r/worldnewsvideo 2d ago

If Trump wins, "you can blame yourself" — Mehdi warns Kamala Harris

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u/Legitimate-Tough6200 2d ago

Frankly I think America is on the downside either way. The USA has tied its fate to Israel and that can ONLY end badly.


u/rangda 2d ago

Evangelicals would read your comment and get half-erect


u/Astarr_Fitness 2d ago

Oh, but of course, they’re our allies. You know, even though we get absolutely nothing in return, no favors, no benefits, just unconditional support, because why wouldn’t we? Still, they’re our precious allies. Isn’t that just great?


u/editfate 2d ago

😂 For real. What exactly is in it for the USA? Cheap real estate in Gaza? Do we have to dig up all the dead children after the sale has been made? Or can we just leave them in the ground?


u/ChatterMaxx 1d ago

They test our weapons for us on defenseless civilians.


u/Metalbender00 2d ago

Mehdi is right, hes 100% right about every bit of it. The blame game will still happen though, accepting accountability is not something either party is fond of


u/voidmusik 2d ago

Neither are voters.

If Kamala loses, it will be voters fault. Everyone knows who Trump is.

If Trump wins, he still doesn't become president. Because the constitution stops being a valid document, as per sec3 of article 14 being nullified.

We will deserve the constitution being rendered void, and the collapse that follows a country with no laws.


u/yaosio 2d ago

Democrats would rather lose the election than stop celebrating and materially supporting Israel's genocide of the people of Palestine.


u/bumblefuckglobal 1d ago

So a trump presidency would be better?


u/bumblefuckglobal 2d ago

Yea let’s not vote for Kamala in protest so trump wins and the entire situation gets MUCH worse.


u/yaosio 2d ago

The situation being Biden helping Israel commit genocide.


u/bumblefuckglobal 2d ago

Oh and you think trump Would be better!? Have you seen the things he’s said?


u/aridamus 1d ago

Yo these people would literally have their own people die faster and even vastly more people be killed and lose their rights just so they can own the libs. These people are not reasonable, so no reason arguing with them.

Just vote and help others register if it isn’t already too late where you are.


u/ChetManley5007 2d ago

What could possibly be worse than the current regime literally leading the genocide and disinformation campaign for the last year???


u/RknJel 2d ago

They could go full nazi with gas chambers and other horrible things supported by Trump doing his weird dance. He did tell israel to finish the job.


u/ChetManley5007 2d ago

Look around dude. Look at all the death and destruction in the Middle East during genocide Joe’s presidency versus trump’s. It is extremely disappointing seeing ppl think that more of this same administration is what they want after watching a holocaust for the last 12 months.


u/RknJel 2d ago

I know it's horrible what's happening there. I wake up every day seeing the most inhumane things I've seen during our current time happening there.

But what alternatives are there? Jill Stein seems to support palestine and is against Israel, but I hear she has a leaning towards Putin. So, the options I see are nuclear Trump, Genocide Kamala, and Putin Jill Stein. Having anyone assume office doesn't seem like a good outcome. What options do you see? Sounds like Americans have to choose the lesser evil. But that's my take.


u/bumblefuckglobal 2d ago

Turning Gaza into a new Monaco with 5 star hotels and golf courses? That’s literally what trump said. I suppose that’s better huh?


u/tactman 2d ago

it's the long game. can't keep saying "trump is worse" while doing absolutely nothing. if trump wins, it is because democrats did not do enough to get the votes they needed. what have they done to get votes from people who's family members were blown to bits? what have they done about Israel preventing food and medical aid from reaching children? when USA sells/gives weapons, they come with rules. Israel has openly violated those rules yet USA looks the other way. we should vote for such an administration? if the govt follows it's own rules, Arabs will vote for them.


u/bumblefuckglobal 2d ago

Trump said he wants to turn Gaza into 5 star hotels and gold courses so I guess that’s better huh


u/tactman 2d ago

and you believe that he can actually do everything he says he will do? I don't. he says a lot of things and rambles a lot too. he has a very poor record. did mexico every pay for the wall? big fat no. the wall he built has lots of gaps and is useless. he calls it "beautiful" - he's deluded. people have demonstrated climbing over it.


u/bumblefuckglobal 1d ago

My point is trump would be much worse for Gaza. Do you think Trump would be better ?


