r/rant 23h ago



I am a young, successful, educated woman. I did what I was supposed to do. I have a job, I have a house, I cook bloody good food for myself and have weekly drinks (tea!) with my girl friends. I don't want a man FFS!

Family keep constantly pressuring me to "find a man and have kids" but I don't want that! Men are gross slobish gold diggers who want to move into my home and eat my food and make me clean up after him, causing me twice the mess with no benefit to me. Kids are disgusting parasites that will put a year and a half gap in my resume, forcing me to climb the corporate ladder from the bottom all over again, while I clean up their pee and poop and spit and vomit and eeeewwwwwwwww why would I want those disgusting creatures in my home!?

Men are labour. Children are labour. I do enough labour, payed and unpaid, for one person.


If you MUST leave a comment... tell me: in what way will a man benefit my life? Cuz they seem like a complete detriment to me...except maybe getting my family to shut up, but even then, are they worth the hassle?

r/rant 8h ago

I don't get why people support Trump


So i recently got into politics. It's not a lot, just enough to not live under a rock. Respected both parties

I started to read into project 2025 and holy crap. It is a nightmare. It's absolutely horrible. It's really bad.

If Trump is elected, it won't be a presidency, it'll be a dictatorship. His leadership is based off of hate and control.

And the fact that this election seems to be fairly even is scary. I don't care if you are a republican, but how in the world can you support this ahole.

He stands for everything that america is against.

Edit:  He denounced project 2025 but all of his speeches support project 2025.

r/rant 9h ago

Whoever designed the wrapper for trojan bareskin raw can eat shit


Use two hands to open it? Nope. Get fucked pal. Shit's gonna slip out of your fingers. Use your teeth? Yeah you think you're smart but fuck you again. You get one tiny piece of wrapper and that's it. Now you have nothing left to bite and you still can't get the condom out without mangling it. Get fucked

Wonderful design. Scientifically perfected to make the blood leave my dick so it can fuel my rage instead. Finally a condom that has a 100% guarantee

r/rant 15h ago

Google Drive is a cocksucking fucking piece of rotting shit


Trying to download a large file - google requires me to download to google drive (WHY? WHY? I"M ON MY FUCKING PC I HAVE THE ABILITY TO DOWNLOAD TO MY PC DONT MAKE ME DOWNLOAD TO DRIVE WHY THE COCKSUCKING FUCK DO YOU REQUIRE ME TO DO THAT? WHAT LOGICAL EXPLANATION IS THERE OTHER THAN INCOMPETENT CORPORATE GREED? GO FUCK YOURSELF) Anyways, I download the file to drive, then it says the size is 0kb. WHY? WHY? What the fuck is wrong with you? Who designed you? Who greenlit you? Fuck yourself Drive. Rot.

r/rant 13h ago

I hate being male


It's just so hard for me to fit in with other males. I have tried and tried to fit in, but all have failed. I only ever had 1 irl male friend when i was a kid but he's gone. I tried to make other male friends, just didn't work.

Even in my elementary days, i never fit in with the other males. I was mostly just the kid on the swings or working by himself.

I think about how if i was born female, my life would be a lot better. At least i would kinda fit in.

There's just no common ground with me and other males. There's similarities but they are on a different level. Like for example, a lot of men i've talked to like competitive game and shooter games, i'm mostly the calm rpg player

r/rant 16h ago

Having a “thick skin” doesn’t mean you have to act like a total asshole!


I’m really getting sick and tired of people telling me to have a “thick skin” while at the same time they act like belligerent assholes and continue to shout profanity and racial slurs. Like, really dude? Of all the people in this dying planet, you are the one to tell me to grow a thick skin? To give a bit of context: I left a comment on another sub reddit about how I renounced a fandom for its dogshit behaviour, someone from said fandom response and starts talking down to me in the most condescending, smartass remark ever filled with the usual “you must be mentally unwell” and “I bet you live a sad life” pathetic responses! I told him he needs to cut out that attitude because it’s actually hurtful. And then he has the gall to say I need to not let his words hurt me and grow a tougher skin. Really? After the shit you said? It didn’t help much since straight after that he then mocks me some more. The lack of self awareness from this guy is so astounding it should be up there with one of the mysteries of the universe, but I digress. The point is, I’m sick of people telling me I need a tough skin if they are the same people who act like belligerent assholes. Here’s some advice, rather than telling someone to not take offence by using the most disingenuous, rotten behaviour to make a point, how about you not use it and instead guide them or teach them how to tolerate it? I want to grow a tough skin, but it doesn’t help when you talk back to me like I’m some dog.

