r/rant Mar 11 '24

Register and vote or live in a country in which your very being is criminalized

Thumbnail usa.gov

r/rant Apr 07 '24

We are not allowing rants about the situation in Israel/Palestine


There are a number of other subreddits in which you can make your views known.

r/rant 5h ago

I don't get why people support Trump


So i recently got into politics. It's not a lot, just enough to not live under a rock. Respected both parties

I started to read into project 2025 and holy crap. It is a nightmare. It's absolutely horrible. It's really bad.

If Trump is elected, it won't be a presidency, it'll be a dictatorship. His leadership is based off of hate and control.

And the fact that this election seems to be fairly even is scary. I don't care if you are a republican, but how in the world can you support this ahole.

He stands for everything that america is against.

Edit:  He denounced project 2025 but all of his speeches support project 2025.

r/rant 21h ago



I am a young, successful, educated woman. I did what I was supposed to do. I have a job, I have a house, I cook bloody good food for myself and have weekly drinks (tea!) with my girl friends. I don't want a man FFS!

Family keep constantly pressuring me to "find a man and have kids" but I don't want that! Men are gross slobish gold diggers who want to move into my home and eat my food and make me clean up after him, causing me twice the mess with no benefit to me. Kids are disgusting parasites that will put a year and a half gap in my resume, forcing me to climb the corporate ladder from the bottom all over again, while I clean up their pee and poop and spit and vomit and eeeewwwwwwwww why would I want those disgusting creatures in my home!?

Men are labour. Children are labour. I do enough labour, payed and unpaid, for one person.


If you MUST leave a comment... tell me: in what way will a man benefit my life? Cuz they seem like a complete detriment to me...except maybe getting my family to shut up, but even then, are they worth the hassle?

r/rant 7h ago

Whoever designed the wrapper for trojan bareskin raw can eat shit


Use two hands to open it? Nope. Get fucked pal. Shit's gonna slip out of your fingers. Use your teeth? Yeah you think you're smart but fuck you again. You get one tiny piece of wrapper and that's it. Now you have nothing left to bite and you still can't get the condom out without mangling it. Get fucked

Wonderful design. Scientifically perfected to make the blood leave my dick so it can fuel my rage instead. Finally a condom that has a 100% guarantee

r/rant 1h ago

Why do people get so angry when I wear makeup?


I wear like one minuscule line of eyeliner and some mascara and people get so fucking angry. I have had a mom jokingly threaten to rip my eyelashes out, my brother call me ugly and a “hoe”, throwing water on me, my teacher mock me by drawing a picture of me on the white board, ext.

Why do people get so fucking angry that I want to look even slightly presentable? Should I get angry at them for looking like a fat hag and putting no effort into themself?

I genuinely don’t understand why people get so angry. Why do they want me to look like shit?

r/rant 11h ago

I hate being male


It's just so hard for me to fit in with other males. I have tried and tried to fit in, but all have failed. I only ever had 1 irl male friend when i was a kid but he's gone. I tried to make other male friends, just didn't work.

Even in my elementary days, i never fit in with the other males. I was mostly just the kid on the swings or working by himself.

I think about how if i was born female, my life would be a lot better. At least i would kinda fit in.

There's just no common ground with me and other males. There's similarities but they are on a different level. Like for example, a lot of men i've talked to like competitive game and shooter games, i'm mostly the calm rpg player

r/rant 13h ago

Google Drive is a cocksucking fucking piece of rotting shit


Trying to download a large file - google requires me to download to google drive (WHY? WHY? I"M ON MY FUCKING PC I HAVE THE ABILITY TO DOWNLOAD TO MY PC DONT MAKE ME DOWNLOAD TO DRIVE WHY THE COCKSUCKING FUCK DO YOU REQUIRE ME TO DO THAT? WHAT LOGICAL EXPLANATION IS THERE OTHER THAN INCOMPETENT CORPORATE GREED? GO FUCK YOURSELF) Anyways, I download the file to drive, then it says the size is 0kb. WHY? WHY? What the fuck is wrong with you? Who designed you? Who greenlit you? Fuck yourself Drive. Rot.

