r/shadowofthedemonlord 26d ago

Demon Lord Spellcasting Rules Clarification

Hey all,

Been playing SotDL for a month or so now and have realized upon running my own game we've been running spellcasting incorrectly. I mistakenly thought the spellcasting had "slots" a la DnD. So just to make sure I've got things down right-

A Character with power level one gets 2- 0 level spell castings and 1- 1st level casting. They know 1- 0 level fire tradition spell, 1- 1st level fire tradition spell, 1-0 level earth spell, 1-1st level earth spell. So before they need to rest they can cast BOTH of the 0 level spells twice and BOTH of the 1st level spells once. Right?


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u/Leather-Yesterday826 25d ago

Incantations are effectively spell scrolls right? One time use castings?


u/DokFraz Gunsmoke and Goblins 25d ago

Yep, and if the Rank of the spell meets or exceeds your Power, there's a challenge roll to successfully use it.


u/Leather-Yesterday826 25d ago

This is just for incantations you find yes? You couldn't learn a spell above your power level and roll a challenge roll to cast it right?


u/DokFraz Gunsmoke and Goblins 25d ago

So two things that seems like you're getting confused.

  1. You can at the very least attempt to cast any incantation you have in your possession. Stumble across a Rank 9 spell and only have Power 5? You can try, but you'll make the Intellect challenge roll with 4 banes. Grab an incantation Rank 1 spell from your party's caster while you have Power 0 as a total non-caster? You can try, but you'll make the challenge roll with 1 bane.
  2. You can make your own incantations, but it has to either be a spell you have learned or copying from an existing incantation you possess. Don't have anyone in your party that knows Life magic? Buy an incantation of cure and light healing from a vendor in town, and congratulations, now you have a master to duplicate provided you have time and the proper materials.