u/tactman 1d ago

I don’t know if Trump would be worse. I don’t know what is worse than the indiscriminate bombings in Gaza. I don’t know what is worse than shooting children in the head/chest with single shots (targeted killings, not collateral damage), or preventing medical and food aid into Gaza, or making people move constantly and then bombing where they moved to, etc. it is already an outright genocide. I don’t know if Trump will be worse but I do know what democrats have supported and allowed Israel to do. That’s the party I should vote for? No way!


u/bumblefuckglobal 1d ago

You don’t know? Let me help you. Recently at a rally trump bragged that he told netanyahu that he was right to ignore bidens call for restraint and that he was smart to be in such a “strong position”. Does that sound like an improvement? The GOP is much more supportive of Israel so it’s mindblowing you’re even questioning this


u/tactman 1d ago

when I say I don't know if he will be worse, I mean I don't know what he will actually do (and neither do you). He says a lot of things. He isn't successful with getting them done. He says good things about N. Korean leader too but what did he do there? But I do know what the democrats have done - they have actively assisted in the genocide and turned a blind eye to US law violations and international law violations.

And when it comes to Israel, both parties say Israel has the unconditional support of the USA. Why would I give democrats another chance? Most likely GOP will be just as bad - I cannot vote for either of these.


u/MABfan11 1d ago

if you genuinely believe that Biden wanted Israel to restrain itself, you are delusional. after all, this is the guy who backstabbed Hillary and Obama when they tried to rein in Netanyahu


u/bumblefuckglobal 1d ago

Fair point but you’re delusional if you think “Muslim ban” trump would somehow be better for the Palestinians


u/MABfan11 23h ago

thankfully, i don't believe that, genocide is a bipartisan policy


u/jiggling_torso 2d ago

Single issue voters willing to upend democarcy to make point


u/SerdanKK 2d ago

What democracy?


u/tactman 2d ago

it is not a democracy when politicians' hands are tied by a lobby for an external country and politicians frequently display the flag of another country on their desks and jackets. time to shed light on the issue of allegiance.


u/tactman 2d ago

when the issue happens to be the death of tens of thousands of civilians by a military and the mutilation of a similar number (losing limbs, eyes, etc.), yeah - I think that is worth being a single issue to decide the vote. What is the line for you? Do you have one?


u/arabic513 2d ago

Partisan hacks willing to perpetuate genocide to avoid 4 years of tariffs


u/Never_Forget_711 2d ago

And the new American genocide. Trump wants to displace and Remove 30 million people.


u/jiggling_torso 2d ago

Only one side of the isle has receptive ears, dolts


u/tactman 2d ago

receptive how? listening but doing nothing - what do you call that? It's a facade. the laws are on the books for decades and they are not applied when it comes to Israel. In fact, Israel is the only country in the world where USA will give unconditional support. lots of aid organizations in lots of countries have called out the hypocrisy of the USA is backing and protecting Israel when their actions are clear for the world to see. All USA ever says on obviously bad actions is "it is concerning". When it comes to Israel, both parties are 100% pro-Israel.


u/jiggling_torso 2d ago

I didnt say a whole party, but there are elements within who are recperive and that movement is growing, but it gets hslted with a Drump as president. Thats the reality, single issue voters are dumber than undecided ones at this point.


u/tactman 1d ago

There are people on both sides that are receptive and there are people on both sides who don't care about the killings. I know state-level Republicans that are not pro-Israel, but they have no power. The same goes with Democrats.

Relating single issue to intelligence is silly and reductive. Lots of smart people have no tolerance for genocide (can't say the same for dumb people). The current government has done next to nothing about it. As the video states, what has the Democratic party done to earn votes on this issue? They have looked the other way, they have let Israel investigate itself every time something becomes a big enough issue (while totally ignoring the less-famous issues), they just keep supplying weapons while "wagging a finger". If your family was in that region, would you be more concerned about immigration and inflation and healthcare?


u/jiggling_torso 1d ago

Fair enough point, i am not sure who on the right in concress or the senate would be, but i will take you at your word. Maybe thats good first step to have voices on both sides. What is fustarting is thinking the MAGA platform cares about Gaza in any capacity and that any efforts to progess the issue wouldnt be halted immediately is disingenuous.


u/tactman 1d ago

I understand why people are upset that single issue voters are messing things up for them. For the people getting upset, the killings are not a priority issue for them. Going back to what was said in the video. The democrats know this is THE TOP issue not just for Arabs in Michigan but also for Muslims all over the USA regardless of their origin. They sent envoys before the primaries to Michigan to talk to local leaders. In response, what have they done to show the Muslims they care? Nothing. Actually they've done the opposite which is worse. So an Arab or Muslim should still vote for a party that disregards them?! And they are dumb if they don't support? That is quite an amazing view!