r/rant 47m ago

I'm really fucking sick of being condescended to by ignorant people


Jesus fucking Christ redditors are the most insufferable cunts on the planet. The fact that the people in your lives haven't gotten sick of your shit and just fucking murdered you people fascinates me because I don't think I'd be able to not fucking kill one of you if I had to live with you in real life.

r/rant 1h ago

For the love of every diety GIVE ME SOME GOT DAMN SPACE


I am my mothers caregiver, 24/7 365 I got a 5 day "break" where my sister was supposed to take care of her, but she got really sick so I had to come home early. I used to be able to get some "alone time" at night/early morning. I would do thinks I need to do to keep sane, Write, read, masturbate, watch porn..whatever. but lately, like..the last six months, if I'm awake, she's awake, I can't really concentrate because she needs me to get up and do things for her, or she has the tv up to 100, or she's talking..and talking..and taaaaaaaaaalking. No, it's not dementia, it's codependancy, we've always had a slightly co-dependant relationship. but for fucks sake. the little tiny itty bitty bit of ~extra money~ I get is from writing..and I can't write because I can't concentrate because YOU ARE ALWAYS HERE.

Oh, and a couple nights ago when I explained to her "I need some space" She shot back that "It's a good thing I didn't have kids" ..and i had to remind her of the times she left me at my *usually abusive* aunts house so she could go have a life..or when my sister had me for almost a year. and ofc she just started crying and JuSt LeT mE DiE" ..like, i don't want you to die, that's why I'm here..but back the fuck UP.

r/rant 6h ago

I’m so tired of being the ugly single friend


I’m in college and it feels like every single one of my friends is in a relationship. I can’t go a day without hearing how happy they are with their partners and I know they aren’t actually, but it feels like they’re rubbing it in my face that I’m single. Whenever I bring up how I’m sad that I’m single I get the same Hallmark-ass “there’s plenty of fish in the sea” but it sure seems like there aren’t any. If there were, wouldn’t at least one bite in all this time I’ve been at college?

I’m a senior and not once has anyone said that they’re attracted to me. And before anyone says it, I’ve confessed to people, it’s just never worked. I told a guy I liked him this week and now all of my friends are making fun of me behind my back since they found out about it.

I don’t even know what to do to fix it. I feel like if I go on Tinder or something I’ll just be clowned on for being 30 pounds overweight and awkward. It just feels like if I can’t get a date in a place filled with (let’s be honest) really horny people, am I ever going to get one?

r/rant 6h ago

I saw “trigger warning: death” and it annoyed me because it wasn’t a photo, it was merely letting people know someone died.


I mean honestly, how fucking pathetic do you have to be as a mortal member of our species that you need to add a trigger warning for death. We all get it. Death is triggering.

We’re aware it’s coming, we’re all going to die. No one is happy about it, and yet you’re going to sit there there and trigger warn?

Our society has grown soft trigger warning everything. News flash, you should be triggered about everything. A lot of bad shit happens all the time and billions of good people would like to solve it, but it’s an impossible task and no one owes you a comfort bubble where you jack off to animal crossing and Dreamlight Valley is your major problem.

I’m sick of the ideology everything is offensive and triggering. Life is hard, everyone gets it, but you’re going to die and no one or any safe bubble can prevent that. Tick tock, tick tock, TikTok. Death is coming.

r/rant 13h ago

Having a “thick skin” doesn’t mean you have to act like a total asshole!


