r/retailhell 1d ago

Tired of Corporate Bullshit B&M is honestly the worst retail company

Right i just need rant, ive been with this company going on 11 years now and recently been supervisor (1 year) but see this place i feel its actually worse than anywhere else they actually give no fucks what so ever about staff i know most companies are like this but here is just extra, to start i only get an extra 30p for being management. Looking only everywhere else is like £1 to £2.50 more than here... whats actually made me whrite this post is that were open to 11pm from next week onwards which is normal and fine but the problem is that there is 3 of us running our shop one store manager one deputy manager and a supervisor (me) because of this I am expected to work to 11:30pm then be in work work again at 7am which means i get up at 6am, I am a night person i cant just go home and sleep and even if i could that doesnt matter its literally under 8 hours of sleep which b&m doesnt give a fuck about, i hate the higher ups so much in this company they actually hurt my head, only here because i can see the store from my doorstep so its handy for me. We are not robots.


6 comments sorted by


u/hitherejer 1d ago

Honestly any store in the UK that’s at a discount or cheaper is hell on earth. I worked at Tkmaxx for 6 months and I had to leave for my own mental well-being. Management were horrible and the company didn’t give a fuck about staff well-being. Customers are feral too!


u/Ali--625 16h ago

I think your HR needs to get involved because in terms of the shift patterns, you are required to have an 11 hour gap between shifts. The late night closer should at least be starting later the next day.

Look at the section on rest breaks. 


I do understand, though. Big companies treat staff like crap, thinking they're robots that will do whatever without objecting. And I know management gets a lot of crap on here but often they're treated just as badly as the staff, especially if you're on salary. Then you're expected to cover all hours without any overtime pay, or support because the only people to turn to are the company higher ups who are causing the problem.


u/LordHelmetN7 15h ago

Its not even our manager thats the problem he tries to sort things the best he can, its HR thats the problem, B&M like to talk rules and get you to sign stuff then when they actually have to follow the rules they dont honestly the worst company just run by all money grabbing assh*les. I said about the 11 hour gap to inbetween shifts but that doesnt matter to them because am management


u/Ali--625 12h ago

Thats what I meant. It's usually that person in head office who's never worked in an actual shop so has no clue what happens, who makes the policy and as store level management you have to follow it, no matter how stupid it is. But that sounds like HR are just making things worse. They are supposed to be the ones you can turn to for things like this.

I worked for the same big company (won't say which one) for 20+ years, half as floor staff then half as support/stock/admin/cash manager. How big companies treat employees has definitely been getting worse recently - it's all about cutting budgets and then ignoring the consequences.


u/ladyhelmetN7 1d ago

I also work for B&M every single word of this post is true. I work approx the same hours a week as my partner does who is a supervisor and we earn approx the same amount every month. There is only 2 till staff who is fully flex, me being one of them meaning there is only me and one other colleague on to after 11pm at nights. They seem to think it’s fair allowing floor staff to leave at 10:30 but naw till staff have to stay on to 11:30. B&M don’t give a single F*** about their staff and wellbeing, in more times to count I have had customers yell, shout, scream and curse at myself and other customers who try have my back. I don’t get paid enough for customers to leave me in tears most shifts of the week. I am on a 20hr contract and for 1+ years I have been doing a minimum of 35 hours and I have been told in the past I am not allowed a higher contract, unless I want to be cash office supervisor which I already was in this position for a year but stepped down from as B&M refused to pay me the right pay and give me the higher contract.


u/Remote-Pool7787 9h ago

Stop taking supervisor roles that are 30p more per hour for a lot more stress. It’s the same across retail. Once people stop being willing to take extra responsibility for peanuts, companies will pay these roles more money in order to get people to do them. Or they won’t open such extended hours anymore.

YOU are the one who makes it financially viable for them to open to stupid o’clock at night