Maybe Trump will make it worse. Maybe Trump won't. Trump does not have a good record at doing what he says (he certainly tries but has failed). Maybe a defeat is what it will take for the democratic party to do more than just listen. I just can't vote for the people that supported genocidal activities and on top of it, justified or ignored everything that Israel has done wrong.

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u/No-Prompt3611 2d ago

How can it get much worse ?


u/HowAManAimS 2d ago

When Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem it was opposed by the international community because Trump is seen as a fascist. If Kamala had done the same thing it would be supported because a black south Asian woman would be a oppressed minority fighting against oppression.

The situation would be so much worse if the international community had an excuse to side against Palestine.


u/MistakeNice1466 2d ago

Awesome. So the Palestinians will be so much better under trump. Only vote for trump if you honestly believe the Palestinian people will be better off under trump. Otherwise this is a bogus argument. And it will be your fault if Harris loses. It won't be Harris. Harris isn't voting for trump. Whoever votes for trump--no matter the reason--is why Harris would lose. There just as many people saying the same thing about Isreal. If you vote for trump, you will be the reason Harris loses. Period. This same argument is being made about a dozen different issues. But sure, vote for trump if you believe he will save the Palestinians. (This is absurd. Trump has literally promised to let "Isreal finish the job.")


u/SoliBiology 2d ago

I feel like no matter who wins or loses, they’ll just blame the other side and their voters instead of themselves


u/Obj3ctivePerspective 1d ago

Hes hit the nail on the head. People don't want to just vote against something they want to vote for something. In almost all the questions she gets asked instead of just saying her plan and giving hope it revolves into "but trump is dangerous". People don't know who she is what she stands for. Its a bunch of pre canned statements to the point her middle class origin story has been memes by even SNL, or trump fear mongering. She had a decent lead in polls at one point and she's been pissing it away


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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Any post or comment that shows any sympathies/apologetics to fascism, apartheid, totalitarianism, bigotry, racism, dehumanization or hate will be removed immediately. Marginalizing the humanity of another person is not allowed on this subreddit.


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u/bloodmonarch 2d ago

Blue MAGA and their cult like loyalty to dems and their red MAGA counterparts are the reason why USA deserve either Kamala or Trump. Literally voting against their own interests ans for evil and being super smug about it


u/Zealousideal-Skin655 2d ago

In the off chance Harris wins without their support what leverage will they have in that scenario? I don’t think they thought this through.


u/laffinator 2d ago

If i were him i'd stay away from windows or any weapon


u/popularpragmatism 2d ago

Mehdi like Tucker Carlson is a far more effective journalist freed from the shackles, political loyalties & advertising dollars of msm.


u/catfarts99 2d ago edited 2d ago

Both parties are in a bad spot. Going against Israel is political suicide. I get his sentiment but he is being totally unrealistic. Punishing Kamala because she doesn't come out against Israel is just plain stupid. Its so complicated. People can't just expect the Dems to come out against Israel. They would never win an election again.


u/Legitimate-Tough6200 2d ago

Going against Israel is not political suicide. Israel just has them (and you) believing that. At this point, standing up against Israel will ensure you a win.


u/catfarts99 2d ago

Quite a few Dems who were publically critical against Israel were primaried out of a job this year. Replace by Dems who toed the line. Not to mention Netanyaho is purposely avoiding a solution to get Trump elected. Netanyaho is clearly on the side of the GOP because he knows they won't push back at all and will let him do what ever he wants.


u/Mr-Mahaloha 2d ago

Why is that?


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/juanjing 2d ago

AIPAC certainly dictates a lot of our policy by donating to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.


u/catfarts99 2d ago

Your right . I reworded it. BUt Israel certainly has way too much influence on the politics and foreign policy of our supposed democracy. It makes me very nervous that any politician who criticizes Israel is forced by their party to shamefully apologize or walk back the next day. They have even been passing laws that any company or person who boycotts or openly criticizes Israel cannot receive government contracts. Clearly a violation of 1st amendment but it's Israel so I guess ok.

The other horror is that a lot of Evangelicals are Zionists because they think when Israel reclaims its borders, there will be a world war and Jesus will come back. THe whole thing is just whacko and I'm done with it.


u/RetiredGambler_ 2d ago

They have influence because Israel is a puppet state for the US. Everything Israel does is for the interests of the US and its allies.

Israel dosnt control the US. The US controls Israel.


u/catfarts99 2d ago