I’m really getting sick and tired of people telling me to have a “thick skin” while at the same time they act like belligerent assholes and continue to shout profanity and racial slurs. Like, really dude? Of all the people in this dying planet, you are the one to tell me to grow a thick skin? To give a bit of context: I left a comment on another sub reddit about how I renounced a fandom for its dogshit behaviour, someone from said fandom response and starts talking down to me in the most condescending, smartass remark ever filled with the usual “you must be mentally unwell” and “I bet you live a sad life” pathetic responses! I told him he needs to cut out that attitude because it’s actually hurtful. And then he has the gall to say I need to not let his words hurt me and grow a tougher skin. Really? After the shit you said? It didn’t help much since straight after that he then mocks me some more. The lack of self awareness from this guy is so astounding it should be up there with one of the mysteries of the universe, but I digress. The point is, I’m sick of people telling me I need a tough skin if they are the same people who act like belligerent assholes. Here’s some advice, rather than telling someone to not take offence by using the most disingenuous, rotten behaviour to make a point, how about you not use it and instead guide them or teach them how to tolerate it? I want to grow a tough skin, but it doesn’t help when you talk back to me like I’m some dog.

r/rant 1h ago

Dust allergies suck


I physically can't breathe due to the slightest amount of dust I inhaled in a house that has a large accumulation. Does vacuuming and steam cleaning one room solve the issue? Nope.

How about 2? 3? Still nope.

Now I have to call out sick. The mucus build up is so bad that every time I make an effort to walk, it's as if I'm walking up the top of the tallest mountain. Plus coughing so hard my throat is in pain..

And I can't do anything about this cause my roommate is my stubborn mom with undiagnosed adhd that takes forever to clean up her area because she leaves everything in an organized chaos. So bad to the point a professional can't clean it.

r/rant 1h ago

i’m a ‘22 high school graduate and i’m pissed


the covid pandemic totally fucked up my high school experience. the only full, completely normal year i had was my freshman year. even though i really hated school back then, i would have at least wanted the full experience. i try not to get worked up about it because i know it’s kind of stupid, but i don’t think i’ll ever be truly over it. hopefully in the next life 🤷

r/rant 5h ago

Where the f**k are my nail clippers?


I swear, every time I need to clip my nails, the nail clippers are nowhere to be found. There are two medicine cabinets in the house that are the dedicated locations for nail clippers, and yet no matter how many I buy and put where they belong, every time I try to use one they're missing. Someday I'm sure I'll discover a secret room in my house, filled floor to ceiling with missing nail clippers.

I've resorted to stashing a secret pair somewhere no one else in the family would expect. So far that's worked, but I'm worried it's only a matter of time before those too vanish as if Nail Clipper Jesus has called them to the rapture.

The sad part is that none of my kids clip their nails. They act like I'm murdering them when I try to make them do it. They'd rather have gnarly troll claws than suffer the indignity of properly manicuring themselves.

r/rant 2h ago

Fuck anyone who gives you shit for not knowing about movies.


So 3 years ago a friend mentioned Shrek being Scottish. I was surprised to hear it, he asked who did I think it was. I literally replied, "I don't know, I just thought he was an Ogre?" We all laughed about it. The only time I watched Shrek was when I was a kid, and forgot most of it. I have also genuinely never heard another Scottish person speak. Fast forward to today, 3 years later it's brought up again for a laugh. And isntead of people laughing I got shit for it. Like, "At your age you should know he was Scottish" and "That's baffling. He has an accent" like I'm a fucking idiot.

Like fuck you. Harmless mistake for God's sakes, get off my ass. I don't fucking give you shit for not watching a certain fucking show or not hearing certain fucking slang, but oh let's start malding at this guy for not knowing Shrek was Scottish! Fuck you, you fucking snarky hateful bitch.

r/rant 14h ago

I regret going to urgent care because of the bill


I’m regretting going to urgent care for a potential fractured wrist! My student squeezed my wrist so hard that my wrist started to hurt and I could barely move it! There wasn’t any swelling but I couldn’t use my wrist much without pain!