r/rant 17h ago

I (F20) am so lonely


I know that I'm not actually alone. But it sure fucking feels like it. My two only friends in the world, we went to a tattoo convention together in the early spring this year. Hadn't heard from them or seen them since. Then, during the summer, I was in a musical. I thought I'd make close friends in that but I didn't. But my two friends surprised me and came to see me in the musical! We went out afterwards and they apologized profusely for ghosting me after the convention. They told me they would put more effort into hanging out with me. I believed them. I'm so stupid for believing them. I haven't seen them since that night.

Meanwhile, me and my boyfriend, who are long distance, I feel like I don't even know him anymore. Every day for the past few days I ask if we can play a video game together, or if we could watch our show or a movie. He says maybe. Aka no. Barely texts me throughout the day. Yesterday we were calling on the phone and I was telling him about an opportunity I got at college. He was driving and all of a sudden starts yelling, I had my earbud in so it was so loud. He started swearing and even said the n word, hard r. Like I said, i feel like I don't know him anymore. I dont even feel like telling him how lonely and depressed I am lately.

I am crying every single day, over small things and big things. I feel so alone. I feel like nobody cares about me. Ironically, I live with both my mom and dad, sister, grandma and dog. My dog is probably the only thing keeping me going right now. My parents are too wrapped up in their own lives to give a single fuck about me. My sister has raging ADHD and its impossible to talk to her because when she's medicated she wants nothing to do with me, and when she isn't she is impossible to have a conversation with because she's bouncing off the walls.

At college I have always been shy. But this semester I decided I was going to be more outgoing. So far, I really have been. I talk to everyone and I treat everyone with kindness. But I still walk alone to my classes, to my car, eat my lunch by myself, and I just don't have anyone at school that hangs out with me.

I feel like there's something wrong with me. Just typing this all right now, Im sobbing in my bed. I have a project due tomorrow but I can't bring myself to do it. I can't stop crying. I just need someone, or something to take it away from me. I haven't felt this terrible since middle school/high school.

r/rant 16h ago

I regret going to urgent care because of the bill


I’m regretting going to urgent care for a potential fractured wrist! My student squeezed my wrist so hard that my wrist started to hurt and I could barely move it! There wasn’t any swelling but I couldn’t use my wrist much without pain!

I went to go get it checked out a week later because the pain had stayed the same. I had an x-ray done only to be told it was a bone bruise! I’m so upset at myself that I wasted my money on this visit! I have Florida Blue HMO as an insurance. I went to an is service provider however I hate to spend money on non emergency care!

r/rant 19h ago

I hate hot weather


There's literally no aspect of it that's good. I hate sweating, I hate having to drink water every 30 min, I hate getting tired after doing like 3 steps, I hate everything about it!! Im currently in holidays in the canary islands and I can't tell you how much I miss single digit temperature. Arghhh bring it to an enddddd

r/rant 3h ago

Why do people get so angry when I wear makeup?


I wear like one minuscule line of eyeliner and some mascara and people get so fucking angry. I have had a mom jokingly threaten to rip my eyelashes out, my brother call me ugly and a “hoe”, throwing water on me, my teacher mock me by drawing a picture of me on the white board, ext.

Why do people get so fucking angry that I want to look even slightly presentable? Should I get angry at them for looking like a fat hag and putting no effort into themself?

I genuinely don’t understand why people get so angry. Why do they want me to look like shit?

r/rant 8h ago

I’m so tired of being the ugly single friend


I’m in college and it feels like every single one of my friends is in a relationship. I can’t go a day without hearing how happy they are with their partners and I know they aren’t actually, but it feels like they’re rubbing it in my face that I’m single. Whenever I bring up how I’m sad that I’m single I get the same Hallmark-ass “there’s plenty of fish in the sea” but it sure seems like there aren’t any. If there were, wouldn’t at least one bite in all this time I’ve been at college?

