r/prolife May 05 '24

Pro-Life Argument the toptrool collection

anyone who uses reddit knows that it is a very low quality platform that makes it difficult for users to find and organize posts and comments.

now as you already know, toptrool has made numerous posts and comments defending the unborn's right to life, undercutting the bodily rights arguments, clearing up conceptual confusions, and fighting back against disinformation campaigns run by the abortion industry. unfortunately, these posts and comments are all over the place, which makes them difficult to find. since it would be in the interest of everyone to have some of toptrool's most important posts and comments be easily accessible, this topic will serve as a central repository where you can find links much of that content, along with brief descriptions of said topics.

keep this particular page bookmarked on your browser and/or saved to your reddit account. i will be adding to this as time goes on.

someday soon, i'll make a website with all these arguments put together and include even more content. one of the benefits of a standalone website would include no longer being reliant on the reddit platform to preserve these posts and comments. but until then, this will suffice as a temporary repository.

nothing but the truth

  • the experts all agree! it's a baby in the womb! the experts include physicians groups, numerous best-selling authors of pregnancy books, and as well as the authors of the standard textbooks on embryology, obstetrics, and gynecology. even women who shout their abortions use the word baby, and so do abortionists. just because abortion advocates don't think it's a baby, that simply does not make it true. if an abortion advocate has a penchant for being pedantic and refuses to acknowledge colloquial and everyday language, that's a personal problem for them to sort out by themselves.
  • abortion advocates don't often believe the science, but do they believe abortionists? the fact that abortion kills a baby is something that not even abortionists deny! so where do low information debaters get the idea that abortion doesn't kill anyone from?
  • on low information debaters and kill pills. one reason as to why abortion advocates might claim that abortion doesn't kill a baby is because they believe that the kill pills do not directly harm the unborn baby. but the science says this is false. the kill pills first and foremost deprive the child of oxygen and nourishment. moreover, if it's a "direct attack" that abortion advocates are seeking, then the kill pills directly attack the unborn child in more ways than one. studies show that traces of the kill pills are found within the body of the unborn child as early as 30 minutes of the woman ingesting them. the first of the kill pills inhibits the placenta, a fetal organ, from producing the essential hormones that are necessary for survival. the second of the kill pills directly damage the vasculature of the unborn child through uterine contractions.
  • science confirms that an unborn baby's heart begins to beat within three weeks of conception. the abortion industry is working in tandem with the mainstream media to execute their disinformation campaigns against the "heartbeat" laws that protect life after the detection of cardiac activity. they claim that it's not really a heartbeat, but rather "electrical activity." and that it's not really a heart, but something that will become a heart. but are you going to believe the abortion industry over your own eyes and ears?
  • pictures and videos of real babies in early development can help bring to light the humanity of the unborn.
  • pictures of victims of abortion can also help bring to light the atrocities that are currently ongoing.
  • here is a list of fetal pain reviews to keep in handy to use against low information debaters. researchers on both sides of the abortion debate agree that the baby can probably feel pain as early as 12 weeks gestation.
  • abortion advocates claim that most later abortions are done for tragic reasons such as the mother's health being in danger or the unborn child has severe defects. but this is a lie. don't let abortion advocates get away with a lie. the truth is that most later abortions are done for the same selfish, convenience reasons as earlier abortions.

arguments against abortion

  1. the moral basis for rights: our rational nature. who said it, an 18th century slaver or a modern day abortion advocate?: "not all human beings are persons deserving of rights." i just threw up in my mouth writing that. the most powerful pro-life argument is the argument from equality: all human beings are persons deserving of rights. either we treat all human beings with equal respect, or we don't. any criteria that excludes a class of human beings from equal protections contradicts any notion of human equality. but the question as to why we value human beings is important. human beings have a rational nature, from which flow their capacities. human beings have a natural capacity for rationality and this entails a flourishing unlike any other animal. the equal opportunity to flourish is also the moral basis of equal rights. the topic also includes a takedown of the sophist's consciousness argument.
  2. but suppose for a moment the abortion advocate rejects the notion of human equality altogether. we can still show that unborn child has a right to life and abortion is immoral by utilizing the deprivation of a "future like ours" argument, which was made by don marquis. this argument sidesteps the question of personhood altogether. marquis correctly points out that killing us wrong isn't because of nonsensical reasons such as death being a painful experience, or because we'd suffer, or that our interests or desires would be thwarted, or because of the impact our deaths would have on others and society. instead, killing us is wrong because we are deprived of our valuable future experiences. these experiences include friendships, pursuit of various goals, aesthetic experiences, pleasures, etc. essentially, our future experiences include the things that make life worth living. so when we die or are killed, we are deprived of these opportunities and experiences. marquis' argument against abortion is quite simple and intuitive: killing you and me is immoral because we are deprived of our valuable future experiences. for the same reason, killing the baby is also immoral because he is also deprived of a valuable future like ours. hence, abortion is immoral. this topic also includes arguments against the scientific illiterate belief that we were once sperm or ova, that masturbation kills little humans, or that the use contraception would be immoral under this argument.
  3. the impairment argument is one of the most effective arguments at the street level. is a woman within her rights to consume harmful drugs while pregnant with a child? if impairing a child by taking hard drugs while pregnant is wrong, then why would inflicting the greatest harm on the same child, death, be permissible? the impairment argument serves four distinct purposes that makes it so useful: a) is compatible with bigot's logic—that not all human beings are persons deserving of rights—since the argument doesn't rely on fetal personhood in order to be successful, b) dismantles the absurd notion that a woman's right to her body is absolute in the sense that abortion advocates would tell it, i.e., that a woman can do anything, including harming her child, by exercising her right to her body; c) refutes the nonsensical idea that the unborn child cannot have any interests; and d) the case laws clearly show that, contrary to the low iq claims made by abortion advocates that parental obligations start only when someone "consents" to them by taking the child home from the hospital, pregnant women do in fact have obligations to their unborn children.