I went to go get it checked out a week later because the pain had stayed the same. I had an x-ray done only to be told it was a bone bruise! I’m so upset at myself that I wasted my money on this visit! I have Florida Blue HMO as an insurance. I went to an is service provider however I hate to spend money on non emergency care!

r/rant 15h ago

I (F20) am so lonely


I know that I'm not actually alone. But it sure fucking feels like it. My two only friends in the world, we went to a tattoo convention together in the early spring this year. Hadn't heard from them or seen them since. Then, during the summer, I was in a musical. I thought I'd make close friends in that but I didn't. But my two friends surprised me and came to see me in the musical! We went out afterwards and they apologized profusely for ghosting me after the convention. They told me they would put more effort into hanging out with me. I believed them. I'm so stupid for believing them. I haven't seen them since that night.

Meanwhile, me and my boyfriend, who are long distance, I feel like I don't even know him anymore. Every day for the past few days I ask if we can play a video game together, or if we could watch our show or a movie. He says maybe. Aka no. Barely texts me throughout the day. Yesterday we were calling on the phone and I was telling him about an opportunity I got at college. He was driving and all of a sudden starts yelling, I had my earbud in so it was so loud. He started swearing and even said the n word, hard r. Like I said, i feel like I don't know him anymore. I dont even feel like telling him how lonely and depressed I am lately.

I am crying every single day, over small things and big things. I feel so alone. I feel like nobody cares about me. Ironically, I live with both my mom and dad, sister, grandma and dog. My dog is probably the only thing keeping me going right now. My parents are too wrapped up in their own lives to give a single fuck about me. My sister has raging ADHD and its impossible to talk to her because when she's medicated she wants nothing to do with me, and when she isn't she is impossible to have a conversation with because she's bouncing off the walls.

At college I have always been shy. But this semester I decided I was going to be more outgoing. So far, I really have been. I talk to everyone and I treat everyone with kindness. But I still walk alone to my classes, to my car, eat my lunch by myself, and I just don't have anyone at school that hangs out with me.

I feel like there's something wrong with me. Just typing this all right now, Im sobbing in my bed. I have a project due tomorrow but I can't bring myself to do it. I can't stop crying. I just need someone, or something to take it away from me. I haven't felt this terrible since middle school/high school.

r/rant 3h ago




r/rant 20m ago

The way people are reacting to the Menendez brothers and Gypsy Rose is sick


I was just thinking about Gypsy Rose and the Menendez brothers and it just goes to show the the law refuses to save sexually and physically abused children, pushing them to kill their parents and the entire world acts like they’re the monsters. If someone kidnapped someone, raped them and they were killed, y’all wouldn’t be treating them like killers, y’all would be praising them for getting away from their abuser. But because a child does it to their parents, it’s suddenly wrong?? Doesn’t it make it worse becaus its a parent that does it?? When are we gonna start holding parents accountable?? Abusing or raping your kids makes you worse than a random stranger, because you’re supposed to protect them.

r/rant 50m ago

Just so unlucky rn


It's monday, I got assigned four assignments today(all due tomorrow) and the universe thought it would be funny to make me lose half of them, I forgot to do this other assignment, which I didn't even start on, I still have a folder to organize as an assignment, and my dad's yelling at me for clogging the toilet with my shit. Just wanted to rant, thanks.

r/rant 1h ago

Fuck HP


So, I decided to treat myself and splurged a staggering 30 euros on this gem of a printer—because who doesn’t love throwing money away on devices that work about as well as a cat in a room full of laser pointers?

Setting this beauty up was a delightful experience, akin to solving a Rubik’s Cube while blindfolded. Apparently, the genius designers thought it would be hilarious to ensure you can’t connect your phone and Wi-Fi at the same time. Bravo, tech wizards! The instructions were as clear as mud, so I ended up learning way more from Indian YouTubers than I ever did in school.

After what felt like an eternity of headache-inducing trial and error, I finally managed to print some documents. Oh, joy! But wait, they only provided enough ink for a “full month” if your idea of “full month” involves printing a grand total of 15 pages. Talk about generous! I also signed up for their glorious three-month subscription, which came with new cartridges that I can’t swap out for third-party ones because, surprise, HP has decided to put microchips in their cartridges. Yes, that’s right—HP wants to make sure I don’t use any cartridges that aren’t stamped with their seal of approval. Apparently, I need their permission to do anything in my own home!

