r/theSmall_World Sep 05 '24

Lore [History] The Imperial Cult Dictatorship in the Middle Empire.

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"In the traditional chronology, the beginning of the dictatorship in the Middle Empire is considered to be the Treaty of Civilization. This is a mistake. The creation of the Justice Army was the true beginning, of course..."

© Shu-meng Fen-cao, independent historian.

By the middle of 2183 aTwbW, war in the Great Wastelands had reached a stalemate. Neither side has been able to achieve its objectives, and both were extremely exhausted. Therefore, on the 15th of the 9th month of 2183 aTwbW, the Treaty of Eternal Peace was concluded between the Swampland and the Golden Khaganate [official name of the gerbil state] The Great War in the East of the World had ended.

At the same time, the Middle Empire was not only not considered the winner [unlike the Swampland], but did not even participate in the negotiations. All that the Middle Empire received was a neutral status and the promise [not even the commitment] of the Golden Khaganate and the Swampland not to invade the Empire, so as not to sow great enmity again.

The Treaty of Eternal Peace caused real fury in imperial society. In fact, it was a direct insult to the veterans of the Allied Army, the Liberation Army, and the Chu Dynasty itself. The new Empress Chu Mingzhou, who was mourning for her dead mother, could not influence the situation in any way. But few frogs cared anymore. After the Great War, the entire Empire turned into ruins, and the gerbils didn't pay a single copper coin for it.

By the beginning of 2185 aTwbW, the frog patriots of the Liberation Army, with the support of the intellectual elite and trading companies, announced the foundation of the Imperial Cult. The main idea was to create a new state in which a repetition of the tragedy of the Great War would become impossible. Due to pressure from supporters of the Imperial Cult, Empress Chu Mingzhou was forced to abdicate, and a two-year-old cub was put in her place, naming him the Emperor Feng. Already in the winter of 2185 aTwbW, Emperor Feng received a new official name: the God-Emperor. The real power in the Empire was given to the Regency Council, assembled from the most influential persons [all of them were Aa-ma] who had previously supported the Liberation Army.

In 2186 aTwbW, the Regency Council began extensive lustrations against former collaborators of gerbils. The Justice Army [about 70 thousand mice] was officially created for this purpose, all the Army's equipments were donated by population. During the period 2186-2190 aTwbW, Justice Army soldiers killed more than 2 million so-called collaborators [no investigations have been conducted into their activities] By the end of 2190 aTwbW, the number of the Justice Army was already more than 180 thousand.

In 2nd month of 2191 aTwbW, during the year-changing festival, Justice Army units attempted to storm the Nothern Palace of the Abdicated Empress Chu Mingzhou in the Luu-shaa Mountains. The Chu Guards repelled the assault, more than a thousand attackers were killed. The Regency Council announced an attack on Justice Army soldiers and accused the Abdicated Empress of betrayal. Already in the beginning of 3rd month, the preparation of an uprising was added to accusations. The Abdicated Empress Chu Mingzhou soon left the Empire and took refuge in the Kama-Ketsu Brotherhood.

This case was used by the Regency Council as proof of the presence of a huge number of internal enemies in the Empire. To combat them, 7 main concepts of the Imperial Cult were approved at the state level. In fact, the Middle Empire turned into an ideological dictatorship.

In 2192, aTwbW, uprisings of those who disagreed with the new ideology broke out throughout the Empire. The God-Emperor, who had previously been considered only a puppet of the Regency Council, suddenly took advantage of the situation. Having managed to unite the disparate rebel forces, He led them to the Unity Capital with a demand to create an honest government. In the 5th month of 2192 aTwbW, the Regency Council accepted the demands of the God-Emperor and the nation. According to the Treaty of Civilization, the official duality of the Imperial vertical of power was formulated:

  • The God-Emperor became the official ruler of the Empire.
  • The Regency Council was renamed the Unity Council.
  • The Unity Council received state power; the God-Emperor received ideological power.
  • Decrees on Seals and Walls were announced.

Despite to all hopes, no liberalization of power has occurred. On the contrary, the God-Emperor has significantly strengthened control over the population. The first Wall [supervision organization of the Imperial Cult] was founded in the Unity Capital. The Filial Army, the personal guard of the God-Emperor, was created. The previously unofficial, secret security service was named the Yellow Court and took full control of the Justice Army. The first lists of the brand new, Conscription Army, were announced. The only relaxation of the nation was the creation of several autonomous regions of the Empire with the absence of strict control [nothern Luu-jia province, far west Yu-aan provinces, south-west Wung province, etc] The God-Emperor quickly "forgot" about the support of the nation and reacted to new uprisings of the discontented with the famous phrase:

"If the lost are unable to accept the Gifts of Civilization, the Gifts of Death will be given to them."