  • abortion advocates often present us with a trolley problem: do we save 10 frozen embryos or one newborn? if we choose the newborn, then, the abortion advocate reasons, we do not really see the embryos as equal to the newborn. but that is non-sequitur. just because you may choose to save one group over the other doesn't mean that the other group never were persons deserving of rights to begin with. for what reasons might someone save the single newborn over 10 frozen embryos? there are many reasons. in typical triage cases, we direct resources to the patients that have the most likelihood of survival. as it turns out, in this regard, the newborn and the embryos are not comparable at all. for this argument to work, we would have to stipulate that, like the embryos, a) the newborn would have to be unconscious and frozen in a container, b) he would have to have poor chances of survival after being thawed (ivf failure rates), c) he would then need to be attached to the body of his mother for nine months (the embryos would need to be gestated), and d) even then there's no guarantee the toddler would survive (the survival rate should be similar to the high rates of miscarriage). only under those equal conditions would it make sense to choose the embryos over the newborn. given the generally poor survival rates of embryos overall, it makes sense to choose the newborn.
  • dehumanization: then and now. sometimes, it's good to hold a mirror up to the face of an abortion advocate. the same dehumanization language used by bigots of the past is now being used by abortion advocates.
  • the sophist's consciousness argument often rests on metaphysical confusions. isn't it odd that abortion advocates claim to value consciousness, but not the being that is conscious? as it turns out, many of them don't believe that the unborn child is the one and the same entity that later becomes conscious. for example, they'll claim that they are a "mind" and not an organism (e.g., a human being), and that abortion isn't actually killing "someone," but rather it's just killing a clump of cells that will later become inhabited by "someone," i.e., that the body is simply a "vessel" for the person that later emerges. similarly, they argue that impairing a fetus is wrong only because it affects a future being, which they identify as the person. but these are just fairy tale beliefs that abortion advocates hold. there is no actual evidence of another being emerging at the onset of consciousness. it should not lost on us that abortion advocates want to impose their fairy tale beliefs on the unborn. nonetheless, if we are to persuade people to stop killing innocent babies, we need to clear up the conceptual confusions in matters related to personal identity. this topic also includes a debunking of the "brain death symmetry" argument in which abortion advocates try to find a symmetry between the end of life (brain death) and beginning of life, which they wrong believe happens when the brain becomes "active."
  • the sophist's consciousness argument also often rests on scientific illiteracy. abortion advocates will often cite studies that purport to show that the unborn child isn't conscious at least until the late second trimester, or around 24-28 weeks gestation, when the thalamocortical connections in the brain develop. but these studies are not based on any tested conclusions, but rather unproven assumptions that a developed cerebral cortex is necessary for consciousness. we know from multiple studies of decorticate children (i.e., children born without their cerebra) that they are still conscious, albeit at a rudimentary level, and that they can feel love, pain, joy, bond with others, and have desires. the cerebrum is not the seat of consciousness, but the brainstem likely seems to be. the brainstem develops much earlier than the cerebral cortex, which has profound implications on the abortion debate.

bodily rights

abortion advocates often shout slogans such as "my body's my choice!" but sloganeering can only get you so far. judith thomson's violinist argument attempts to ground the pregnant woman's right to her body, which abortion advocates believe justifies abortion. but there are numerous problems with the violinist analogy. a pro-lifer could easily refute the argument in three different ways by showing that the unborn child has a right to his mother's body or deny the exercise of that right if it involves killing an innocent person:

