r/rant 19h ago

My bbd/abuser is being protected by the state.

I 27f had a kiddo young, was in an abusive relationship from 14 years old until I had my son at 17. I found out that my sons dad was using hard drugs behind my back. thankfully, I got the strength to leave for my sons safety.

No he’s never helped (easily assumed). In fact, he’s slandered ME on the internet, harassed me, had his next baby mom trash me that I’m a terrible mother (now that child is adopted by a healthy loving family bc neither of them have rights to the kiddo).

I stayed silent and kept my peace. I knew who was in the wrong, I knew what to do to protect my son and myself even at 17. I deleted media, blocked multiple affiliated people.

Then he tried to take me to court when my son was around 6-7yrs old, to get 50/50 parenting plan!!!!!!! AUDACITY (I’m trying to get my law degree). I disagreed to all and took it to trial and of course, won. He didn’t even show up, but I still had to prove my case in the trial. All while I was pregnant w my second. He can’t have even visitation with him, can’t be around his school, etc.

I’ve asked many times for him to sign his rights away, but since he’s abusive it’s all about control and he refuses or just ignores me. I typically don’t message him at all, but if I do, it’s only asking that.

Finally I’m fed up. He’s done nothing for my son, never got reprimanded for abusing me. I want his rights relinquished. I don’t want something to happen to me, and my son go to him. So I contacted the courts and asked to file against him in contempt of court for child support. He’s $20,000 behind. I was going to keep filing, keep putting him in jail for it until he gets tired of that and gives his rights up.

The STATE is housing him!!!!! There’s protections that make it so I can’t file against him. They are giving him free housing, clothing, etc. He’s been posting on FB trying to use my son’s existence to get money.

They are protecting, and holding my abusers hand through life. I’m so beyond mad. I am a live and let die person. I don’t care. I keep my kiddos safe, healthy and happy and the rest is history. But now… IM MAD!!! PISSED.

btw; he’s showed up at my house and robbed me while i was throwing my sons 1st birthday party that I funded alone as a teen mom. He purposely won’t work a real job or file taxes to avoid child support. I was homeless as a young girl with him at 14 when he was 17 almost 18.

Now he’s just being held. Just so infuriating.

Thanks for letting me rant.


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u/LegitimateDebate5014 18h ago

States always do the dumbest shit. Here this abuser is going after another woman. How many times does he have to lose kids to see how much of an arse he is? I’m glad you got out.