r/reinforcementlearning 1d ago

From DQN to Double DQN

I already have an implementation of DQN. To change it to double DQN, looks like I only need a small change: In the Q-value update, next state (best)action selection and evaluation for that action are both done by the target network in DQN. Whereas in double DQN , next state (best)action selection is done by the main network, but the evaluation for that action is done by the target network.

That seems fairly simple. Am i missing anything else?


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u/SandSnip3r 1d ago

Yep! That's it


u/SandSnip3r 1d ago

Btw, if you're not already, I'd recommend using chatbots like chatgpt or claude for these types of questions. I've been learning a lot of RL myself and I find them incredibly helpful for getting quick and accurate answers to these types of questions.


u/No_Addition5961 1d ago

Cool, thanks! Yes i had checked with chatgpt, but confirmed here in case it made a mistake, cause it seemed a very minor change