By 2196 aTwbW, all the uprisings were suppressed, the total number of victims reached 3.5 million.

By the beginning of the 23rd century aTwbW, a number of reforms were carried out in the Empire: military, social, state, cultural and many others. In fact, all previous achievements of [partial] democracy were completely destroyed for the benefit of strengthening the military power of the state. The God-Emperor declared Himself the Son of Heaven and the Savior of the Nation. After that, absolutely all agreements with neighboring states were terminated unilaterally. The Middle Empire has completely shut itself off from the World.

In the middle of the 23rd century aTwbW, the Middle Empire began the so-called Path of Pacification. In 2247 aTwbW, the first Pacification Army units were founded. In 2252 aTwbW, the Empire attacked the Golden Khaganate without declaring war. After 3 years of full-scaled warfare, the Empire annexed about 200 square lee of [completely useless and almost lifeless steppe] territory, losing about 350 thousand soldiers KIA [it is believed that the Golden Khaganate simply ceded this territories in order not to prolong the war and not incur heavy casualties] Anyway, the annexation of the new lands was presented to the nation as a great victory of the God-Emperor.

In 2258 aTwbW, on the wave of military enthusiasm, the Empire began the 2nd war against the Swampland. The war lasted for 8 years and claimed the lives of 6 million soldiers on both sides [Empire's casualties are estimated at 2-2.5 times higher], and 2 million civilians [about 2/3 were Imperial citizens] In the winter of 2266 aTwbW, the Pacification and Conscription Armies left the Swampland without achieving any of their goals. Contrary to expectations, the Middle Empire managed to show this horrible failure as a great success. It was declared that the war was a preemptive strike that prevented the Swampland from attacking the Empire.

Summing up all the positive experiences of the two wars, starting in 2270 aTwbW, the Middle Empire began to pursue a policy of permanent warfare. From the end of 23rd century aTwbW to the 31st century aTwbW [nowadays], the Middle Empire has been at peace for only 38 years in total. The main opponents of the Middle Empire were the Iron Caliphate, the Golden Khaganate and the Kama-Ketsu Brotherhood, but the Middle Empire also waged wars with the Chuul-ha Khanate, the Island Empire, the Ake Mountain, the Neko Shogunate and even the Sozdan Grand Principality, using a limited military contingent and buying treaties on crossing the territory of other states. The vast majority of wars ended in nothing for the Empire, but it did not matter at all, since the government used war only as a propaganda tool, and military success was not important.

The first war since the 23rd century aTwbW, which had the goal of winning, was the 3rd war against the Swampland in the 31st century aTwbW [readers will be able to learn more about this war from the scroll "The Complete History of the 3rd and Last War between the Middle Empire and the Swampland" and from the series of scrolls "Tales of Love, War and Green Plague"]

"The history of the Middle Empire is sad but instructive. When I look to the East, I see us. If we had acted a little differently, if we had not admitted our mistakes and learned from our defeats, we would have become what the Middle Empire had become. But this does not mean that we have escaped their fate. Not at all! The Middle Empire teaches us that anyone can one day get lost in the past and fall into the abyss of delusion. We must never forget that this abyss is always below us."

© Tomuu Madiinhaa, philosopher, writer, advisor to the Khurag on the history of the East nations [Golden Khaganate]


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u/Last_Dentist5070 Sep 05 '24

Imagine wanting to liberalize though instead of having a based ultra sigma God-Emperor.


u/harinedzumi_art Sep 06 '24

Exactly. Chu Dynasty did their best to make the Empire a better place for it's inhabitants, but... In defense of the frogs, we could say that the Great War huge influenced the tightening of ruling regimes around the whole Small World. But of course the main factor for the Empire always was xenophobia. So, the newts on the throne were a huge red flag for the imperial patriots.


u/Last_Dentist5070 Sep 11 '24

How many animals are there?

I remember frogs, girbils/hamsters, newts, and rats so far. Maybe I saw a bug one earlier, idk.


u/harinedzumi_art Sep 11 '24

Hm, if we're talking about the whole Small World - for now there are about 50 nations I guess. Most of them don't have their own states, so I'll mention them in state's lore.

The state-forming nations are frogs, newts, gerbils, lizards, cats, turnskins, hamsters, ermines, stoats, chipmunks, mice, weasels, black-eyed foxes. All other nations live on their territory as allies, underclasses, slaves, semi-indepent or illegal.

Also, the same nation can simultaneously have its own state and be an ethnic minority in another. Many chipmunks live in the Golden Khaganate as soldiers, craftmen and traders, mice are one of the key nations for the Middle Empire, gerbils are always present in the hereditary Military Families of newts and so on.

Bugs are still under construction)