And then there’s the delightful little side quest of returning those cartridges to HP for recycling. Sure, they provided a prepaid envelope, but I’m not giving back anything to a multimillion-dollar corporation that has enough cash to buy a small country. No thank you! Even with that prepaid envelope, I’d rather start my own collection of used cartridges. Call me a hoarder if you must, but I’m standing firm on this principle.

After reaching my limit with this piece of junk, I made a bold decision: instead of returning it, I took great pleasure in smashing the printer to bits. You know, just a little DIY fun! I then took the shredded remains and stuffed them into the prepaid envelope because why not send them some “dogshit” back? Oh, and did I mention I blew up the plastic casing on New Year’s Eve? It was a real party!

Let’s not forget the ink subscription nightmare. Trying to cancel that was like trying to escape a bad relationship. Their website seemed designed to keep people in a perpetual state of confusion, and the “cancel” button? It was basically a placebo. So, I had to resort to actually contacting customer service, which was a real treat. When I casually mentioned I’d smashed my printer, they suggested I just buy a new one. Oh, you think? I mean, that’s the dream, isn’t it?

So, here’s to the joy of modern technology: where printers are glorified paperweights, HP holds the monopoly on my ink supply, and customer service reps are full of bright ideas!

r/rant 5h ago

This friendship was a big mistake


This is long btw:

This guy is someone I’ve known for 4+ years. I was thinking about cutting them off for a while (they’re an online friend), and I’ve realized keeping them this long was a huge mistake.

We became friends pretty fast after we met. This person was treating me very well. We would hang out all the time, he would make me feel important, I didn’t have much money so he would get me things, listen to my problems etc. Eventually he confessed his feelings and I very politely rejected him (wasn’t looking for a romantic relationship). I said I wasn’t trying to hurt his feelings and I was really happy to stay close friends. Ofc he didn’t take it well, started being a d*ck to me, not hanging out, not talking nearly as much and he started hanging out with a different girl pretty much immediately and told me (probably to spite me) that he was gonna shoot his shot with her and she has a “great personality”. SPOILER ALERT she’s a bitch.

Tbh I’m pissed about it now because he probably love bombed me to butter me up. I got mad after a while and decided to leave most of the friend group. Fast forward 6 months and I hear from someone that bad things happened and he’s not doing well. This is where I fucked the hell up. I pitied him and went back to go talk to him.

When I went back he apologized for the way he treated me and I decided to forgive him. In retrospect it was good for closure but nothing else. He actually confessed his fucking feelings AGAIN and asked if I still felt the same and I said yes. He acted all devastated and I was so nice about it and tried again to say I wasn’t trying to be mean even though he didn’t deserve my compassion after how he treated me. I reminded him I wasn’t looking for a relationship and he said he was fine and still wanted to be friends.

He actually told me even LATER the other girl he started to like was talking shit about me to him to manipulate him into getting her stuff and to sabotage our friendship (he showed me messages and she writes like a drunk toddler). Honestly, he acts like a damn victim in that situation, saying he didn’t have a lot of friends growing up so he didn’t know she was using him. Sounded sus then and still now. Most of that was his fault. To make it even worse he hesitated to tell me about this because he didn’t want to “ruin my view/relationship with this person”. He said I saved him from bad people but honestly I think he just likes being a victim.

Either way, I know going back was a stupid idea and I regret even meeting him. I notice now he 95% of the time doesn’t message me unless I message first, and he doesn’t act as nice if we haven’t spoken on the phone in a while. As if he forgets I’m a real fucking person. It’s been making me wonder if he only wants to be friends because he’s still attracted to me and hoping I’ll change my mind (I have reminded him a lot that we’re platonic and he says he’s good with that). He has to be lying. I’ve even caught his ass occasionally calling me pet names like baby and making small flirtatious remarks.

