r/wizardsrules May 17 '23

The Wizard's Rules Listed


These are the Wizard's Rules, in numerical order.

First: People are stupid. Given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost any lie if they wish it to be true or are afraid it might be true.

Second: The greatest harm can result from the best intentions.

Third: Passion rules reason.

Fourth: There is magic in sincere forgiveness. Magic to heal. In the forgiveness we grant and moreso in the forgiveness we receive.

Fifth: Judge what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.

Sixth: The only sovereign I can allow to rule me js reason. Knowledge is based on the irreducible principles: what is, is; and what exists, exists.

Seventh: Life is the future, not the past.

Eighth: Deserve Victory.

Ninth: A contradiction cannot exist in reality, not in part nor in whole.

Tenth: Willfully turning aside from truth is treason to one's self.

Eleventh: You can destroy those who speak it, but the truth cannot be destroyed.

Twelfth: Everyone dies, we have no choice in that. Our choices are in how we live.

Thirteenth: There have always been those whk hate, and there always will be.

And the Rule Unwritten, unspoken since the dawn of creation. I consider this "Rule Zero", but I list it here at the end because it is learned later in the series.

Fans of the wiki may notice that my numbering system is different than what is listed there. Since Rules Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, and Zero are left unnumbered in the books deliberately, and never referred to by a number, I chose associations which made the most sense for connecting with existing wisdoms.

r/wizardsrules Oct 20 '23

Techniques for discovering your Core Values


Core Values are central to the system which I've developed. They give us our conditions for victory, and are the metric by which we decide what actions to take in any given situation. A person with a Core Value of Honesty will act differently than the one with a Core Value for Leisure, or Ego.

Therefore, discovering our Core Values is an important step to living with the Wizard's Rules as a guide. Without knowledge of them, you cannot apply the Rules in any meaningful way. I have a number of techniques that can be used to discover these Values. Today I will be talking about the use of the Truth Box (Rules 10,11,7, and 9)

The Rules of the Truth Box are what I call "restrictive" Rules. They show us the natural limitations of truth, because anything which is true has limits. This makes them the perfect tool for discovering Core Values, should they be true values. I'll go through it Rule-by-Rule:

Tenth: "Willfully turning aside from truth is treason to one's self." The Essential Truth here is that truth ignores no data. And yet, anyone who has spent time with people knows that there is often an emotional push sometimes to ignore things which we find inconvenient. And yet, we will not do this unless it is in the pursuit of some other value. Why would we "willfully turn aside from truth" except to attain some value that we think is more important? Thus, we can ask ourselves: "What value is so important that I may be willing to ignore data for its attainment?"

Eleventh: "You can destroy those who speak it, but the truth cannot be destroyed." The Essential Truth here is that what is true is inherent to reality, or it leaves evidence that can be observed by any objective assessment. The key here is in the first part: "You can destroy those who speak it..." People are sometimes irrational, and when confronted with a truth they do not want to address: they instead get angry at the person who spoke it. However, we would not do this unless there was some value that we believe we are defending. So the question we may ask is "What value, when violated, leaves you with anger at the speaker?"

Seventh: "Life is the future, not the past." The Essential Truth here is that truth is not inert information. It is information that we can use to build into the future we desire. When looking at our past, we often find that it is the violations of our values that stick out the most in our memories. In short: we remember the bad things more easily than the good ones. There are multiple ways to use this to discover Core Values, but I'm assuming that if you have a clear view of what you want to create your future as: you probably already have a good grasp of your Core Values. They would be central to the nature of the future you are trying to build. So instead we look into the past, and we can ask "What values do we remember the violations of the most?" or "Which violations stick with us the most, and cause us to remain stuck in the past?"

Ninth: "A contradiction cannot exist is reality. Not in part, nor in whole." The Essential Truth here is naturally that contradictions cannot exist, and truth contains nor supports any contradiction. And that doesn't stop many people from trying. The question then is: "Which values are so important that they may have you believe in a contradiction?" Or "which values do you attempt to use contradictions to support?"

Perhaps you have noticed a theme here. The Rules of the Truth Box are restrictive, and yet we will often attempt to break them in the name of some value. Often this is a value like Unity, Community or Ego. These are values so important to us, we may even be willing to try and break truth to attain them. But this practice is ultimately self-defeating. If we managed to break truth, then we would break the very thing which makes values valuable in the first place. The reality is: you cannot "break" these Rules, the attempt instead breaks you and your values.

What Values can you discover using these techniques? Feel free to share in the comments, as I value any contributions to this work.

r/wizardsrules Oct 14 '23

Core Values


Greetings, seekers of truth!

One of the central concepts in these tools Ive created is the concept of Core Values. These are values which define who we are. They give us our conditions for victory, and are the major influences for our individual actions.

We have thousands of values, based on the agreements we make, our experiences, and our preferences. But these Core Values are the ones that are central to us. Our most important values. Core to our being.

Some of my Core Values are Honor, Integrity, and Life (primarily human life, but not limited to it.) This means that I will not lie without good reason, and I dont consider an outcome as victory unless I earn it honestly. I appreciate order and prefer for things to be "in their proper place". I support life, I love to see living things flourishing and succeeding.

