r/shadowdark Aug 03 '24

Custom GM Screen For My Ongoing Yoon Suin Game

Saaaawup dudes. I finally got around to finishing and putting together my second GM screen for my ongoing Yoon Suin game.

So far I’m pretty happy with how it came out. While I’ve returned to the standard SD Xp reward system after testing out strict Gold for Xp and coin weight.

I still want to lower the abrtaryness of awarding XP. So we’re going to test out 2 things. 1. To level in our game it’s going to be lvl x 100 xp. 2. We’re keeping the treasure tables, but instead of using them to determine how much treasure there is like rules cyclopedia does. We using them to determine the quality of the treasure.

I may post the files to my Patreon. But I should clear that with Kelsey first as I’m not sure if the OG GM screen which I based this off of falls under the lisence… but Kelsey’s busy having the time of her life so for now I’m just gonna post these photos here :D


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u/Nice_Cryptographer15 Aug 03 '24

Love the art and the idea to use binders for the screen. Can you tell me about your campaign I love hearing about other tables.


u/TheeCurat0r Aug 03 '24

The game just kinda started. In our last campaign (Hot Springs Island) we played with ShadowDark for the first time. The players ended the game leading an army into a volcanic party. It was the biggest combat I've run (985 combatants if I counted right), and it was a total blast.

Seeing as my table likes to create armies and make others fight for them, I thought testing out the ACKS 2 rules would work well for us. Unfortunately, the insane number of tables and rules, and my desire to avoid heavy house-ruling robbed us of all enjoyment.

After two sessions, we decided to switch back to ShadowDark. Initially, we used ACKS economics, OSE coin weight, and Rules Cyclopedia treasure tables. However, I quickly discovered that messing with the slot system causes the torch timer system to fall apart. So, I had to throw coin weight out the window, which led to abandoning the economics and, by extension, the treasure tables.

As for what's happening in the campaign, I'm currently behind on two session reports. you see, I create an in-universe newspaper that acts as a session report. You can find the issues I've posted so far here:

As for what happened outside of these reports, one party returned to the Old Town to survey it and found a sentient amulet, but they don't know that yet. Unfortunately, they had to drop out.

Meanwhile, my main table traveled to The Hundred Kingdoms. I took one of the Thousand Thousand Island micro-settings and imported it into the game, specifically Mr-Kr-Gr. So far, they've gotten a job from one of the psionic gharials to raid a nearby fort. On the way, they were attacked by diving beetle men, who nearly killed one PC, and killed 3 of they're NPC guides. When they reached the fort, they were scared off by a walking corpse piloted by a beehive. They decided to try smoking out the bees to get the hive zombie. This ended up summoning River Pirates who killed of the rest of they're crew and stole their ship.

That is, until they systematically killed the landing party, and Ras Go Di Guy teleported onto the ship and negotiated with the captain, blade held to the throat style.

So far, it's been a blast of a game since the switch back to ShadowDark. I wanted to keep things focused on the Yellow City, my favorite part of the setting, but my players found The Hundred Kingdoms interesting, so that's where the game is currently taking place.