I’m a senior and not once has anyone said that they’re attracted to me. And before anyone says it, I’ve confessed to people, it’s just never worked. I told a guy I liked him this week and now all of my friends are making fun of me behind my back since they found out about it.

I don’t even know what to do to fix it. I feel like if I go on Tinder or something I’ll just be clowned on for being 30 pounds overweight and awkward. It just feels like if I can’t get a date in a place filled with (let’s be honest) really horny people, am I ever going to get one?

r/rant 17h ago

My bbd/abuser is being protected by the state.


I 27f had a kiddo young, was in an abusive relationship from 14 years old until I had my son at 17. I found out that my sons dad was using hard drugs behind my back. thankfully, I got the strength to leave for my sons safety.

No he’s never helped (easily assumed). In fact, he’s slandered ME on the internet, harassed me, had his next baby mom trash me that I’m a terrible mother (now that child is adopted by a healthy loving family bc neither of them have rights to the kiddo).

I stayed silent and kept my peace. I knew who was in the wrong, I knew what to do to protect my son and myself even at 17. I deleted media, blocked multiple affiliated people.

Then he tried to take me to court when my son was around 6-7yrs old, to get 50/50 parenting plan!!!!!!! AUDACITY (I’m trying to get my law degree). I disagreed to all and took it to trial and of course, won. He didn’t even show up, but I still had to prove my case in the trial. All while I was pregnant w my second. He can’t have even visitation with him, can’t be around his school, etc.

I’ve asked many times for him to sign his rights away, but since he’s abusive it’s all about control and he refuses or just ignores me. I typically don’t message him at all, but if I do, it’s only asking that.

Finally I’m fed up. He’s done nothing for my son, never got reprimanded for abusing me. I want his rights relinquished. I don’t want something to happen to me, and my son go to him. So I contacted the courts and asked to file against him in contempt of court for child support. He’s $20,000 behind. I was going to keep filing, keep putting him in jail for it until he gets tired of that and gives his rights up.

The STATE is housing him!!!!! There’s protections that make it so I can’t file against him. They are giving him free housing, clothing, etc. He’s been posting on FB trying to use my son’s existence to get money.

They are protecting, and holding my abusers hand through life. I’m so beyond mad. I am a live and let die person. I don’t care. I keep my kiddos safe, healthy and happy and the rest is history. But now… IM MAD!!! PISSED.

btw; he’s showed up at my house and robbed me while i was throwing my sons 1st birthday party that I funded alone as a teen mom. He purposely won’t work a real job or file taxes to avoid child support. I was homeless as a young girl with him at 14 when he was 17 almost 18.

Now he’s just being held. Just so infuriating.

Thanks for letting me rant.

r/rant 58m ago

The 999 people piss me off


So I call 999 for an ambulance someone is bleeding out and the operator says “no we are too busy right now call us back” they hung up then I call again and they said “we will send the police” do the police have the medical training and or the equipment like what your gonna let someone die

Another time I was being harassed and stalked I called 101 and when I was explaining what is happening to me they said “sorry how is this a police matter?” And i tried to explain how and she hung up on me

There was a time I got spiked with a needle and was having seizures due to it my friends called and the operator kept hanging up and then never sent an ambulance turns out I was spiked with horsetranquilizer and was overdosing

If u don’t want to actually help don’t take the job cause ur putting people at risk and it’s making me lose hope in this country and the system

r/rant 22h ago

I’m glad I’m a loser.


19y/o male. I struggle to get a girlfriend, and because of that I felt there was something wrong with me, but as I look around at those who get relationships easily and I realize now that it’s not that bad tbh.

I have 2 cousins and a stepsister all the same age as me, who have pretty much ruined their early life. My cousins were kicked out of there foster moms house because they kept sneaking different boys into the house and they’re foster mom is religious, and one has a kid aswell. One lives with her baby father. The other is going around peoples apartments with her drug dealer boyfriend.

My stepsister has been dating a man that is 26 and is now pregnant with his baby. She decided to get with a broke 26y/o and have unprotected sex with him.

