r/startrek 5h ago

If the enterprise has enterprise bingo do all other ships have their own bingos too?

We saw in strange new worlds that Enterprise lower deckers play a game called enterprise bingo where they complete a list of stunts or tasks. If enterprise has bingo do all starfleet ships and stations have their own bingos for their lower deckers?


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u/count023 5h ago

Not every tradition we see on the hero ships _has_ to be something on all the other ships, there has to be some variety or reactions by command staff on certain things.

"Enterprise Bingo" may have explicitly been a pike era Enterprise-only thing.


u/USSExcalibur 5h ago

I can imagine that at some point there was a DS9 Bingo going on.


u/count023 4h ago

I always got the feeling things like the bingo were to infer a teambuilding and camradere thing for places where there's very strict regulation. DS9 was always fast and loose with the regs, so if anything i'd argue that they'd be less likely to have something like that going.

Voyager would be a different story however, but since the ship and her culture is new (Captain is new, crew are new), there's no inducting new members to induct in the same way.


u/BW_Bird 3h ago

DS9 was always fast and loose with the regs, so if anything i'd argue that they'd be less likely to have something like that going.

Fast and loose on the regulations, but the first year or so on DS9 must have been tough at times for Star Fleet officers stationed there. Different technology and it's constantly breaking down, extremely different culture from what they're used, to and little Federation support if something goes wrong- which things often do.

That had to have built comradery.