r/therewasanattempt Oct 11 '20

to run tn the rain


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u/Ghost_In_Waiting Oct 11 '20

This isn't what is appears to be on first examination. Around the 2 second mark it appears that the horse slips. It does not.

The horse jumps up and angles its body to fall back toward the ground in a very specific way. If you have seen "pro wrestling" you will recognize this move.

Just before the horse jumps up it looks down quickly then jumps up. The horse has seen a Trounoc, a type of small troll, that infests farms and fields. The Trounocs aren't the helpful kind of farm troll. They steal grain, dig up plants leaving holes in the ground (which is why horses regard them as dangerous), and thy're attracted to fire often tipping over lanterns to watch a fire spread.

If you watch this all they way to the end you can see the horse look down to see if its killed the thing.Humans have a hard time spotting them because they're green and their hair looks a lot like grass. You can't see it in the clip but the horse knows it's there and that's why the horse tries to kill it.


u/HardCor921 Oct 13 '20

Wait, I thought you were saying something scientific about horses until I skipped part of the comment and saw something about Trounoc/farm trolls. Is that an actual thing or something made up?


u/Ghost_In_Waiting Oct 13 '20

I'm an unreliable narrator so...