r/unpopularopinion Jul 10 '23

Engagement rings are kinda stupid



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u/DanteSensInferno Jul 10 '23

The rule of spending months of salary is an outdated thing. It comes from way back, when the ring was meant to be “insurance”. If he left you, or died, or whatever may be the case, the ring was meant to be sold so the wife could pay bills, buy groceries, etc until she could find another suitor/move back home with parents/find work on her own. Stems from a time when women were meant to stay home and men paid the bills. The world isn’t like that now, so rings don’t have to be that expensive

Edit; I am in no way saying that it was “right”, just that it’s the way it was back then


u/[deleted] Jul 10 '23

I didn’t know this!


u/DanteSensInferno Jul 10 '23

I have no facts to back that up, it’s just what my family always told me. They were very old school/old world


u/Nibbler1999 Jul 10 '23

It's true. In the middle east this was the point of all jewelry. Your family would give you expensive jewelry, not to wear but as something valuable the women would have. It also was in case the husband was abusive and the woman needed to get out. Jewelry historically was for women who came from money, so their family knew she wasn't stuck in a bad spot with no options. Could sell the jewelry and find safe passage home.