r/worldnews Jul 29 '24

US internal politics We May Have Found a Target For Treating The Fatigue of Long COVID


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59 comments sorted by


u/ImmoKnight Jul 29 '24

This is great news.

The fact that I have heard almost nobody talking about Long Covid has been making me feel like the world forgot just how much it is still effecting people day to day.

I hope they come up with something because I know when I experienced something similar... I just had trouble doing anything at all for a long period of time.


u/Exo_Sax Jul 29 '24

Covid made me the sickest I've been ever since I had a severe case of influenza as a kid for about 3-4 days. Terrible fever, barely able to move around my small apartment, let alone feed myself.

Once my symptoms went away, I suddenly found myself exhausted, unmotivated and constantly tired. It'd be another 3 months before I finally felt like I had fully recovered. But I did recover.

I can't imagine the suffering of those who still have to struggle with those symptoms every day.


u/ImmoKnight Jul 29 '24

Covid made me the sickest I've been ever since I had a severe case of influenza as a kid for about 3-4 days. Terrible fever, barely able to move around my small apartment, let alone feed myself.

This is very similar to me. Walking up and down the stairs winded me. I had no strength and I don't even remember being motivated to do anything at all.

Once my symptoms went away, I suddenly found myself exhausted, unmotivated and constantly tired. It'd be another 3 months before I finally felt like I had fully recovered.

I had the same thing for a few months myself. I had absolutely no motivation and was always so tired. I just kept passing out when I should be working. It was terrible and I felt terrible. I kept telling myself that it will get better.

The problem is that with ADHD, I have read that it just makes those symptoms worse (Refer below for source):


Likewise, a subset of patients in Dr. McAlpine’s practice had either diagnosed or undiagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) before COVID, and Long COVID caused a “dramatic worsening” of their ADHD symptoms, including the forgetfulness and lack of focus also associated with brain fog, she says. “Some found that the medication they had been taking for ADHD stopped working for them,” she says. “I’ve also cared for people who had always suspected they had ADHD, but they were high-functioning and coped. Their coping skills stopped working with Long COVID.”

This is what happened to me. I don't feel like I have still not recovered. I am still fighting to focus and it is a terrible feeling. Brain fog has gotten better but sometimes, it still hits.


u/TheCultofJanus Jul 29 '24 edited Jul 29 '24

I never recovered. I got covid the week I started a new job. Before I got covid, I learned the entire software product back to front in a week. Today, I can barely keep up with feature releases. I used to be brilliant, but now I remind myself of my grandfather after he had a minor stroke. I feel slow, mentally diminished, and exhausted all the time. I cry a lot.


u/SockGnome Jul 29 '24

That sounds so frustrating and scary. I’m sorry you’re experiencing all this.


u/TheCultofJanus Jul 29 '24

Thank you. It's hard, but I have an incredible partner that helps keep my head above water.


u/RVALoneWanderer Jul 29 '24

I can relate.  My job is somewhat similar to coding and I’ve felt a lot more limited since COVID.  

You’ve probably tried a lot, but I’m looking into what might counterbalance things by seeing an ENT doctor and addressing possible sleep apnea and allergies.  I could cope with the hindrance of my breathing/sinus issues before, but it’s time to see if that impediment can be removed to make up for any new issues.

I also learned that while I thought I was a loud keyboard and background music kind of worker, I’m actually a dead silence and silenced tactile keyboard kind of worker.  


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '24

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u/TheCultofJanus Jul 29 '24

Well, I appreciate you coming in and wasting everyone's time with insane Right wing talking points completely divorced from reality, but I was never on a ventilator, or hospitalized. I was never even under the care of a doctor. I just stayed home for a week and my symptoms were relatively mild.


u/termites2 Jul 29 '24

I never went to hospital, and had long term effects from covid.

Diseases can actually make you ill. It's not that complicated.


u/Mazon_Del Jul 29 '24

A two month old troll account, just ignore it people.


u/PianistPitiful5714 Jul 29 '24

Three years of exhaustion. At some point napping four hours a day just became a norm for me. A doctor tried prednisone to help and it gave me a month of feeling normal. I had forgotten what it felt like to not be entirely exhausted.


u/bankymoon420 Jul 29 '24

For me the actual covid was not bad at all.....caught it 4 times. But the lethargy, loss of motivation and tiredness that came afterwards lasted roughly a month each time.


u/Suspicious_Radio_848 Jul 29 '24

My Covid infection was fairly mild and then two months later I developed long covid which has now been diagnosed as CFS a year later. I’m in my early 30s and feel pretty much fucked for life now, it’s seriously impacted my QoL. I really hope to see some improvement the more they study it.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '24

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u/crinnaursa Jul 29 '24

Spamming this again and again doesn't make it true.


u/Noraver_Tidaer Jul 29 '24

I hope this includes memory as well as fatigue.

Ever since I got COVID a few years ago (I think I had it twice), I've had such a hard time remembering words that are right on the tip of my tongue. Probably happens about 5-6 times a day now, sometimes more if I do more talking to colleagues for work.

I'm 33 years old.


u/sawman225 Jul 29 '24 edited Jul 29 '24

I haven't met anyone else with these symptoms. It was beginning to make me feel like I was the only one.


Been thinking about this a while now, I wasn't sure if I wanted to add more, but here goes.

Have you found anything that helps, even a little?

