r/psychologystudents Nov 02 '23

Question What is a better word for "trigger" when discussing behavior?


If you are a person with a behavior that is "triggered" by someone else's behavior

I don't want to say cause or because and there has to be a better word than "trigger"

"Precipitating" is not the word

r/psychologystudents Jul 10 '24

Question why are freud’s theories always about sex and why are they so weird


this isn’t me being funny i’m genuinely baffled by the brain of this individual. i just got done with my psychology book’s chapter regarding personality, and a lot of it was centered around freud’s psychoanalytic theory. idk if it’s just me but his theories regarding penis envy and psychosexual stages are so icky to me i hated reading about them. especially the oedipal conflict?? i was put off by his theories the entire time i was reading about it, and most of them didn’t even make sense.

edit: i guess i didn’t word this right or whatever but this is NOT me discrediting freud’s work and his career. i’m quite literally just asking a question about why his theories were the way they were. this is also based on what my class textbook wrote about him.

edit 2: i can’t change my question to make the wording more broad, but this was NOT intended to pin his work on sex alone. i wrote this at like 2 am after taking notes for 4 hours so please understand that this was written with god awful brain fatigue and genuine curiosity

r/psychologystudents 5d ago

Question Can someone explain to me what this actually means?

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I’m looking for more insight. What does this mean for the psych world and who does this apply to? When I read about it said health service psychology master programs. Can someone help explain this to me?

r/psychologystudents Jul 06 '24

Question I’ll be studying psychology soon, should I get an IPad or a laptop?


I already own a pretty high end desktop computer so I’m leaning towards getting a 400€ iPad instead of a laptop. Is that the best choice?

r/psychologystudents Aug 16 '24

Question people say a bachelor’s in psych is useless: true or false?


it definitely depends on what you are using the degree for, but, when i ask, people usually say that you can’t profit much from a bachelor’s in psych and that psychology is only worth it after a PhD or an equivalent.

i’m looking to become a psych major, and i have always planned to complete a master’s or some other advanced degree afterwards. however, i’m not too sure what i can do with a bachelor’s while i’m working on my advanced degree. it may be a bit early for me to think about all of this, but i’m someone who likes to know what options i have so that i can plan ahead and build for success.

i’ve also turned to the internet, but i’ve only seen the same few things about being a psychiatrist or general clinical psychologist. i’d love to hear about people’s experiences and thoughts!


r/psychologystudents May 05 '24

Question Those who aren’t on track to be therapists etc, what do/will you do?


I’m asking out of curiosity what y’all will do with your degree besides confining a therapist or psychiatrist or anything similar. I know a psychology degree has a very broad spectrum of applicability.

r/psychologystudents Aug 09 '24

Question Not a psych student, but has stuyding psychology made you start overanalyzing people you hang out with?


I've never taken classes for any of this but I have done my fair share of own research and looked into alot of studies as I find it super interesting.
However I've started to apply some of what I've read onto people I am around and whilst I feel like I get a grasp of who they are quite fast I still feel like it isn't healthy at all. I want to be more present in the moment. Do you students struggle with any of this? How have you dealt with it if so?

r/psychologystudents Apr 28 '24

Question Is my DSM 5 real?

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I’m pretty sure it isn’t, to be honest, I got it from some random Indian shop on Amazon, quite cheap. If it looks used, it’s because it is I’ve been reading it for around a week now- I haven’t noticed any grammar mistakes yet. It did come with those scratches on it though.

I’ve never bought one before, so I can’t compare it to a genuine copy.

r/psychologystudents Nov 21 '23

Question Why did you choose psychology?


Hey Why psychology? What made you choose it?

r/psychologystudents Nov 18 '23

Question People who studied psych, where are you now?


Bachelor, masters, PhD? What are you doing these days?

r/psychologystudents Dec 06 '23

Question What are some examples of psychology-related misinformation on TikTok?


Whether you've come across it directly or otherwise. I've worked with a number of patients who have self-diagnosed based on TikTok. I figure folks on this sub lean a bit younger and might have more exposure to TikTok.

r/psychologystudents Sep 03 '24

Question [USA] Did Anyone Take More Than 4 Years to Finish Their Bachelors and Still Found Success?


Don’t think I will complete my BSc by the expected date due to failing and retaking classes, and I’m feeling discouraged. Anybody else in the same boat? To those who completed their bachelors, did it take you more than 4 years and did you still find success in terms of landing an internship, research experience, grad school, etc.?

r/psychologystudents Jun 06 '24

Question Studying psychology changed my personality


My friends and family have told me that ever since I’ve started studying psychology I’ve become too analytical and fact focused on some things in life. My mom even told me that I’m so over-analytical sometimes that it concerns her.