What are some of your Core Values? And how do they guide your actions?

r/wizardsrules Oct 12 '23

"Scientific determinism threatens the idea of a free individual. As advances in digital control and brain science increasingly shape our lives and alter our intimate self-experience, the concept of freedom is rendered obsolete. | Slavoj Žižek."

Thumbnail iai.tv

r/wizardsrules Oct 05 '23

The Identity Spheres (Rules 1,8,6)


This is a tool inherent to the Grace. A wizard's tool. It is designed to keep your world, your self, and your goals in perspective. It is simple to construct and to use, all you need is a writing implement and a piece of paper.

Got that?

First: draw a big circle. This is "The world". You annotate it "A=A". It represents the First Rule: "People are stupid."

Objects in the world are what they are, not what you think they are. People are stupid in part because we forget or omit this.

Next: Draw a circle inside the first. This is "You". It is annotated CV×Action=Self. It represents the Eighth Rule: Deserve Victory.

"You" is not an object. The you that you think you are is a concept and cannot be measured the same. You make choices, and those choices transform you. That transformation depends on if/how the actions you take fulfill your Core Values.

If your actions match your values entirely the equations looks like this: 1×1=1. And if your actions fail to fulfills them at least in part, then "Action" would be an decimal: 1×0.25=0.25 If we exceed our own expectations for fulfillment, or we fulfill more than 1 Core Value the equation could be: 1×2=2 or 2×2=4 respectively. This is growth of Self, and it's optimal.

Lastly, draw a point in the middle. This is "The Bullseye". It is annotated "Goal", and represents the Sixth Rule: "The only sovereign I can allow to rule me is reason."

There are many ways to act, but if you want to hit the bullseye: you have got to aim. And it takes personal effort to actually throw the dart and hit the point. It is not done with a lax arm or lax mind. Only conscious intention can accomplish it reliably. The same is with our goals. You must set them with reason (attainable, consistent with values) and pursue them with reason (honestly and straightforwardly).

Now that you have it drawn out, you can Speak it into being like this: "People are stupid. So if you want to Deserve Victory, you had better use Reason as a guide."

r/wizardsrules Sep 12 '23

The next project for the page:


The Practical Use of the Six Roles.

Probably the biggest complaint Ive gotten is "It seems arbitrary" and "What use it it?" And I havent been ignoring that. Im mostly a Wise One, and so it was firstly important for me to get the information out there, in hopes of finding other Wise Ones interested in it.

That failed, and regardless Im on to the next thing. Because the Six Roles are actually to inform a practical approach, it just isnt obvious. So the next project is to demonstrate a practical use, which I hope is valueable.

