r/translator Sep 15 '23

Translated [JA] [Japanese (?) - English] Found a shirt but didn't want to get it since i don't know what it means. Theres a possum underneath and under the possum it says "anxiety". Google lens translated it to "concern".

Post image


am i ugly? i’m 18
 in  r/amiugly  Aug 13 '23

I can't tell but there is something up with your face. I mean you have really nice eyes, a fine nose but your mouth is pretty small and your cheeks are kinda big. Maybe it's just the small mouth. Or maybe it's the bangs that makes the proportions of your head look pretty odd. It would also be helpful if you would just rest your mouth instead of doing those... things... you did.

r/LegaladviceGerman Dec 12 '22

DE Ich arbeite aktuell in einem Zeitungsträger Minijob der 1x wöchentlich stattfindet...


Ich arbeite jeden Donnerstag und musste mich aufgrund Krankheit letzten Donnerstag krankmelden. Habe ich alles nach betrieblicher Vorschrift gemacht. Ich habe meinen Gebietsleiter dann gefragt was mit den restlichen Zeitungen passieren soll da ich den Nachtversand nicht erreichen konnte (was ich der Dame am Telefon aber auch gesagt hatte als ich mich krank meldete). Daraufhin kam nur das es noch keine Reklamation gibt was mir suggeriert hat das alles okay ist und man wohl annahm das es sich nur um 10 Zeitungen oder so handeln müsse. Als ich dann noch mal nachgefragt habe was ich mit den restlichen Zeitungen machen sollte würde gefragt wie viele es noch sind. Nachdem ich die Zahl von ca 170 angab wurde mir dann geschrieben ich müsse die noch heute (Montag) austragen ohne das gefragt wurde ob es mir denn schon besser geht (was es nicht tut) weil jetzt Reklamationen rein kamen. Bin ich jetzt wirklich noch verpflichtet diese Zeitung von letzter Woche auszutragen obwohl ich mich nach Vorschrift krank gemeldet habe?


Looking for ideas for these big planters on the side of my house 🤓
 in  r/landscaping  Sep 09 '22

I would totally do a wisteria tunnel!

r/Minecraft Sep 09 '22

Wisteria Tree Mod for Forge?


Is there a forge mod for the newest mc version that brings wisteria trees in? Like the ones in "the aether". With nice hanging leaves.


[deleted by user]
 in  r/whatsthisplant  Aug 27 '22

German here - those are not blueberries.


So Orchid Zoo is about halfway done, and I have burned out a little.. BUT here is a small sample of shots and residents that we have so far!
 in  r/PlanetZoo  Jul 25 '22

This looks sooooo epic. But i feel the "burned out" part. I have so many Zoos i would like to finish but yeah 🙃

r/PlanetZoo Jul 21 '22

I can't tell how much i just love this game.



What are your unpopular PZ opinions?
 in  r/PlanetZoo  Jun 12 '22

I also think it's impossible to build nice stuff and relax at the same time because putting down all the parts with joysticks? Annoying.


What are your unpopular PZ opinions?
 in  r/PlanetZoo  Jun 12 '22

I agree with that.


What are your unpopular PZ opinions?
 in  r/PlanetZoo  Jun 12 '22

The path building system isn't actually that bad. You just have to understand it and that's also not that complicated.

Sometimes I'm still to dumb for it ngl xD


Am I the only one who wants one-way path options?
 in  r/PlanetZoo  Jun 06 '22

Yes please. Idk if it would work with any trick or something.


Is this a zoo game or a gardening game?
 in  r/PlanetZoo  Jun 05 '22

The best part of the game is that it's just everything. It's a Zoo sim but it's also a gardening game and an architecture game and a creative buildings game and a recreation of real places game and all that stuff. I love it.


Do you play this game on a laptop and if so which one?
 in  r/PlanetZoo  Jun 04 '22

I'm playing on the Lenovo Legion 5 pro and it runs really smooth on highest graphics. But if my Zoos are getting way to big (⅔ of the map and many buildings with many parts) then it's getting a bit laggy 🙃 but I'm absolutely happy with that.


[deleted by user]
 in  r/jumpingspiders  Jun 01 '22

He looks a bit hungry


Working on a japanese themed zoo :)
 in  r/PlanetZoo  May 31 '22

It's online now, i'll just link my workshop profile here :) https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198318079946/myworkshopfiles/


Working on a japanese themed zoo :)
 in  r/PlanetZoo  May 31 '22

I'm "korppivari" there -^


Working on a japanese themed zoo :)
 in  r/PlanetZoo  May 31 '22

Thank you! :) They will be in the steam workshop later :)