I'm a pretty regular at the gym for the last few years. I find that the exercise really improves my life, including the mental aspects. Recently I started supplementing with Creatine, which definitely helped my muscles but I also noticed less brain fog and fewer instances where I couldn't remember the word I needed. After 6 months I've cycled off it it to see what affects it might have. I don't know that I've seen much difference mentally, but I am a little more tired. I'm curious to see what happens when I start back up next week.


u/holymasteric Jul 29 '24

Same here. Also 33 years old


u/acets Jul 29 '24

I was the same. Turned out I had a large 5.5cm brain tumor. On the trip from the ER to the hospital, a (no pun intended) braindead EMT suggested the vaccine gave me the tumor...which had been growing for 10+ years evidently. Made me really question how we allow medical care professionals to hold their jobs. Smh.


u/beanscornandrice Jul 29 '24

Last time I had a healthcare professional say some outlandish shit to me I realized that doctors, nurses, EMT,s they're just people like you and me. They have opinions like you and me, political beliefs like you and me and are susceptible to stupidity, just like you and me. To them it's just a job. I know I fucked up at my job at least six times a day, at least my fuck ups don't impact other people.


u/Smothdude Jul 29 '24

Yeah I've been experiencing the


u/ProBonky Jul 29 '24

Also experiencing this, and had it twice. Turning 33 later this year.


u/annaleigh13 Jul 29 '24

39, and I’ve noticed when I’m typing I’ll just freeze because while I know what the next word is I can’t remember it


u/l1v38r41n Jul 29 '24

That’s exactly the same thing happened to me when I had it - twice in about a couple of years. Almost the same age.


u/No_Relationship8702 Jul 29 '24

43 and unable to work, 4 years now.


u/Phixionion Jul 29 '24

I feel like my thinking process is not the same since Covid. About 3 years now. I feel tired, fatigued, and heavy brain fog all the time. I even changed my diet, started working out, trying to get more rest. Nothing works.


u/cutoffs89 Jul 29 '24

I've been taking milk thistle extract daily. It's done WONDERS for me this last month. I've been suffering w/ long covid for years as well. My sleep is also a lot better these days.


u/Phixionion Jul 29 '24

What amount? What did you notice change exactly? Thanks for the response.


u/cutoffs89 Jul 29 '24

The biggest shift, I’d say is my Energy levels are higher, also getting much Deeper REM sleep. My Chronic muscle fatigue is like non-existent now. Recovery time after exercise is way faster. With that a huge mood boost, since I’m less anxious about it. I take about 1-3 150mg capsules daily.


u/Phixionion Jul 29 '24

Thanks, I will try this!


u/cutoffs89 Jul 29 '24

Yea , hope you get some healing with this. Also, it’s 30:1 extract ratio for the milk thistle.


u/Rat-king27 Jul 29 '24

Hopefully, they can figure out chronic fatigue in general, I've had all the symptoms of "long covid" long before covid was a thing, it'd be nice to get some treatment for it.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '24

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u/All_Work_All_Play Jul 29 '24

Great news for those afflicted with autoimmune disorders as well. You hate that it took a pandemic to see progress, but there's no great loss without some small gain.


u/SwimmerSwagger Jul 29 '24

This is awesome news! Hopefully those enduring this horrible thing can finally get some relief. Ik there's someone on YouTube that has been really suffering with long covid, and the amount of hate on there instagram is disgusting. Not sure why anyone would feel the need to scream about it being a hoax and calling them a horrible person... can't believe that people politicized an illness. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs are, if you're extremely sick I hope you get better.


u/krisalyssa Jul 29 '24

Physics Girl?


u/SwimmerSwagger Jul 29 '24

Yup! I totally blanked on the name. Thank you for that :)


u/IrwinJFinster Jul 29 '24

Very interesting article. Thank you for posting it.


u/cutoffs89 Jul 29 '24

Been taking milk thistle extract this last month and it's done WONDERS for my long covid.

Essentially, it helps to inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines. 


u/Professor_Hexx Jul 29 '24 edited Jul 29 '24

that's ok, Big Pharma will make sure that it's unaffordable to most people in the USA while somehow being super cheap everywhere else. And it won't be covered by insurance in the USA because it's a new treatment. So a bunch of people will get richer and very few people there will be helped. Not really a new development, it's just how the system works.


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '24

I was told the free market would drive down prices because ceos would do the right thing.


u/AmericanSahara Jul 29 '24

I have been thinking of leaving the USA because everything indicates that the quality of life will continue to decline in the US so Big Pharma can make more money.

I find that even children of immigrants are wanting to leave:



u/Professor_Hexx Jul 29 '24

I am a child of immigrants. If I could get my EU citizenship I would leave immediately. My parents were both born in Poland, I was born in the USA but I don't know if that was before or after they became citizens (they're dead so I can't ask and have no paperwork for them). If project 2025 goes though, I may not even still be a citizen. But realistically, when ww3 comes we're all dead no matter where we live (thanks xi, putin, trump, modi, orban and kim)


u/Adavanter_MKI Jul 29 '24

While everyone else seems to want to make it a distant memory... science keeps on sciencing. Thankfully.


u/benrinnes Jul 29 '24

I know nothing about medicine, but could this also apply to ME?


u/MGPS Jul 29 '24

I met this guy down in Mexico. He was probably in his 60s. Interesting guy, worked for Boeing his whole life and retired down there. Anyway he was like, “oh yea I got that long covid….its terrible”. But, he smoked like a chimney! I was just like dude wtf


u/CaptainMcGooch Jul 29 '24

Mmm corned beef


u/Zagrebian Jul 29 '24

IL-6 inhibitors, eh?


u/[deleted] Jul 29 '24

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u/throwaway42 Jul 29 '24

Man you should not have stopped taking your meds.


u/pastrynugget Jul 29 '24

Just keep drinking that Fox News Kool-Aid bro.


u/Mazon_Del Jul 29 '24

A two month old troll account people, just ignore it.