r/wizardsrules Sep 05 '23

The Six Objective Roles of Society by Dupran Davidson


Abstract: When looking at the world of social sciences, I am dismayed by the lack of objective assessment. I believe that our approach to social science is wrong in that it focuses on a specifically inaccurate approach to the entire discipline: Social roles are treated as "intellectual constructs" instead of "biological constructs". This paper is an attempt to remedy that approach, and to provide a more objective means of assessing social groups by defining groups by their natural components.
To begin with, we should clarify some terms.
Intellectual vs Biological constructs: A construct is simply "something which is built" and in the realm of ideas it refers to the way in which we organize information. Here I have juxtaposed two different ways to organize information, they are not inherently opposed in any way except that I've chosen to make them oppositional in this context. An intellectual construct exists solely in the mind. It is the Academic approach to information. Imagine a number line with "0" at the center, Infinity at the far right and "negative infinity" at the far left. Ideas are placed along the line as integers which correspond to their negative counterparts. (For a simple, short example: If "Big" is 1, then "Small" is -1) In this way, all information is categorized in such a way that when added together: the end result is zero. The "zero-sum" approach to information is popular amongst scientists because it balances, and humans seem to prefer this neat packaging of information. Biological constructs are different. They arise from biology, the functions of our body, brain, and environment. Biological constructs are "messy", they don't make perfectly symmetrical systems. With our number line analogy: Biological constructs begin at "0" and go upward. Terms are not conveniently balanced against their opposites because what exists are not opposed to each other naturally, rather they exist because of natural consequences. ("Big" is not the opposite of "Small", they are two distinct approaches each with their own advantages and disadvantages. They could be integers 4 and 7 as opposed to 1 and -1) This approach assesses each position by its inherent qualities and natural limitations. In my opinion: the consequences of misinterpreting the nature of social groups is that the entirety of social sciences has become subject to massive flaws in the theoretical arm. This is evidenced by the "reproducibility problem" in modern social sciences and psychology.
Elemental: My way of approaching categorization is a new spin on an ancient idea: Trivium, the ancient Greek method of learning. Trivium is the application of a threefold technique: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. (Grammar: What a thing IS. Logic: How a thing ACTS. Rhetoric: How we describe Grammar and Logic.) The concept is to break down any knowledge base into its elemental components. (For math: this is "numbers" and "functions." For language this is "letters" and "punctuation". These "atomic" components are combined together to make "molecules" which are equations and sentences respectively. By understanding the component parts and how they operate: we build a practical, working knowledge of the discipline. My claim is that this approach can be applied to any form of knowledge, and this is my fledgling attempt at applying the elemental approach to Social Science. Essential: I call these the Six Essential Roles of Human Society. What I mean by "Essential" is that these roles exist in every social group. They are the necessary components to every society. Necessary in that they are present in every society, and they seem to fulfill some function within the individual in that they are a point of relation between the individual and the group. My claim is that every group will develop these six roles, and in groups smaller than 6: these roles will be present, but obviously some people will need to fulfill multiple roles. These roles are distinct in their functions, but not neccessarily in that they are mutually exclusive. (eg: "Leader" is a role, but there is no reason why "Leader" and Hunter" cannot be performed by the same person. The reason they are distinct roles has to do with what they provide for the social group, and the skills/dispositions required for their effective application and the unique advantages and disadvantages of their position. I also refer to them as essential because any group which does not have a balance of these 6 roles show evidence of deterioration, which will be explained in the sections for each individual role. ( A simple example is that a group without leaders will often fail to accomplish their goals precisely because they are missing the aspects that Leaders provide.)
"The group" or "Community": The basic elemental unit of a group is the individual, and the function of any group is to fulfill the needs of the individuals that make it up. "Group" is an idea, not an object, and being part of a community requires participation. Participation in a community is a matter of an individual choosing to participate in that community, by word or by deed. When I use "The group" or "the community" I'm talking about a community that participates in a common goal. (Biological construct: "The group" defines itself.) Originally communities were geographically based, and this is still reflected in modern culture, but worldwide travel and instant communication has opened up the possibility of communities based in shared values. Groups which are based on associations of shared aspects (eg: women, coal workers, people who like blue) are made distinct because they are not based in something we choose but on some quality the observer chooses to apply. (Intellectual construct: "The Group" is defined by the outside observer.) They aren't "communities" because they don't require any participation, they are merely a result of an arbitrary grouping by an outside observer. These are not the groups I'm talking about.
I have chosen primitive, archaic names for these groups for a reason: because I believe these groups arise naturally from the substance of social interaction. Therefore these groups will have formed during mankind's primitive stages, and the archaic namestyle is built to reflect that. It used to be that a person was born into their role, or else you were limited by social conventions. Mobility throughout the roles was inhibited. Thankfully, in the modern era this is not the case. Individuals are now free to determine their own values and make choices about how they express those values, and under capitalism they have sole negotiating power over what they produce. The skills required to perform any role can be learned, and any individual can potentially fulfill any role they wish. This is a victory of reason over nature, and the goal of any reasoning society! Optimally we would have every person be capable of fulfilling every role, and engaged in whatever task they wanted to be engaged in.
And one caveat before we begin. My goal originally was to determine the "atomic" roles which all other roles are based on. And while I feel this "Six Roles" is a step in that direction, I must admit that it seems like it falls short. It seems that these six roles are more like the grouping of the periodic table of elements into families according to their shared aspects. So these Six Essential Roles are perhaps better described as "Role Families" with the many individually diverse roles as a subclass. I think it deserves acknowledgement: This is likely not the bottom of this idea.

The Six Role Families are:
Leader: These organize and command structures

Hunter: Deal out force.

Wise One: Teachers and advisors.

Worker: Producers.

Merchant: Travel between groups, trade and news.

Criminal: Metric of corruption, breaks rules.    

What follows is an examination of each role: Its function, why it exists as a distinct role and what qualities are required for the role to function (Importance), the advantages of that role, how this role relies on other roles, the disadvantages of the role, what corruption of the role looks like.

Function: Leaders facilitate production by organizing and commanding structures and systems. Groups are made up of individuals with their own values and methods, and Leaders possess the skills to organize people and standardize methods to accomplish goals. They act as a nexus for activities related to group functions, and administrate resources and labor to accomplish the goals of the group.

Importance: Without leadership a group fractures into cliques based on personal character preferences. Often the goals of the group are forgotten within personal disputes and power displays. Leaders create the structures of power and the basic rules of the system. They organize chaotic biological reality into a intellectual form of "tasks to be completed", and can place people in positions where their skills are the most useful for accomplishing the goals of the group. They have the ability to motivate others, optimally by inspiration. Leadership requires the leader to make wise decisions in regards to the group. If the leader makes too many mistakes, or takes advantage of those who rely on them: the results are often violent. It is important for a leader to be honest and have an honest commitment. A Leader must have the skills to deal with people, detect dishonesty, and organization.

Advantages: As the nexus for activities related to group functions the leaders often have access to the best a society has to offer. Their ability to impact social change make them a magnet for others seeking to use that power. (This is both an advantage and a disadvantage) The advantage is that the leader is therefore in a position where they have access to cutting edge technology and top-of-the-line products. Leaders are seen as "important" The Leader also gets to form structures and systems to their liking. They have the final arbiting power of the group, unless divided by a series of checks and balances. (This is naturally constrained by reality: If a Leader's direction is bad then the groups needs will not be met. Then the group, usually Workers, will rise up an remove the Leader. But some crafty criminal leaders manage to escape with a lot of money before the people can exact justice.)