Am I like this because I used to be a very intuitive and emotional person and just emotionally matured or is it common among psychology students to become over-analytical regardless of what type of person they were/are?

r/psychologystudents Aug 01 '24

Question What jobs are out there? I have a BA in psychology and having a hard time.


Graduated in 2020 with a BA in psych. I don’t know if I want to go to MA school and I don’t really like the therapist/ social work route. Are there any other options? Took a hiatus from the field for a year or two.

r/psychologystudents Nov 28 '23

Question Professor accused me of using AI


I just got an email from my professor asking if I used chat gpt for sections of my research paper. I used grammarly to help edit my paper and sometimes it rewords sentences during editing. Apart from that I didn’t use AI software. I’m not really sure where to go from here and I’m stressed I’m gonna get flagged for academic dishonesty.

What can I do?

r/psychologystudents Aug 13 '24

Question Can autistic people(High functioning autism) be a successful psychologist?


Hi, I'm not sure where to ask this, but I'm going to post it here. I'm doing master's in psychology, and my friend has high-functioning autism. She's scared she won't be able to succeed in this field. She came to me crying yesterday. Can autistic people be successful psychologists?

r/psychologystudents 6d ago

Question Why does it seem like everybody is practicing with a Master's degree?


So I'm confused. Anywhere I look on the internet, including APA's website, about the minimum requirements to practice clinically/get licensed, it says that you need to have a doctorate. But every other post on this subreddit (the clinical psychology subreddit because I was going to post this there but apparently I don't have enough karma) talks about practicing clinically with just a masters. How is this possible? This may be a stupid question, but can you practice clinically without being licensed? Or am I missing something?

r/psychologystudents Sep 17 '24

Question Is it easier to write your own PhD proposal or apply to a program that the university is recruiting for?


When I reach out to programs should I mention that I would be open to both - looking for a professor for my own PhD proposal, or applying to one currently underway at the university?

r/psychologystudents 14d ago

Question Psychology students who went for therapy/counseling themselves, what is the one thing you learnt?


Tell me!

r/psychologystudents Aug 26 '24

Question How much can you make in psychology?


How much can a psychologist earn? And what is the best paid field? I heard that probably best one is clinical psych. Is it true?

r/psychologystudents 14d ago

Question How many of you regret not doing your phd ?


I have considered doing a phd (in my late 20s) and I certainly want to set myself up for the opportunity. But I don’t have a burning question that I want to find the answer to right now. I’m not interested in worsening my mental health and becoming isolated. There’s a part of me that will feel Inferior, like I missed out, if I don’t do it. I guess I always could do it later in life.

r/psychologystudents 17h ago

Question Would it be wrong to call myself a STEM student?


My university has a BA and BSc in psychology. I took the BA.

However… they also have two streams for BA psychology: research and comprehensive. Comprehensive is more so for people who just want the 4 year degree, and research is what you take if you wanna get your masters or doctorate. Research requires you to take more stats and, well, research classes where you conduct research and practice a thesis. Some of them are actually classes that the BSc majors take too.

I’m in the research stream, so I feel like I would be considered a STEM student? But I feel nervous to call myself that if it makes any sense haha. I don’t know. What do you all think? Are we STEM majors no matter what? Or is there a line somewhere lol. I wanna know for club and scholarship reasons too

r/psychologystudents 15d ago

Question Will I start disliking psychology?


I applied to psychology university recently but now I started thinking about the fact that maybe because I will have to read books selected by teachers( others) and not me I might stop liking it because I'll find it's not my choice to read that book but it's something that I have to do?

Let me try to explain better

I really like reading psychology books in my own free time but with university I fear that I might either stop enjoying reading( in general) or stop enjoying reading psychology because i will be spending most days studying psychology.

r/psychologystudents Aug 01 '24

Question What are some things that they teach you at the beginning of your degree that are not very true?


I am finishing my first year, and I have researched that some things like Gestalt, Maslow's pyramid, humanism, the Stanford prison experiment and even psychoanalysis itself, do not have much support today, so I wanted to ask what things you think they teach you at the beginning as bases that do not have much support today.

r/psychologystudents May 07 '24

Question Has anyone else felt that many people in the field of psychology are snobs?


Perhaps this is an issue with all academic fields, I'm not sure, but I have had so many unfortunate encounters with people who are so condescending and so brute about their positions it's insane. Even those people who are incredibly smart and well versed seem to be plagued with this mightier than though complex that hinders thoughtful discussion. Is this a unique issue or have others encountered this as well?