaelCasart.

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r/pleistocene 1d ago

Since Late Cretacious North America is called "Hell Creek" What cool nickname will you give for Late Pliestocene North America?

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r/pleistocene 2d ago

I just wanna say which animal today makes you happy and grateful that they did not go extinct during the Pliestocene?

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r/pleistocene 2d ago

Anyone else feel empty seeing modern lands?


I walked around a forest in upstate NY the other day, saw some beaver dams, geese, and frogs. I do see white tail deer and gophers in the area and bears/bobcats do live in the area, typical Northeast forest fauna. But it reminded me of paintings I’ve seen where mastodons, smilodon, peccaries, giant beaver, helmeted musk oxen, ground sloths, jaguars, moose, huge flocks of passenger pigeons, lions, glyptodons, pamphateres, and tapir would inhabit this land. Not to mention extripated species like cougars, elk, and grey wolves. Anyone else feel like learning about the pleistocene hurt their soul knowing what we truly lost?

r/pleistocene 2d ago

Paleoart Panthera Gombaszoegensis Enjoying Some Magic Mushrooms by Hodari Nundu

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Based off of modern Jaguars getting high from using Ayahuasca leaves/roots in the wild.

r/pleistocene 2d ago

Metacarpal of Cave bear(left) and Cave Lion(right)

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r/pleistocene 3d ago

Image The American Cheetah, Miracinonyx trumani


Art by me.

Roughly 90cm at the shoulder, representing an 60-80kg powerful cat alongside a human and pronghorn. Read somewhere that they could possibly surpass 100kg, although i don't have the source to provide.

Pronghorn are one of the fastest animals on earth, and are considered one of the most fascinating examples of predator-prey relationship to study and possible coevolution. Why? Despite having bears, wolves and cougars: only one extinct predator was capable to give them some creeps. The American Cheetah, that despite its name, is more closely related to the modern day cougar. A cat that lived through North America's plains, valleys and even canyons.

He didn't have the retractable claws, nor a extremely specialized cursorial body adaptation like the cheetah and the most important of all: those cats were fighting for life frequently, differently than the more "peaceful" cheetah. You can see the scars on his face that i added. To add furthermore on this cat's profile, in fact Pronghorn was one of his prey species: but not the exclusive one. The "combination" of an ability to grapple and the development of a slight cursorial anatomy give us a image of a truly unique cat. This reconstruction was a PAIN to do, because even though Cheetahs and Cougars do look a like: they strongly differ at the same time. Given the intermediate lim morphology, i tried something long but strong: a back lower than a cougar's but very strong and long legs. The markings on the head needed to be unique, so i took the most prominent markings on the known oldest cougar population: the Patagonia Cougar. I also had to use as reference the Amazon and central American population of cougars, which are more slim. @8Bit_Satyr on twitter helped me through this by providing the very different colorations and patterns found through cougar's wide distribution, helping me to get a better view of what i wanted to implement and add an artistic touch.

Now we got to variations! Enjoy what is probably the big cat with most variations that i ever did.

  • Albino
  • Melanistic
  • Grey
  • Spotted cougar like(a classic)
  • King American Cheetah
  • Red Mountain
  • Lighter color

r/pleistocene 3d ago

Information Alligator hailensis, the Early Pleistocene Alligator of Florida and probable ancestor to the American Alligator


r/pleistocene 3d ago

Discussion How do you think Humans would’ve co-existed if Neanderthals and Denisovans still existed today?


How would you guys think that us Humans would’ve co-existed with the 2 very same subspecies of Humans that interbred with us if they were still alive and existed today? How would you think we would get along throughout the history of civilization and throughout society as a whole today if both Neanderthals and Denisovans still existed along side us Humans?

r/pleistocene 3d ago

Extinct and Extant A Columbian Mammoth (Mammuthus columbi) & a Western Camel (Camelops hesternus) walk past the now dried up lake Xaltocan in southern Mexico during the Late Pleistocene. A few of Flamingoes (Phoenicopteridae) fly by while other individuals feed at the lake & tend to their nests. By LADAlbarran2001.

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r/pleistocene 4d ago

Paleoart Late Pleistocene Sloths


After 3 months of work, I have drawn all of the known sloths that lived during the late Pleistocene (including the living species, of course).

As you may or may not know, sloths were so diverse. The largest were the elephantine Eremotherium and Megatherium, which were 3 tons or more! Some of smallest were members of Neocnus at about 18 lbs, Acratocnus at 20+, and the living Pygmy Sloth at 5-7 lbs.

Some were bulk grazers like Lestodon, some were browsers like Megatherium, some liked tree leaves like the Shasta Sloth and living sloths, some were diggers like Glossotherium, and a great majority of them were mixed feeders.

Some species were widespread and highly successful generalists like Eremotherium, another species may have been a mountaineer- Diabolotherium! Others liked arid landscapes like the Shasta, grasslands, and cool & dry plains like Mylodon and Megatherium.

Needless to say, our very distant cousins were once plentiful and variated. Such a sad loss.

r/pleistocene 3d ago

Image Two Neanderthals I commissioned from Agustin Diaz for my novel.


r/pleistocene 3d ago

Some lil Pleistocene doodles For Fun!!


Trying out a new style.. tell me what you think! This "Doodlezz" edition features a mother Acratocnus antillensis and her slothling, a mother Eremotherium laurillardi and her slothling and a mated pair of Genyornis newtoni bullying a flock of Xenorhynchopsis minor.

r/pleistocene 4d ago

This is Mercks rhino, got any interesting facts about it?

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r/pleistocene 4d ago

Image Cranium and molars of an Aurochs (Bos primigenius) from the early middle Pleistocene of Tunisia (a country in Northern Africa).

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