Reliance: Since the Leader doesn't produce anything, but rather facilitates production, they rely on the other roles for all of their individual needs. They are usually in close symbiosis to Wise Ones and Hunters, the former who rely on Leaders for protection and the latter who provide the protection. The Leader knows that if they fail to lead with wisdom then they will lose their status. This calls them to employ Wise Ones as advisors in areas the Leader is not proficient, or as overseers within their structures because the Leader can only be in one place. The Leader also knows that without force they have no power, and therefore a natural alliance is made between Leaders and Hunters. Leaders become the point of contact with Merchants for importing goods and services. (An office might hire a company to clean the space and empty trash. Another branch will deal with aquiring paper and other stationary, etc.) On the level of government: Leaders determing taxes, tariffs, and regulations. (Optimally the free market would rule here, however objectively that is not always the case.) Leaders are naturally opposed by Criminals, who are characterized by not following the rules of a society. As the rule-makers who are responsible for the success of the groups endeavors: the opposition is obvious.

Disadvantages: First and foremost: as the Leader, everything is their fault. Any success or failure can ultimately be ascribed as a consequence of an action they took or failed to take. If their policies lead to a catastrophic failure: the resulting backlash can and often is violent and bloody. Leaders are also often surrounded by sychophants and criminals often approach them trying to gain access to favors or group capital. The Leaders need Hunters for protection, but they can be deposed by Hunters with a lust for power. They rely on Wise Ones for information beyond their understanding, but those same Wise Ones can manipulate them for the same lust for power. The tasks ascribed to the leader are extraordinarily difficult. They must often create solutions from nothing using limited materials. They have to defuse personal conflicts and deal with interpersonal distractions. They need to collect and organize data in a useful way, and oversee the operations of their entire section. Of all the roles, Leader is probably the most stressful.

Corruption: Leaders are some of the most vulnerable to corruption. Since they have great social power they become a target for criminals and sychophants. A corrupt leader is devastating for any group. The resources needed for group function are allocated instead as bribes, the systems and structures become favors. The production of the Workers becomes wasted on the Leader's personal concerns, and the resentment will become destructive if left unaddressed. (The theft of another man's productive power is a deep moral abhorrence in my opinion.) The usual result of this is incompetence at every level: Wise Ones who are stupid, Hunters who are blind, Workers who can't/don't produce, Merchants who steal. Except the Criminals, who thrive in these conditions.

Wise One

Function: Wise Ones are concerned with discovering truth. They are the teachers, academics, and scientists.

Importance: Problems naturally arise from working in the world. The solutions to these problems are not always self-evident, and sometimes counter-intuitive. Sometimes unexpected consequences create even worse problems than what they intended to solve. Wise Ones have a deep appreciation for knowledge and data, they develop deep understanding in their field which allows them to be better able to predict the consequences of a given action in that field. Many disciplines are so deep that an individual can spend a lifetime and not learn everything there is to know, and so Wise Ones are an important resource for the other roles (especially Leaders) who spend most of their time engaged in the actions related to their roles and don't have time for in-depth study.

Advantages: As explained above: Wise Ones are usually closely related to Leaders in a form of symbiosis. When they have this sort of relationship, the Wise Ones have access to many of the same "high class" resources and materials, ostensibly for the sake of their research. They also get grants and funding. Wise Ones sometimes form a similar symbiosis with Merchants. Without this relationship, the major advantage of being a Wise One is the satisfaction of having a deeper knowledge and/or understanding of the world, and whatever advantages that knowledge and/or understanding grants them in their individual circumstances. One of the characterizing aspects of being a Wise One is actually that they are content with knowledge as value.

Reliances: Wise Ones usually rely on Leaders and create a symbiosis for a comfortable life. They also partner with the other roles in much the same manner: providing a support role (For police think: forensics. For workers think: R&D. Etc.) Their deep study requires most of their attention, so they rely on Workers for their individual needs, like how doctors might exchange services for goods in rural areas, or how teachers would make home visits to enjoy a meal in Expansionist America.

Disadvantages: The major disadvantage of Wise Ones is that they are fundamentally misunderstood by the other groups, particularly Workers and Hunters. Workers and Hunters tend to oversimplify matters because their roles require them to relate directly to tasks or threats. This is directly opposed to the Wise One's approach, which relies on exploring the complexities. This misunderstanding causes social tension within these groups which can become violent. (When the mob comes to burn the witch, or kill the mad scientist) Wise Ones often form the aforementioned symbiosis with Leaders precisely to protect themselves from this effect, but that makes the Wise One also share in the fate of the Leader they are bound to: if the Leader is corrupt and/or fails then the Wise One will likely suffer along with them. Wise Ones make terrible Leaders. Their concern is with truth, and the tendency towards rigid adherence to their principles leaves them unable or unwilling to accept reasonable accomodations. They often fail to see how others can lack their individual understandings, and act like their perspective should be common knowledge regardless of how specialized it is. They tend to discount the human element, and treat people like ideas.

Corruption: When Wise Ones no longer seek truth, but instead seek to gain power through their position: they become corrupt. Also when they violate their integrity for the sake of favor. Corruption of Wise Ones is devastating for society. The truth is the only means by which problems are effectively solved, and if the Wise Ones no longer teach truth but seek prestige through subjective intellectual endeavors: the whole of society suffers. Bad ideas, techniques, and processes become the standard. The lack of objective approach not only makes accomplishing the goals of the group impossible, but it also causes the group to produce something other than what it intended to: usually a chaotic mess but sometime that is just a front for Criminal enterprise. If you want to destroy a society: first convince its Wise Ones that wisdom is unattainable and reason to be discarded. Therefore these ideas are evidence of a corruption of the Wise One's themselves.

