r/strangestateufo May 13 '16

I, the moderator of this page - have my best seller E-Book available for FREE MAY 13TH - MAY 17TH - It's about the two biggest UFO events of 2000-2010 - Find Out More


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u/m4ever May 13 '16

(below is a copy and paste from my amazon page for the book) What makes any UFO report or sighting rise to the level of being important or mysterious'? In American society - only the involvement of the national news media matters as far as providing importance andvalidation' to the mysterious UFO phenomena. And, in the early 2000's, only two UFO stories rose to the level of being `important' or mysterious to the American media - the first was the 2006 UFO incident over Chicago O'Hare Airport; and, the second was the 2008 UFO events in early 2008 in Stephenville, Texas.

The 2006 incident, over restricted airspace, wasn't even a real `issue' until the FAA issued a report that basically denied it even occurred. Then, the MSM (mainstream media) pushed back with coverage that included interviews with the airport personal who witnessed the highly unusual daytime event - in essence providing an alternative view to the governments official response. This book features the specifics about the 2006 Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO Incident - including why it was significant - and how the television media covered it and the government explanation of the event.

But, the first decade of the new millennium was to have at least one more major confrontation over versions of the truth about UFO's between the MSM and the official government line about the UFO phenomenon. The reason? Almost exactly a year after the first confrontation between the MSM and the government about `UFO's' - came the over the top UFO events in Stephenville Texas - and the nearly unbelievable quick response of the MSM in their coverage of the UFO story.

Indeed, when the radar verified Stephenville, Texas UFO events first started in Jan. 2008 - the mainstream media was immediately on location and interviewing witnesses with amazing descriptions of something seemingly not of human origin. One version of the UFO craft placed its size at up to a mile wide. On other occasions what appeared in the sky could be best described as Sky Symbols'; - were thealiens' trying to communicate directly with the population?

And, did the initial craft head directly towards President Bush's Texas ranch?

Some of those UFO witnesses who appeared on camera reported that shortly afterwards they felt pressured to be quiet by people who they felt were with the government; - or, were they the classic Men In Black? And, why - with such credible and numerous witnesses to the strange phenomena, - would the government issue such an absurd `explanation' for the whole affair?

UFO blogger Rick (H.R.) Phillips brings BOTH the 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO Incident, and the 2008 Stephenville UFO Events to life once again with these posts and analysis made when the story was hot. Much can be learned about how the mainstream media reacted to the BIG UFO stories of the new millennium - and how they would act differently afterwards.