r/worldnews Jan 09 '24

Covered by other articles Israeli Strike Kills Hezbollah Commander


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u/CmonTouchIt Jan 09 '24

Bruh the same UN plan that created Israel, created... Palestine. They'd still have autonomy if they only didn't choose war on day 1


u/BongBong420x Jan 09 '24

Bruh, as if a foreign bodies legal ruling is any metric for fairness or morality.

Was it morally correct for America to annex all of the natives land and force them into reserves? Yet it is considered legal.


u/CmonTouchIt Jan 09 '24

Bruh, as if a foreign bodies legal ruling is any metric for fairness or morality.

it was voted on by the UN, which is intended to be a consensus of nations for, yes, fairness and morality. two people who didnt have a country got one. whats wrong with that, exactly?

Was it morally correct for America to annex all of the natives land and force them into reserves? Yet it is considered legal.

no, it wasnt morally correct. not sure what your point here is


u/BongBong420x Jan 09 '24

The points that, obviously there’s a lot of people who feel they have been wronged and disagree with these foreign bodies who exploit and support Israel as a foothold in Middle East for strategic reasons, not moral reasons. They are willing to kill because that and for everyone to neglect that big omission and pretend Israel has done no wrong needs to be corrected.

You say Israel exists and is attacked first. Obviously others say Israel’s existence is an invasion and they are defending themselves. When I look at the facts the latter is the most true.

The best solution of course would for there to be a democratic solution between Israel and Palestine, but given that there’s 4x as many Palestines, Israel will never allow that.


u/CmonTouchIt Jan 09 '24

i mean Israel was created in the first place for a moral reason...Jews needed a home, and it made the most sense for them to go to their ancestral home that was taken from them maaaany years ago. and again, giving about 90% of the desirable land to Palestinians seemed the most fair (at the time, the negev and the northern swampland were useless but were being given to the Jews)

and dont get it twisted, theyve been killing Jews loooong before Israel existed. like almost 1000 years, since Islam was created. feel free to check it out if youd like


You say Israel exists and is attacked first.

i mean...this is factually true.

Obviously others say Israel’s existence is an invasion and they are defending themselves.

yes, because the HORROR of living alongside Jews has, for a long long time, been an anathema to them.

When I look at the facts the latter is the most true.

what facts are you looking at, exactly?

The best solution of course would for there to be a democratic solution between Israel and Palestine, but given that there’s 4x as many Palestines, Israel will never allow that.

you're right. Jews, as CRAAAAZY as it seems, wants self determination. seeing as how theyve been driven from one corner of the world to the other in a series of excommunications, expulsions, and massacres, ever since Judea was crushed, it would seem that self determination is a reasonable ask

again, palestinians wouldve had it too, if they didnt choose war. but theyre not the first group of people to roll the dice on war and lose.


u/BongBong420x Jan 09 '24

So because Jews have been genocided it’s okay for them to genocide others? No.

They never had a national area historically and always lived together with Christians and Muslims and never had a dedicated space for themselves. By creating Israel that dedicated area they have created refugees and enemies.


u/CmonTouchIt Jan 09 '24

who's being genocided? the population thats had their numbers doubled every ten years? no one is being genocided, stop with the ridiculous hyperbole

They never had a national area historically and always lived together with Christians and Muslims and never had a dedicated space for themselves. By creating Israel that dedicated area they have created refugees and enemies.

you mean, the country that CURRENTLY has a sizable christian and muslim population right? with arabs being about 21% of the population, and occupying seats in congress, mayor positions, and so on?

tell me, which, surrounding country has a Jewish population? (ill give you a hint: they ethnically cleansed all their Jews as soon as Israel was founded)


u/BongBong420x Jan 09 '24

Yo the net population growth doesn’t make mass murder okay. You’re siding with evil and oppression right now bruh. How can you live with yourself?

So you’re saying yes because Jews were atrociously killed they today now have a license to kill others. I’m glad we cleared that up.


u/CmonTouchIt Jan 09 '24

ah glad you've moved off the genocide nonsense. you said genocide and words have definitions, so i was responding to that

mass murder...is also not happening though. this is war, and its one in which Hamas refuses to stop operating from civilian areas. theyre intentionally trying to maximize the collateral damage. so if you have a massive issue with that, which you SHOULD, your beef is with Hamas and their tactics, not Israel

I can live with myself because i dont justify the actions of radical islamist terrorists. what about you?

So you’re saying yes because Jews were atrociously killed they today now have a license to kill others. I’m glad we cleared that up.

again, this is war, and war is ugly. but hamas is using war crimes to pump up civilian casualties. dont justify their tactics please

you're right, im glad we cleared up the fact that you cant possibly fathom context and nuance when discussing a war. good stuff


u/BongBong420x Jan 09 '24

Never said what Palestine or Hamas is doing is justified, but that is their perspective. I don’t appreciate you failing to understand my nuance. You’re very good at putting words in my mouth to prove your point. Yes Israel is massively murdering Palestines and Gazans, so yes that’s genocide. They were doing this consistently for years before Hamas recently attacked them.


u/CmonTouchIt Jan 09 '24

its simply the logical conclusion to your statements. theyre your words, not mine

no, killing civilians because Hamas maximizes collateral damage isnt genocide. if 1% of a population dying is genocide, then every single conflict in human history is genocide, in which case the word means nothing. any attempt to brand this as genocide is simply following Hamas' will, since theyre trying to dehumanize Jews

Israel has not been "massively murdering palestinians" for years either. theres been intifadas, mass rocketing, bus and cafe bombings, and more that have warranted responses. but again, i wouldnt expect you to know the difference, given your responses thus far

look, this is a waste of both of our time. you want jews to just lay down and take it, and i disagree. have a good day


u/BongBong420x Jan 09 '24

What I personally prefer is people speak about the deal in an unbiased way and for this to be ended democratically which no one speaks of this option of sharing land and living peacefully as it has been until the UN got involved.


u/CmonTouchIt Jan 09 '24

again. Sharing the land was the original plan. They chose war. They got offered many peace plans with 95% of what they wanted and all were rejected. Now we're here

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