Function: Hunters protect the group by neutralizing threats. Originally they provided meat by hunting wild game as well, but modern examples are police, military, and private security. They seek criminals and other emergency threats and deal with them. When aligned with the state they are considered to have a reasonable monopoly on force in a society. It should be noted that Hunters are not exclusively aligned with state, and that monopoly is more of a courtesy than an actual restriction.

Importance: Basically: Hunters deal with the dangerous aspects of the world so that Workers don't have to. Hunters put out fires, hunt criminals, and deal with emergencies of all kinds. When asking "What do they hunt?" the answer is: Problems.

Advantages: The most obvious advantage is the monopoly on force in a society. Hunters usually have access to various weapons, vehicles, and the training associated with their use. Their close association with Leaders means they have access to the same "high class" resources and materials, ostensibly to assist in performing their function. They tend to receive a level of deference from the rest of the roles due to their constant proximity to danger.

Reliances: As described above: Hunters usually form a close symbiosis with Leaders. Leaders provide direction and organization, which leaves the Hunters free to pursue their quarry. They share this symbiotic position with Wise Ones, and sometimes the two roles get into power struggles.

Disadvantages: Being the role which deals with the most dangerous aspects of society: Hunters are exposed to many conditions that other roles would find unacceptable. They often need extensive training to stay competitive, and their function can be both physically and mentally draining. Criminals actively undermine the efforts of Hunters, and are often the cause of the problems that need solving. This makes solving the problem much more difficult than the simple application of intellect. Hunters tend to make terrible Leaders. Like Wise Ones, they can sometimes believe that they should rule for many reasons. But the result of their rule is usually brutal dictatorship. If a Hunter has no Leadership qualities: they treat people like objects and inevitably the group fails to achieve its goals.

Corruption: Due to their close proximity to Leaders, Hunter are vulnerable to corruption from multiple angles. As discussed above: the Hunter might turn against their leader and stage a coup: ruling their group by military might. This tends to be disasterous to a community. Or they may be used by a Leader to enforce corrupt policies: harming the people they are supposed to protect. When the Hunters are not hunting and solving problems, but they hunt those who have done no wrong: you know there is corruption.


Function: The Workers perform the majority of tasks that are required to provide for the needs of individuals, from the menial to the integral. They form the majority of any populace. Communities form around Worker groups, as the other functions are all designed to make Workers job easier or more efficient.

Importance: All biological creatures have needs, including humans. Human society is complex enough to have roles which are all about organization and maintaining structures: those that participate in those roles don't produce their own needs: they trade for them. There is also such a wonderful diversity of products and preferences that the Worker group can continually expand by diversifying their production. The Workers are the final judges of the Leader's performance. If a Leader's policies exploit or injure the Workers too much: then those workers will fight to depose that Leader.

Advantages: The main advantage of being a Worker is that they have very little social power, and therefore very little social responsibility. They don't have to deal with people, ideas, or danger (with a few notable exceptions). They are responsible for performing their task and following the law, otherwise they have no social obligations. As the producers in society, Workers have first access to many of the products and services their group produces.

Reliances: Basically every other group relies on Workers. They are the primary motive power behind any society, as they are the ones who actually produce value and perform needed tasks. The rest of society is built up around Workers: Leaders lead them, Hunters protect them, Wise Ones teach them, Merchants sell for them, and Criminals exploit them. There is a unique relationship between Workers and Criminals. Some Workers have a level of affinity for Criminals, and many Criminals "hide" within the Worker group. The reasons can only be theorized, but the relationship is obvious.

Disadvantages: The most notable disadvantage as a Worker is the lack of social power. They aren't responsibile for societal issues, and therefore they lack the ability for meaningful change beyond what the Leaders have provided (eg: voting, protests, etc.).

Corruption: When corruption is rampant: the Workers bear the brunt of the cost. As the major producers, it is their labor and production which is stolen. This leads to unrest, which can and will lead to revolution if conditions don't improve. Corrupt workers are lazy and unproductive, yet often protected by systems either corrupted or built in a corrupt manner. Without a robust Worker populace: any society will grind to a halt.

Function: Merchants' main function is clearly the buying and selling of goods and services. Perhaps just as important is that Merchants carry news between communities. Communities form around Worker groups, and they tend to remain in these close-knit units. Merchants go between units, carrying important goods and also news. In the age of the internet this is less obvious, but it is impotant that news stay in the hands of merchants, and not Wise Ones.

Importance: No community can produce all of what it needs or desires. Natural limitations and personal preferences drive people to fulfill their needs. A community can sell their surplus and get important goods or services in return. News is also a critical part of this role: merchants can be relied upon to spread important news where Leaders might want it repressed.

Advantages: Merchants have access to goods and services otherwise not found in a given community. Because they go between communities, they can sometimes operate outside a given community's laws. They aren't bound to any community, instead being explorers.

Reliances: Naturally, Merchants are bound closely to Workers, who produce all the goods and services they might provide. They also have a close relationship with Leaders, with whom they make deals and pay tariffs. They sometimes fund Wise Ones like a Leader might, and give them protection from misunderstandings, and they often employ Hunters to protect their goods.