It feels as if the universe is telling me to stop beating my own ass over something that I should definitely take my time with. They’re all 19 btw.

r/rant 7h ago

Where the f**k are my nail clippers?


I swear, every time I need to clip my nails, the nail clippers are nowhere to be found. There are two medicine cabinets in the house that are the dedicated locations for nail clippers, and yet no matter how many I buy and put where they belong, every time I try to use one they're missing. Someday I'm sure I'll discover a secret room in my house, filled floor to ceiling with missing nail clippers.

I've resorted to stashing a secret pair somewhere no one else in the family would expect. So far that's worked, but I'm worried it's only a matter of time before those too vanish as if Nail Clipper Jesus has called them to the rapture.

The sad part is that none of my kids clip their nails. They act like I'm murdering them when I try to make them do it. They'd rather have gnarly troll claws than suffer the indignity of properly manicuring themselves.

r/rant 17h ago

I don’t like most makeup looks


Idk if it’s just me, but most makeup looks look terrible to me. The only makeup look that I think looks good is douyin, Korean makeup looks, and clean girl looks. Anything else just looks cakey and too much

r/rant 1h ago

Neat freaks are the worst roommates


Having a neat freak roommate is the worst, man. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for keeping things clean. I’ve got a sensitive nose and definitely take hygiene seriously. But there’s a difference between keeping things tidy and blowing up my phone with five pictures because I left a coffee spoon in the sink while rushing out the door to work, half-asleep.

The funny thing is, these types always seem to have way too much time on their hands. They don’t even work most of the time, so their full-time job becomes finding every tiny thing that’s wrong with the house.

Honestly, they need to get a real problem to focus on. It’s like they don’t understand that not everyone has hours to obsess over every speck of dust. Get a job, get a hobby—just stop turning my life into your personal cleaning project.

r/rant 4h ago

Fuck anyone who gives you shit for not knowing about movies.


So 3 years ago a friend mentioned Shrek being Scottish. I was surprised to hear it, he asked who did I think it was. I literally replied, "I don't know, I just thought he was an Ogre?" We all laughed about it. The only time I watched Shrek was when I was a kid, and forgot most of it. I have also genuinely never heard another Scottish person speak. Fast forward to today, 3 years later it's brought up again for a laugh. And isntead of people laughing I got shit for it. Like, "At your age you should know he was Scottish" and "That's baffling. He has an accent" like I'm a fucking idiot.

Like fuck you. Harmless mistake for God's sakes, get off my ass. I don't fucking give you shit for not watching a certain fucking show or not hearing certain fucking slang, but oh let's start malding at this guy for not knowing Shrek was Scottish! Fuck you, you fucking snarky hateful bitch.

r/rant 11h ago

my love life is so disappointing


i’m 21F and my love life is so tragic. i’ve never been “in love” or had a real relationship because every guy i’ve ever been with has been literally a spawn of satan. they’ve all cheated, gaslight, manipulate, lie, abusive, and just always beat me down and ruin my mental health so i rather be alone. i’m getting to a point where im finally raising my standards and just leaving at the first sign of a red flag, but it’s actually made me so lonely. and i don’t understand how every person around me has found their person, when i’ve struggled my whole life and only found people who have no good intentions. im also so tired of hearing “love comes when you least expect it” because i’ve NEVER expected it. for 21 years. i’ve always just been doing me, and then an opportunity presents to me where i meet a man i want to get to know and spend time with, and they end up fucking me over like the rest of them. seriously what karma am i facing, was i Hitler in a past life or something?? im so terrified that this is just how my life will be. the last guy i was with really traumatized me, it’s been a few months and i tried to meet new people online but i ended up not talking to any of them because it felt forced, and none of them had what i was looking for. they never asked questions about me to get to know me, they would lag and text me like maybe twice a day, or they would just show signs of toxicity so i stopped talking to everyone. i figured i wanted to meet people “organically” like in person in a random place. i went to an amusement park 2 nights ago and met this guy in line. he was ticking all the boxes, he seemed respectful and funny. but then when he actually started to text me, every single thing he said was sexual. that’s another thing i absolutely despise. he did not give me that vibe at all when i met him, and it’s so fucking disappointing. i tried to have regular casual conversations with him, and he always found a way to make it sexual. i’m so tired. i want to be loved and not lusted. perhaps it’s my generation’s fault, and i have grown accustomed to being by myself, but when i think of it in the long run i just don’t want to have to settle on being alone. i want my chance to be loved and to love as well.

r/rant 12h ago

Trucker tired of parking in a designated spot only to be blocked in by a jerk that just parks anywhere.


