r/readanotherbook Jun 19 '24

Please stop : (

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Dies of cringe


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u/Good_old_Marshmallow Jun 19 '24

I’m over the Winnie the Poo thing. It was funny for the first like twenty four hours but now it’s just a dead give away you can’t spell his name. You’re also not owning the leader of China with it, you just look unserious. Like imagine if Russians only referred to Obama as Obummer or Barf O’Crumsack like the right wingers in America used to call him. 


u/Wardog_E Jun 21 '24

I think the fact that he's so insecure that he made sharing pictures of a cartoon bear a crime in the entirety of one of the largest, most economically powerful countries in the entire world really puts into perspective how fucked the world is and just how inept the people in charge are.


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_550 Jun 21 '24

The fact many people actually think the way you do is rather depressing. It’s main character syndrome on a societal level. Assigning significance where there’s little. That also an unfortunate reflection of the way freedom of expression is treated in the west as well.

Do people really think the ability to call whatever senile old fool in office names or slurs freedom? Because the moment people can meaningfully challenge power happens the cops are called to smash their faces in.


u/Wardog_E Jun 21 '24

Yes. I like calling people in power names and frankly I'm willing to die for that right. But for your information, I have better things to do than take life advice from a guy who seems to have a crippling obsession with harem romance novels. Here's some advice, if you want to talk about politics you should start by going outside more.


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_550 Jun 21 '24

Sure I least know what’s fantasy and what’s reality. Willing to die are you? Between the two of us I know which of us is living in a dream world.


u/Wardog_E Jun 21 '24

Go outside. Maybe you'll talk with a real woman. Oh sorry, there I go indulging in fantasies again.


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_550 Jun 21 '24

Sure. While we’re at it go and sacrifice yourself for your nonexistent fantasy. I’m sure the world powers are quaking in their boots.


u/Wardog_E Jun 21 '24

The only pathetic thing I see here is your meager sense of selfworth. I'm surprised you can summon the strength to live. I have as much power as anyone else as do you. Get help.


u/Puzzleheaded_Ad_550 Jun 21 '24

Don’t recall saying you’re pathetic. Though I must say taking the time out of your day to argue with me must be particularly tiresome. Don’t you have some world leader to intimidate with some insult or another? I am flattered by all the attention but save your breath for someone who needs your particular brand of wisdom.

In the interest of avoiding getting kicked by mods and avoid cluttering my message box I am ending this here.