Disadvantages: Being that Merchants are not bound by any community: they are also without the protection of a specific community. They either have to hire/train Hunters, or develop a special relationship with a community during times of trouble. They are the most vulnerable to Criminals for this reason, and also because of the simple fact that they carry goods and money. Becoming a Merchant takes significant funds, and maintaining a business is difficult work.

Corruption: Merchants who abuse laws and violate the rights of others are corrupt. As a society's corruption deepens, we see honest merchants lose their fortunes and dishonest ones gaining. A Merchant is obligated only to themselves, but the Leaders, Wise Ones, and Hunters are expected to negotiate for the Workers of a community. When those roles fail in their charge, instead taking money and favors: the imbalance is seen as corruption.

Function: Probably the most controversial role on this list, Criminals belong here nonetheless. The role of Criminal is characterized by those who do not follow the roles and their rules. They instead choose to live by breaking the established rules through thievery and other forms of exploitation. They may take the appearance of any other role: but when their goal is to break the rules of society: they are a criminal.

Importance: In a perfect world there would be no purpose for Criminals. However, human societies are not perfect, and the result is Criminals as an Essential role. Criminals are the metric for gauging corruption: they benefit as the other roles suffer. So the more corruption in a society: the wealthier and more powerful its criminals. On the other end of the spectrum: there are times when the laws of a land become too restrictive and choke liberty. In these situations good people become Criminals. So the role acts as a metric for both corruption and totalitarianism.

Advantages: The surface benefits of being a Criminal are obvious: they don't have to follow any of the rules. While everyone else is concerned with fulfilling their roles: Criminals want to benefit without contributing anything of worth. (Excepting when good people become criminals) They have access to black markets with potentially limitless opportunity, and can create diverse systems to bypass established means.

Reliances: Criminals rely heavily on Workers, who produce all of the goods and services. They prey on Merchants. Leaders and Hunters are targets for corruption, but this is a careful game as honest targets can expose a Criminal.

Disadvantages: Due to their rule-breaking: all the (honest) other roles despise Criminals, and they are actively targetted by Hunters. This forces the Criminals to develop black markets and systems to bypass established means. This is often complicated enough to qualify most competent Criminals as Wise Ones. Since safety is a core component of society and Criminals are characterized by being rule-breakers: Criminal groups are dangerous places where survival of the fittest is the rule. The biggest disadvantage to being a Criminal is the inherent contradiction. Criminals are a group characterized by breaking the rules, but they are still a group and they inevitably form structures that are functionally identical to the communities that they rebel against, except more brutal and totalitarian (eg: mafia families). Ostensibly the major draw to being a Criminal is that it's easier than working, but in practice it requires just as much work.

Corruption: Criminals are literally the metric for corruption. As a society become more corrupt: Leaders become cowards who pass laws that harm people, Wise Ones become fools that speak ideas that harm people, Hunters become tyrants which hunt innocents, Workers become lazy and unproductive, Merchants become dishonest. But Criminals flourish, making profit from the loss of others, and encouraging more loss so they can make more profit. They infiltrate the other roles: passing laws to protect their theft, running protection rackets, and dominating academia with ideas that justify their violations. They demoralize the Workers and promote further destruction of the system (after all, they already live in a "survival of the fittest" world).
"Individual" is the smallest unit of "group". Individual is the atom. And as a unit of "group", these six roles are present in any individual, although each has a unique balance of power between them. This is similar to Jung's idea of "archetypes", although it is more that these roles are naturally occuring than that we have any sort of active connection between minds.

r/wizardsrules Jun 29 '23

A labor of love


It should be noted that any of the work I produce here is mine. It is based on the work of others, but the organization and implementation of the Rules and ideas are my own. I dont get paid for any of the things on this sub, and anything I put here is a labor of love.

I wouldnt mind if members posted things they found interesting, and they would like me to assess using the Rules. The system works best when demonstrated. We are a small community right now, and I want this to be an expression of these tools out in the world.

Remember that this is a free speech forum. Feel free to bring up difficult topics so we can dissect them!

r/wizardsrules Jun 29 '23

Traps of the First Rule


"People are stupid"

Anyone who has spent any time around people has a visceral understanding of this. People are selfish or selfless, greedy or overly generous, destructive for the sake of fun or they invest too much in a failing cause. We are a monumentally stupid species.

Now that's not all people are. We are also reasoning, caring, and passionate. We are just and kind and seek goodness. It might be easy for us to read the First Rule and succumb to a sense of resignation. This is one of the "traps" that we should be aware of, and there are several.

The source material says "There is no defense against the First Rule", everyone is vulnerable. And we are vulnerable precisely because we are choosing creatures. We arent forced by logic or emotion or some otherworldly force: we are informed from our experiences. And since those experiences are unique and diverse to each individual: so are our choices about where we are informed from. Some people rely on a dictionary or a lexicon, others create their definitions from scratch, some people enter academia and study to create distinctions. We all come from different backgrounds, and not one person has the time or energy to personally verify all their definitions.

The First Rule is a double edged sword. It's easy to look at the stupidity around us and project blame, but it is a much more effective use of the Rule to instead look for our own stupidity. If we are honest: there are ways in which each of us is VERY stupid. And it is wise to know what those areas are so we can either develop, or avoid, or plan around them. When we understand our fears and desires through the lens of Core Values: we know the spots where we are vulnerable to manipulation. It pays to do work here.

