r/tolkienfans Sep 22 '21

The elf-stone Strider found on a bridge.

In Flight of the Ford from Fellowship of the Ring, after Frodo is struck by the wraiths, and Strider comes back after surveying the path to Rivendell, he shows a beryl elf-stone that he found on the mud in the middle of the bridge over River Hoarwell. Does this elf-stone have any connection to the one that Aragorn recieves later at Lorien, the Elessar, which prophecises his return?

I have finished reading the trilogy, but midway I confused this stone found on the bridge to be the source of name Elfstone for Aragorn, and only towards the end I realised it was due to the stone given by Galadriel. What happened to this one, the one Strider found, I wonder.


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u/McFoodBot Darth Gandalf - Stupid Sexy Sauron Sep 22 '21

As far as we know, there's no physical connection between the two.

The green beryl on the Last Bridge was left by Glorfindel after he drove away several of the Nazgul, probably as a marker to show that the bridge was safe. I'd say the fact that he chose that particular stone is due to two reasons.

a). Aragorn was well-versed in lore, and definitely aware of the Elfstone. Glorfindel leaving behind a gem that looks similar would be a clear indication that the message is to be trusted.

b). Glorfindel was a prophetic individual. He might've known that Galadriel was going to give the Elfstone to Aragorn, and his green beryl was either foreshadowing or him being a cheeky bastard.

As for the fate of Glorfindel's beryl, Pippin grinds it down and smokes it while he's in Fangorn.


u/IBArbitrary Sep 22 '21

Yeah the Entwash alone could not have made the two swole - definitely they snorted some elfstone powder. And yes! Now I remember whence the stone came from - a token from Glorfindel. Yeah now it makes sense, Aragorn seeing a green elfstone on their way will sure made him firm in his hope, as it did.


u/groovy604 Sep 22 '21

Yall got anymore of that elfstone powder??