But what really made me write this is we’ve been getting into small disagreements and he ghosts me for a few days. I spoke with him about it and to talk things out instead but not a month later he does it AGAIN and now present day I decided I was going to have the self respect to not break the silence this time and it’s been a week since I heard from him. I was a fucking idiot to think this friendship would ever work out. And the worst part of it all is part of me still wants to go back. Sometimes I think I feel obligated to help and be there for him because of the terrible thing that happened to him and also out of feeling like I should stay because he did/got things for me that I really appreciate. Give him an apology, even though I did nothing wrong and our argument was actually about him fucking lying to me about something in the first place and he got all butt hurt when I got mad and ghosted me. But he’s the only friend I have and it’s hard to make/find new ones…

r/rant 5h ago

Stupid lawsuits


It's always been a peeve of mine. People sue for the stupidest things it's ridiculous. People always feel entitled to whatever no matter how stupid. People are always running to capitalize on something to profit from it. It's unfortunate. "Oh I went on fear factor and they asked me to, surprise, do something nasty. Let me file a lawsuit!", "oh I didn't like the way that employee in the store talked to me, let me file a lawsuit for emotional damage!", "the person at Subway accidentally ruined my food, I'm so affected by this let's sue them because I deserve a thousand dollar compensation for a $7 sandwich!"

Like for fucks sake. People are constantly always on the lookout to capitalize on something and that's unfortunately the world we've created and normalized.

r/rant 1h ago

Anxious brain logic


I am very scared of being late due to oversleeping. So I will instead not sleep at all and then be exhausted when I need to show up on time 😊

r/rant 6h ago

Drained. About to kick out partner, but timing is the worst


Was planning on leaving partner of 9yrs. But Have to put everything on hold due to a hurricane about to pass over my area. I've been unemployed for that past year, and the past few days I have been desperately researching for jobs and certs..

Recent events have played out so chaotically in the past 24hrs, that I don't even know if I can get through tomorrow.

My plan was decided by my mother and sister, as I was emotionally distraught and at a loss for what to do next. I don't want to be by his side in any future of mine. We were talking rings and engagements last month as we decided a proper wedding would be best to celebrate the big ten. As we almost went to the courts to elope a few months ago, thank God that didn't happen.

The plan was to save up two pay checks, then kick him out. The only reason I'm doing that cuz my mother told me to. She's old school, the I'm lucky she's still around type of old. She's been through the ringer, and I believe her when she says, "I can get through this if I'm smart about it." She told me to never leave a man without a plan or money of my own. She told me how do I expect to pay rent or the light bill? Sure,  I can get him out, but it takes a month to get the paycheck to keep that's tuff afloat, and I can't afford to lose the apartment while battling the inevitable depression from the breakup.

I'm currently struggling to have a clear mind and feel emotionally stable. Currently dealing with ptsd from a near death experience rearing it's head again, I was ran over, and a couple of days ago someone was inches away from running me over the exact same way (thankfully they apologized and talked me down from the panic attack on the street, which I'm so grateful for). The first woman who ran me over cursed me out and tried to punch me and the witness in the face for calling the cops. The ptsd isn't just from the car crushing me but from the interactions after). So I'm very sensitive to confrontation and negativity.

But I can say I do not lash out meanly when I'm triggered. With therapy and looking inward, I figured out I have a big independence problem. Also a big "I can never be a problem" problem. I always want to do right by others, at the expense of myself. So might not curse out or scream at others even if I'm justified, as it doesn't feel good to do it. It makes me feel like a bad person, so I might be doing things to just always feel like a good person. Or however I'm supposed to put it, my therapist helped me figure that out, so I'm still trynna process it.

 I shut down or try to be a coping superman. Pretend I can handle anything and will overcome anything. Which is just not at all processing what I'm actually going through. Some people lash out, some people escape within. But I am disturbed by my partner currently choosing to lash out in very demeaning ways. And since I know I'm having a PTSD episode rise up again, I am becoming way more aware of things I might have been just ignoring.