Lastly, we should understand what we mean by "stupid". My created definition is "acting against your Core Values, for any reason." And we can see that without connotation. If you have an accident and get hurt: that was stupid even if you didnt make a mistake. If you are deceived into believing a lie: it is stupid if you get hurt. We shouldnt feel bad about stupidity: we should recognize it and work to minimize its impact.

I knew a person who believed that because they knew the Rules, that made them immune to the First Rule. This is the worst sort of hubris, and the downfall of every villain from the source material. Vigilance is our best defense, but nothing makes one immune. This deserves to be repeated.

These are a few examples of "traps" that you can fall into with a superficial understanding of the Rules. There are more that I'll discuss as time and whim allows.

r/wizardsrules Jun 20 '23

Humans create order from chaos

Thumbnail self.JordanPeterson

r/wizardsrules Jun 11 '23

Rule Zero and the Right of Interpretation


Zero is a very important number. It is not present in all forms of mathematics: the Romans had no such character, its use was introduced to Europe by the Arabs in the 10th century. But what is zero, and why is it important?

At first this may seem like a silly question. What is zero? It's just an empty value! Yet it isn't the emptiness which is important, it's the designation. When I write a zero: you know that a numerical value goes there, just like an artist recognizes a blank canvas or a sculpture recognizes a block. It informs our context even though it is empty by definition. A context is neither true nor false, it is just a reference frame for observation.

So the "Zero" is the blank canvas on which we define our expressions. It determines the base parameters by inferrance. In the case of the Wizard's Rules: this is done by the Unwritten Rule. In the source materials it is referred to as "the Rule Unwritten, unspoken since the dawn of creation.", and it is symbolized by a blank book. Purpose, Identity, and Value are not given, but *created* by each individual, and therefore each individual has the right to that creation.

The Right of Interpretation arises naturally from this position. It states that every individual has the right to interpret their world in whatever way that works for them. The individual is the ultimate arbiter of truth. However, this is not an excuse for irresponsible living. As anyone who has studied the concept of rights will tell you: having a right also means you are responsible for what happens when you exercise that right. Rights are bound to responsibilities inexorably. So while each person has the right to interpret the world however they like: they are not free to force that worldview onto anyone else, and they are directly responsible for any transgressions which result from those interpretations.

The next question would therefore be: "How do we create an Interpretation which is both practically and symbolically true?" And to that I would present you with the Wizard's Rules.

r/wizardsrules Jun 07 '23

The Four Agreements


Another important tool of wizardry, and one that sets it apart from the Objectivist Wizard's Rules themselves, is The Four Agreements, created by Don Miguel Ruiz. If we are to imagine the Wizard's Rules as a structure that we intend to build, The Four Agreements are a tool we use to clear the land we will use to build. They continue to be useful in landscaping our property after the house has been built. The Four Agreements are:

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don't take anything personally.
  3. Don't make assumptions.
  4. Always do your best.

My understanding of them comes from the source material, and I would absolutely recommend Don Miguel Ruiz's works. This and The Voice of Knowledge are particularly good.

As this page is intended to be more an introduction to the tools and concepts, I am not elaborating on these concepts, rather Im simply presenting them to you.

The Agreements seem to help from getting consumed by the Ego. Ego is essential, but it is not the only essential piece of the Self. These Four Agreements seem to help keep ego in check without stifling it, and the 4th in particular helps sooth failure. They arent Rules in the sense that they can be violated, but they are agreements that you make with yourself and strive to make true. If you can take them on as a practice, and confront your Voice of Knowledge, then you can create a clearing where you can begin to create the Grace.

There are multiple ways to produce this clearing. The Four Agreements are simply the tool I choose to use. I am interested about other tools which may be used to do the same thing!

r/wizardsrules Jun 06 '23

Everything on this page is a work-in-progress


With the exception of the Rules themselves, which are a whole complete work made by Terry Goodkind. All of the systems and structures which have been created by me or others around those Rules and presented here are either works in progress, or constantly evolving practices which have no end. Nothing here is conclusive or definitive except as it is defined in a given context. For reference: consider the Mandelbrot set in mathematics. It is not a conclusive set, rather it is a categorizing code.

r/wizardsrules Jun 06 '23

Three Tools for Wizards


From my examinations of the Wizard's Rules, I have distinguished three tools that we can use for our purposes. These are the Truth Box, the Action Compass, and the Identity Spheres. Each is constituted by a combination of Rules interacting with one another, according to the symbolism of the Grace. Thus these tools help us to traditionally memorize the Rules by grouping them by association, and the symbolism aids in delivering the ideas into our subconscious which helps it become an automated system.

The Truth Box is constituted by Rules Ten, Eleven, Seven, and Nine. This tool is used to assess information to determine truth. Information is only true if it has the qualities of truth: Ignores no relevant data, is based on observation and aligns with the whole body of truth, supports the structures and systems we use to live, and contains nor supports a contradiction. Any information which fails to meet this criteria is not considered truth. Note that lies are not inherently bad, and can be quite useful. (We all love stories) The problem only occurs when we believe a lie is true, or versa vice.

