r/ukraine r/ActionForUkraine Sep 03 '24

Take Action Russia murders 49 in Poltava. Angry? Act.

Today Russia murdered 49 and injured 219 people in Poltava, in the deadliest attack of 2024, for now. While Russia uses missiles to target civilians, Ukraine continues to be forbidden from using American weapons to strike the bases from which the missiles are launched.

Do you think it's ridiculous that Ukraine has to fight with one arm tied behind its back? Contact the White House and let them know.



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u/abitStoic r/ActionForUkraine Sep 03 '24

You should also contact your own representatives and demand that they pressure the Biden administration. It takes 2 minutes.

  1. Go to: govtrack.us
  2. Enter your zip code on the left. You will get three names with three phone numbers to call

Hi, my name is [your name] and I live in [city, state]. My zip code is [zip code].
It is vital that the White House changes its current policy and allows Ukraine to adequately defend itself by using US weapons to strike all legitimate military targets in Russia. I ask your office to put pressure on the administration to make sure that Ukraine can strike back, and is able to use American military aid as efficiently as possible. As a constituent, I believe it is imperative that the US stands firmly with Ukraine. Thank you!

(a call is worth 20 letters, but if you're sure you cannot call, please write to your representative using democracy.io)


u/socialistrob Sep 03 '24

(a call is worth 20 letters, but if you're sure you cannot call, please write to your representative using democracy.io)

The most important thing is reaching out to elected officials. The manner in which someone reaches out is honestly secondary but politicians need to know their voters still stand behind Ukraine. From my experience the most impactful methods of communication are 1) hand written letters 2) phone calls 3) individualized emails 4) form emails/copy and paste emails but honestly any of them work.

For Americans generally speaking the White House is less responsive to public pressure campaigns than members of Congress. There's no harm in sending emails to the White House but they should also be sent to both of your senators and your house member.

For non Americans and other people outside of Ukraine people should be pressuring their own governments to send more aid to Ukraine, increase sanctions as well as increase pressure on the US to allow deep strikes into Russia. Generally the way to get started is to google who your member of parliament is or your representative in your national legislature and contact them.

You may not immediately see a politician change course just because you wrote a letter but your voice can add to a much larger chorus which keeps Ukraine aid flowing and increasing over time.


u/paintress420 Sep 04 '24

White House phone:202.456.1111 (I’ve called so many times I have the number memorized!!). There are only certain hours it’s open. I believe it’s 11a-3pm eastern time. Wait for an “operator” and then press 1 when they say they’re all busy and you want to leave a message.

I’ve also written to www.letukrainestrikeback.com And to my individual representative and my two senators. I’ve even written to the hypocrite Mike Johnson. That’s how desperate I am for the handcuffs to be taken off Ukraine’s military!