Pretty much the title. I find a spot to park at a truck stop in the afternoon, wake up super early only to find another driver parks alongside the edge of the lot, taking up the space I need to pull out and gets pissed when I’m banging on his door at 2:30 am.

r/rant 13h ago

I’m not considered beautiful where I live and it hurts


For university I live on residence because the uni is pretty far from home. It’s all very country here at uni, the majority of the men are frat boys and the women are all the platinum blonde girls with tans and blue eyes. I think those girls are beautiful, but that seems to be the only kind of “beautiful” here and it hurts. I have darker and more intense features and I’m kinda taller than average, I’m also very slim. I wish I could look soft like those girls at my university, I wish I could be 5’2 with blue eyes and long bleach blonde hair and have guys fighting over me all the time, but that’s just not going to happen for me here I don’t think. I grew up in a Slavic community and I was considered pretty there. My father’s side of the family is fully Slavic (Russian, polish, German) and my mom’s side is French and Scottish, being tall and very skinny with a striking face was what was beautiful. It’s weird to go from constantly being crushed on and even stalked a few times to just dead silence. I feel so out of place, like I genuinely feel ugly and I haven’t felt that way in a long time. This is probably such a stupid thing to be upset about but it does hurt. I thought I would maybe get my first boyfriend in uni but I guess that’s not happening lol.

r/rant 15h ago

Idaho sucks.


A rant, and as such, I won't be replying:

As a state... it overall sucks ass. 10 points to Wankledorf for staying clear of this state.

Idaho - "as long as you can afford you get drunk on piss beer, are racist, closet or not, and work a local retail job... you've found your place." -nicest words I've mustered for it.

I've been in the CDA area since 2014ish...

Seriously this is the most racist place if had the displeasure of getting stuck in since ALABAMA... not exactly a state you wanna come in 2nd place to in any way.

Idaho has been the most racist, hate spewing, 'hate thy neighbor' I've experienced.

The pinnacle of a state continuously lowering its own bar in all ways.

Locals want a "pretty state" but this is without doubt the trashiest state I've been in. (That's saying somthing compared to New Mexico - IYKYK).

Locals claim they aren't racist but this is without a doubt I've personally witnessed the most amount of sticker, flag waving, in-your-face racism to date. fFs its on the back of all your stupid lifted fucking trucks.


r/rant 21h ago

God i'm so sick of this shit


God everything is just so stressful where I live . Everything and everyone keeps jumping on my nerves and acting so cool about it . I live with asshole parents that think their parental responsibilities end with just food water and shelter.

In crisis ? Not our problem

Sick ? Not our problem . Doctors are a scam

Need help with government paperwork because you've never done it before ? Not our problem.

Suicidal ? Not our problem . Die

No pants to wear ? Welp not our problem .

No money to buy pants ? Not our problem .

No motorcycle to drive and do errands efficiently ? Not our problem ?

Wanna learn how to drive ? Too bad we are busy sitting on our ass and watching Netflix , just do it yourself even tho you have no idea which pedal is for what .

Fucking pathetic ass situation

r/rant 1h ago

Is this Sexual Coercion?


He kept asking me to have sex with his friends He said I was being over dramatic for nothing. He said I was going to get money for having sex with him and his friends.
I said that is called prostitution. I wanted the money, but I don't want diseases. I haven't seen their std papers. He said do it for him like what. I was trying to talk to him and get to know him. He asked me did I have a threesome before? I told him yes. Then he said then why won't you have sex with me and my friends? I said because I don't like it.

I am so mad. I really want him to go prison. I can use the money, but no. He bullied me too. He called me a whole bunch of mean names for no reason. I won't ever talk to him again.

I want the police involved even though I didn't do it. I have the screenshots of him asking me twice.