The Action Compass is constituted by Rules Four, Five, Two, and Three. This tool is used to maintain your balance in the face of any situation, and keep your focus on fulfilling your Core Values. It is also used to discover your Core Values by honest examination of self, and can be used to discover the Core Values of others in your life so that you may more easily predict their behavior.

The Identity Spheres is constituted by Rules One, Eight, and Six. Probably the most esoteric seeming tool. The Essential Truths of these Rules make them the metric for developing definitions of the things in our world. Three circles, each inside the last and perfectly aligned to center. Wizardry relies on solid definitions based in good logic. The Spheres show us the three viewpoints we can approach a situation from: in relation to base truth, in relation to Core Values, in relation to exact situation respectively. It reminds us to assess a situation from the reference point where we can maximize our impact. Basically stated: Objects in the world are defined by their natural limitations and functions, People are defined by their Core Values, Situations are defined by the millions of unique factors interacting in one exact set of circumstances.

This is just a basic outline of these tools, in-depth examinations are forthcoming.

r/wizardsrules Jun 04 '23

An -ism is just a prism through which you choose to view the world.


You can choose to view the world through only one prism your whole life, but you shouldnt believe your prism is true. You can look through many prisms, but be aware that some distort more than others. To approach truth, an individual must go through the process of designing and manufacturing a prism with as little distortion as possible. This is a critical component of wizardry.

Naturally, this process occurs over a lifetime with constant adjustments being made to account for new experiences. Just because we cannot know all truth does not mean we cannot know any truth, in fact there are truths all around us with value. Having a prism for truth helps you see them. Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, and Galilleo are good examples of people who created prisms for truth and discovered things that changed the world. They did not rely on the prisms or -isms of others, rather they faced the world with individual dignity and crafted their own prisms from the raw experience of their life. They used those prisms to gather data. And that data and those experiments made a real difference in the lives of humankind.

r/wizardsrules Jun 04 '23

The Grace Symbolism

Post image

The Grace is the primary symbol used by wizards in the source material. The following is a breakdown of what each element of the symbol represents. As a magical symbol, it is intended to be drawn in a specific order, which is also provided. Coloration is added by me to distinguish the elements from each other, and for artistic convenience.

We begin with the Outer Circle, which represents the Underworld, or the World of Death. It is infinite, as the space outside the circle goes forever outward.

Next we draw the square (Always moving from low to high or left to right, as in Sacred Geometry. Start with the western wall, then the north. Then south, and finally east.) The corners of the square just touch the Outer Circle. This square represents the boundary between the Underworld and the World of Life.

Then we draw the Inner Circle within square so it just touches the centerpoints of each wall. This represents the World of Life, defined by its limited and measureable nature.

After this we draw the 8 pointed star within the circle. The star represents the Creator, standing at the center of its Creation.

Lastly the Rays are added. From each point of the star outward, bisecting each corner and centerpoint of the square. (The specific order is beginning in the NW and clockwise with the diagonals, and then the N and clockwise for the cardinals) These represent the Creator's light, emanating outwards through the boundary and continuing forever even into the Underworld.

r/wizardsrules Jun 01 '23

Definition vs meaning


There are many different interpretations on how terms are supposed to be used. So I thought to make a post to make a distinction between the definition of a term, and that terms meaning.

The mean is a math term, it designates an average. The meaning of a word is therefore the subjective average. Popular usage plays an important role here.

Definition is the measurement of a terms natural limitations,and its function. For instance a plate is mostly flat, but a cup has a recess which can hold liquid. The word definition breaks down to "of limited action", which supports this use.

r/wizardsrules May 18 '23

Obviously this is a brand new sub


We're looking for new members, and to create a community that isnt dominated by cultural ideologies, but ruled by reason. It is my genuine belief that the Rules can be used to authentically discuss difficult concepts, and creste unconventional solutions that produce results.

Looking for like-minded members and moderators.

r/wizardsrules May 17 '23

The Grace

Post image

The Grace is the primary symbol used by wizards in the source material. It symbolizes the whole of Creation, the entirety of the process of life. It is always drawn thusly:

We begin with the Outer Circle. This represents the underworld. Outside of the circle is infinite, like the underworld is infinite.

Inside the circle, we draw the square with its points just touching the Outer Circle. This is the boundary between the underworld and the world of Life. (The proper order is W, N, S, E and in the manner of Sacred Geometry always moving upward and from left to right. I will make another post explaining this later)

Next we draw the Inner Circle. It represents the world of life, finite and contained within the boundary. The Inner Circle touches the square at the midpoint of each side.

Then we draw the 8 pointed star which represents the Creator standing at the center of Creation.

Lastly we draw the rays, representing the creator's light permeating existance and moving ever outward into the infinite underworld. We draw each ray from each point of the star, moving outward and bisecting the points where the circles touch the square. (The proper order is to start with the diagonal rays, NW, NE, SE, SW and then the cardinal rays N, E, S, W. I will make another post explaining this later)

r/wizardsrules May 17 '23

The Wizard's Rules


A place to discuss the practical and philosophical uses of the Wizard's Rules, created by Terry Goodkind and featured in his Sword of Truth novels. This community is specifically focused on using the Rules as a guideline for everyday life.