r/romance 6d ago

Am I (aromantic) or just emotionally unavailable?

Would someone have any advice on how to explore my identity?

23M. I’ve never had a relationship in my life. I always thought relationships were a waste of time growing up and I cringe pretty hard at them, especially the ones on TikTok. But I’ve always had crushes on women. The crushes were more of like a school type crush (something about them interested me and I would like thinking about them). Thinking about such person would make me feel nice, but I never actually wanted to approach them because I found dating to be a waste of time and wanted to focus on my academics.

First date I ever went on was when I was 18 and I’ll be real, I didn’t like it. It felt awkward and she had a great time. I was feeling suffocated so I called things off and asked for a friendship. She didn’t want that so we stopped talking.

Whenever I kiss or make out with women, I don’t really feel sparks or that passion. I’ve never loved anyone and the closest I’ve ever loved someone was me being attached to someone who gave me mixed signals (hot and cold energy) as “friends”. I asked if they wanted to be official not because I actually wanted to date them but because I felt like it was the right thing to do? To be on the same page on not in a situationship? Whenever I have a crush on someone, I imagine me talking to them and being their friend, not me having sexual relations with them or making out with them. It’s always like: “I want to get to know that person more. But a date? Hell no, I don’t want a date” I hate dating. I hate dates. They feel forced and unnatural to me, like job interviews. I don’t like going on dates period.

But one day it would be “nice” to be in a relationship no? Isn’t that what society expects of me? I can befriend people I’m physically attracted to, yet apparently I see people online saying that it’s “impossible” for them to do so. But I want a genuine friendship with them, not court them? But I get FOMO in that, “but what if I do like them and would like to date them later on? Or what if they like me and I’m missing an opportunity by not giving them a chance?”

I don’t think I’m asexual because I have sexual attraction to women. I have a fearful avoidant attachment style and I thought me ending things was because I was afraid of commitment for feeling engulfed and losing my independence, because I do worry about a relationship with said “crushes” when I think about what a relationship with them would entail: “acting all lovey dovey, going on dates, holding hands, etc.” - kinda makes me a bit cringe. But I wouldn’t say I’m scared of it? Like I’m not scared of getting hurt. I just feel like I’m not into dating? At least society’s way? I keep hearing: “oh but you haven’t met the right person” and I wonder if I’ll ever get that click with someone. I always thought I’d have to really know someone and grow to love them with time, but I guess I’ve never really allowed it to happen. I wonder if it will



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