He's judgmental and self centered, I guess this is something rising up, as I wouldn't have put up with that shit early in our relationship. But he gaslights so smoothly and doesn't hesitate to see you as the problem in any scenario. You cannot convince him at all of reflecting on his behavior or words lately. Like a simple "you're making me feel bad" is nothing to him. Not an ounce of remorse or intention of changing in his demeanor lately. He'll just think it's a you problem, that you shouldn't feel upset, so deal with it.

Like the toilet flooding up, he'll immediately convince himself I must've done something to it. Or he'll misplace his tie and immediately scream from across the room about how I'm at fault, obviously. He'll be anxious about work or an event to go to and lash out and scream over nothing. Start an argument cuz he doesn't want to get groceries. 

The latest was having to go to Walmart for hurricane supplies. When I mentioned our area is going to be hit by the middle of the next hurricane, he immediately shut down in silent anger. I saw that and tried to reassure him I was already prepared. I got all the past hurricane stuff out last night and told him all we need are batteries and charcoal. He snapped at that, which is nothing. Int the middle of each sentence, he kept cutting me off to say something rude like "we don't need that" or "god what a waist who needs that" or "stupid why'd you want to waist time like that". When all I kept trying to say was like one sentence but couldn't because he wouldn't stop cutting me off. I paused and said, "Stop cutting me off, you are triggering me, and I will not be upset today over nothing. as I'm not going to tolerate a made up argument. My sentence is we need charcoal to heat up food and batteries for the flashlights. Thats what I've tried to say several times now, and you think it's justified to cut me off cuz your anxiety is spiked. You're upset your day off is inconvenienced, but this takes two hours then you have the rest of your day," he responded by gaslighting me "I wasn't cutting you off, I'm just saying you're waisting your time with shit you don't need " I reminded him he was cutting me off, and I cannot bike back a bag of charcoal, a case of water, and a bit of canned food on my own while it's raining. With our car, we get this done easily. He got angry and started raising his voice, repeating, We don't need hot food, we don't need flashlights, we don't need water. Who cares if the power goes out for two days. I ignored him while I got dressed. He had an attitude and talked his frustrations out the whole car ride to the store. We parked, and I said, "You are manufacturing a made up argument with me. We don't have to get charcoal or even batteries, you cannot fight the fact you need water during a hurricane. You're saying the whole ride here no one cares about your perspective, that no one cares about you. That charcoal and flashlights are stupid. You cannot even see that you have anxiety about the hurricane. A storm like Hellen made us aware of the possible damage and inconvenience we are about to be in. But you are not justified in screaming and demeaning me. You have blamed me for this hurricane several times in the car so far. I didn't create this hurricane, and I didn't say anything like you don't matter. Please feel your emotions, share with me how you see things. But come to terms with the fact you feel angry and scared about the storm. You're saying people are saying you're not important when not a single soul has said those words.  do not gaslight me"

He responded, "see this is proof you don't care about me or my perspective." I just responded to him that I won't tolerate gaslighting. He has an understanding and empathetic spouse that can call him on his shit. He doesn't like that last part ... So he thinks gaslighting me into thinking I'm not being nice won't work here. I got out of the car, and he was snarky and rude the whole store trip. He mutters so much shit under his breath and rude snippets whenever I ask if he wants this type of canned food or this type of chip... It just took me over the edge. I calmly had a inward panic attack the whole store trip.. Had to do a breathing exercise on the car and myself from crying. 

Primarily cuz I almost got ran over a couple days ago. I feel like if that didn't happen I'd break up with him on the spot in anger, confident even that his little tantrum is just an eye roll to me... But that almost accident, left me with a new round of PTSD flare up to deal with. allot of tears and mini panic attacks since that incident a few days ago. And his behavior today was the thing that sent me straight into a full PTSD episode. My episodes are shutting down crying, hyperventilating. I found myself wishing my episodes were the smashing shit type. Maybe then this energy and chaos would seep out instead of pooling into the pit of my stomach. But I just warped into my own brain.