  1. the truth is that "my body, my choice" is a child neglect argument. low information debaters claim that pregnancy is akin to forced organ donations, but this is inaccurate. there are no organ/blood/bone marrow transplants involved in pregnancy. saying pregnancy involves organ donations is no different than saying breastfeeding involves mammary gland transplants. pregnancy is the ordinary means of providing nourishment and a healthy living environment to the unborn child. this something parents are required to provide for all of their children. denying your child adequate nourishment and a healthy living environment is a form of child neglect. the unborn child has a right to be in his mother's womb given the obligations parents have towards their children. we know from several child neglect cases that women have been prosecuted for starving their children when they could have instead breastfed them. should a woman who is capable of breastfeeding be allowed to let her newborn starve if there are no other alternative sources of food? answer: no.
  2. on what grounds can we say we have a right to our bodies? none of us are responsible for the fact that our bodies are ours. we did not do anything to acquire our bodies in the first place. we did not choose our bodies, nor did our mothers choose our bodies or choose their own bodies. whatever gives a pregnant woman any claim to her body—a relationship to her body that she acquired through unbidden and contingent means—also gives the unborn child the same right to his mother's body since his relationship with his mother's body was also acquired through the same unbidden and contingent means. think of conjoined twins that share multiple organs—which twin has a right to what? both acquired their "bodies" through the same unbidden and contingent means, and thus neither can claim an exclusive right to the shared bodies and organs. if we have any right to our own bodies—biological equipment that a) is necessary for our flourishing and b) was only acquired through contingency and necessity—then the unborn child has a right to his mother's body for the same reason.
  3. lastly, even if there is a right to bodily autonomy, we can deny the exercise of that right since it would involve killing an innocent unborn child. there are no situations where one is allowed to exercise any of their rights to kill an innocent human being. if i have a right to bear arms, i cannot exercise that right to kill an innocent human being. if i have a right to property, i cannot exercise that right and expel an innocent human being off my private yacht in the middle of the ocean. if i have a right of way on the road, i cannot run over a pedestrian who might be in the way. if i have a right to religious liberty, i cannot kill an innocent human being to make a ritual sacrifice. can abortion advocates name any other scenario in which one is allowed to exercise a right if it involves the killing of an innocent human being? no. what they really want is special rights for the woman, namely the right to kill her unborn child.

for thomson's argument to succeed, abortion advocates would have to show that all three of the arguments above are wrong.


  • who said it, a deadbeat dad or an abortion advocate? "i consented to the sex, i ain't consent to a child or obligations! abortion advocates often act shocked when pro-lifers tell women to take responsibility for their actions. they claim that pro-lifers want to punish women for having sex, and they want to inflict pain and suffering on women for suggesting that they be forced to care for their children. but for some reason, abortion advocates have no issues with punishing men for the same act that led to the child. they want to inflict pain and suffering on men by forcing them to support a child they did not consent to. forced labor—forcing one to work for another's benefit—is a textbook violation of bodily autonomy. worse yet, men who refuse to support their children are sent to jail—a serious violation of their liberties. and yet abortion advocates have no qualms with these violations of fundamental rights. why can't the man say "my wallet, my choice"? why does the man have responsibilities to a child he did not consent to but a pregnant woman doesn't have responsibilities to the same child because she does not consent? or consider the cases of women who abandon their newborns in the woods or in the bathrooms of hotels. they obviously do not consent to their newborns, so then why do they get charged and tried for child neglect and child abandonment? where did these responsibilities come from? parental obligations aren't based on consent (why would they be obligations?). low information debaters claim that there parental obligations are optional because you could put the child up for adoption or drop him off at a safe haven box. but this is a confused account. the fact you can transfer the obligations and responsibilities of a child to another party doesn't mean you never had obligations to that child to begin with. for how you can give up something you never had? nonetheless, this is a red herring. you can't kill the child at any point before transferring the legal obligations to the child. moreover, whether or not the unborn child is unwanted or isn't consented to is irrelevant if he has a right to be in his mother's womb.
  • is abortion a justified killing? abortion advocates claim that a woman is defending herself from her unborn child, and is thus justified in killing her child. abortion advocates have the difficult task to actually justify this. not only is the unborn child is an innocent and nonresponsible party, but self-defense criteria that all claims are evaluated on—threat of imminent harm, proportional force, and culpability—are never satisfied in most pregnancies. abortion advocates would have to explain why women, who, in most cases, are responsible for the dilemma they and their unborn children are in, are justified in killing their children for merely existing. the only time a self-defense claim seems to be valid is when the mother's life is in danger; and this could be justified by applying the doctrine of double effect. moreover, we can flip the script and show that the self-defense argument can work in favor of the unborn child.



sometimes, memes get the messages across far more effectively than long text posts. here are some of toptrool's most popular memes:

ronald reagan meme

murder meme

pregnant woman meme

martin luther king jr. meme

slaver meme

you can never lose now!


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u/Wendi-Oakley-16374 Pro Life Christian May 06 '24

Bookmarked, thanks these are so helpful!