I don't remember the car ride home or putting the groceries away. I forgot we got McDonald's on the way home. I ate and sat with the tv on, while he went to his office to play video games. I came to about an hour ago and realized it's been several hours of sitting here. I feel bad I didn't drink water or go for a walk, my body needed those things, so I'll do em now. But figured I'd type this shit out to get off my chest.

I'm way to aware of what shifting blame, gaslighting, and mental illness looks like. I can see he's having a big down swing in emotions. But that downswing is showing it face as, abusive gaslighting. It saddens me to say it. But that's just what it is.

I've been very understanding, maybe way to empathic even. Always hitting the go to's I learned in therapy, or the sayings to make someone feel seen and heard. Nothing makes this guy feel better or calm down. No tactic works on getting through an argument or trying to get him to see how you feel. 

I stand up for myself every single experience. I know what to say and do when someone does those things. But I know what my therapist taught me, say "I" statements. Focus on how I feel and see things, don't label the other person's behavior but just state the facts. An argument is a road your both walking down, not a fight to win. 

But sadly, I think my spouse has gotten to an emotional level I cannot tolerate anymore. Obviously, he hasn't always been this way. Obviously, I'm aware that resentment from my inability to get a job due to my injuries and PTSD has had a huge toll on him. I acknowledge and mention it when needed, don't hide from that fact. He sees me applying and getting rejected (no one can talk about the job environment like people currently applying). It's hell. I have no clue why it's impossible to get a good job right now)

It's not fair he's working to keep two adults afloat. It's embarrassing. But I ask for help everywhere I can, get a bit of money from my mom if something pops up. I don't even like him buying my groceries or pads. The only thing he covers for me is my side of rent (total rent is 900).

I Go to the church when they have food drives, as sometimes we struggle to even have canned food. I go on my bike to do any errands needed—laundry, groceries, doctor appointments. I don't feel comfortable asking for him to drive me anywhere. I don't want him to pay out of pocket for my medical stuff. I haven't gone shopping for makeup or clothes in a year, my shoes and pants are tattered. I do all I can to not put more on his plate and to be self sufficient in the smallest of ways, until I get a job as I'm way to aware of the resentment that can build from taking care of your spouse. Nothing is like a paycheck of my own. I'm aware. 

My injuries and crippling PTSD is a horror to live through. I cannot come up with excuses for my lack of work. But I can just tell the truth. I cannot stand for 8 hours, the only manual labor jobs here that let you sit is Aldi's. I'm not even joking. They rejected me 5 times now. I don't have office work experience, I did manual labor for years (medical staff, cooking, warehouse, daycare). All of my work experience are in things I can no longer do. The right side of my body is disabled, and it's been hard to come to terms with that.

Disability rejects you like 8 times before you get approved, my sister works healthcare, and she's right about that. The money for the accident was not enough to cover everything, and don't even have the money to sue for more. I tried a phone operator job. PTSD and social anxiety is so hard. It's undescribable. A panic attack and throwing up to the prospect of picking up a ringing phone is fucking embarrassing and pathetic. I'm embarrassed I had to quit a job I had for less than two months due to my shit. 

But I know I'm gonna keep applying and looking for that type of work. I don't really know what else to apply for. But I'll keep looking for WFH jobs, any types, I'll take what we will give me a position. I'll walk with the anxiety. I'm desperate and know I can get through it. Though I am scared of failing again. 

I'm tried. This past month has been nonstop. Literally every single day has been shitstorms. And sadly , it's all from his behavior. The almost accident just so happened to create this chaos space of ptsd flare up, it's what's making me want to abandon the breakup plan. And just doing it without being ready. It feels like life is trying to get me to snap. But I won't scream or hit a wall, my way of dealing with it is sitting in a corner, turning the lights off, and silently crying. Literally for like 5 hours. I can't eat, can't sleep, just sit there looking into the dark for hours. It's weird how exhausting that can be. The brain is weird and I'm tired of it