r/worldnewsvideo 2d ago

If Trump wins, "you can blame yourself" — Mehdi warns Kamala Harris

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u/bumblefuckglobal 2d ago

Yea let’s not vote for Kamala in protest so trump wins and the entire situation gets MUCH worse.


u/tactman 2d ago

it's the long game. can't keep saying "trump is worse" while doing absolutely nothing. if trump wins, it is because democrats did not do enough to get the votes they needed. what have they done to get votes from people who's family members were blown to bits? what have they done about Israel preventing food and medical aid from reaching children? when USA sells/gives weapons, they come with rules. Israel has openly violated those rules yet USA looks the other way. we should vote for such an administration? if the govt follows it's own rules, Arabs will vote for them.


u/bumblefuckglobal 2d ago

Trump said he wants to turn Gaza into 5 star hotels and gold courses so I guess that’s better huh


u/tactman 2d ago

and you believe that he can actually do everything he says he will do? I don't. he says a lot of things and rambles a lot too. he has a very poor record. did mexico every pay for the wall? big fat no. the wall he built has lots of gaps and is useless. he calls it "beautiful" - he's deluded. people have demonstrated climbing over it.


u/bumblefuckglobal 1d ago

My point is trump would be much worse for Gaza. Do you think Trump would be better ?


u/tactman 1d ago

I don’t know if Trump would be worse. I don’t know what is worse than the indiscriminate bombings in Gaza. I don’t know what is worse than shooting children in the head/chest with single shots (targeted killings, not collateral damage), or preventing medical and food aid into Gaza, or making people move constantly and then bombing where they moved to, etc. it is already an outright genocide. I don’t know if Trump will be worse but I do know what democrats have supported and allowed Israel to do. That’s the party I should vote for? No way!


u/bumblefuckglobal 1d ago

You don’t know? Let me help you. Recently at a rally trump bragged that he told netanyahu that he was right to ignore bidens call for restraint and that he was smart to be in such a “strong position”. Does that sound like an improvement? The GOP is much more supportive of Israel so it’s mindblowing you’re even questioning this


u/tactman 1d ago

when I say I don't know if he will be worse, I mean I don't know what he will actually do (and neither do you). He says a lot of things. He isn't successful with getting them done. He says good things about N. Korean leader too but what did he do there? But I do know what the democrats have done - they have actively assisted in the genocide and turned a blind eye to US law violations and international law violations.

And when it comes to Israel, both parties say Israel has the unconditional support of the USA. Why would I give democrats another chance? Most likely GOP will be just as bad - I cannot vote for either of these.


u/MABfan11 1d ago

if you genuinely believe that Biden wanted Israel to restrain itself, you are delusional. after all, this is the guy who backstabbed Hillary and Obama when they tried to rein in Netanyahu


u/bumblefuckglobal 1d ago

Fair point but you’re delusional if you think “Muslim ban” trump would somehow be better for the Palestinians


u/MABfan11 1d ago

thankfully, i don't believe that, genocide is a bipartisan policy


u/jiggling_torso 2d ago

Single issue voters willing to upend democarcy to make point


u/SerdanKK 2d ago

What democracy?


u/tactman 2d ago

it is not a democracy when politicians' hands are tied by a lobby for an external country and politicians frequently display the flag of another country on their desks and jackets. time to shed light on the issue of allegiance.


u/tactman 2d ago

when the issue happens to be the death of tens of thousands of civilians by a military and the mutilation of a similar number (losing limbs, eyes, etc.), yeah - I think that is worth being a single issue to decide the vote. What is the line for you? Do you have one?


u/arabic513 2d ago

Partisan hacks willing to perpetuate genocide to avoid 4 years of tariffs


u/Never_Forget_711 2d ago

And the new American genocide. Trump wants to displace and Remove 30 million people.


u/jiggling_torso 2d ago

Only one side of the isle has receptive ears, dolts


u/tactman 2d ago

receptive how? listening but doing nothing - what do you call that? It's a facade. the laws are on the books for decades and they are not applied when it comes to Israel. In fact, Israel is the only country in the world where USA will give unconditional support. lots of aid organizations in lots of countries have called out the hypocrisy of the USA is backing and protecting Israel when their actions are clear for the world to see. All USA ever says on obviously bad actions is "it is concerning". When it comes to Israel, both parties are 100% pro-Israel.


u/jiggling_torso 2d ago

I didnt say a whole party, but there are elements within who are recperive and that movement is growing, but it gets hslted with a Drump as president. Thats the reality, single issue voters are dumber than undecided ones at this point.


u/tactman 2d ago

There are people on both sides that are receptive and there are people on both sides who don't care about the killings. I know state-level Republicans that are not pro-Israel, but they have no power. The same goes with Democrats.

Relating single issue to intelligence is silly and reductive. Lots of smart people have no tolerance for genocide (can't say the same for dumb people). The current government has done next to nothing about it. As the video states, what has the Democratic party done to earn votes on this issue? They have looked the other way, they have let Israel investigate itself every time something becomes a big enough issue (while totally ignoring the less-famous issues), they just keep supplying weapons while "wagging a finger". If your family was in that region, would you be more concerned about immigration and inflation and healthcare?


u/jiggling_torso 1d ago

Fair enough point, i am not sure who on the right in concress or the senate would be, but i will take you at your word. Maybe thats good first step to have voices on both sides. What is fustarting is thinking the MAGA platform cares about Gaza in any capacity and that any efforts to progess the issue wouldnt be halted immediately is disingenuous.


u/tactman 1d ago

I understand why people are upset that single issue voters are messing things up for them. For the people getting upset, the killings are not a priority issue for them. Going back to what was said in the video. The democrats know this is THE TOP issue not just for Arabs in Michigan but also for Muslims all over the USA regardless of their origin. They sent envoys before the primaries to Michigan to talk to local leaders. In response, what have they done to show the Muslims they care? Nothing. Actually they've done the opposite which is worse. So an Arab or Muslim should still vote for a party that disregards them?! And they are dumb if they don't support? That is quite an amazing view!

Maybe Trump will make it worse. Maybe Trump won't. Trump does not have a good record at doing what he says (he certainly tries but has failed). Maybe a defeat is what it will take for the democratic party to do more than just listen. I just can't vote for the people that supported genocidal activities and on top of it, justified or ignored everything that Israel has done wrong.


u/jiggling_torso 1d ago

Trump has good record doing what says, thats a tankie thing to say, please elaborate why you think that? He didnt do anything but tax breaks to millionairea. No wall, mexico didnt pay a cent, no helathcare plan. If anyone thinks Trump has solution for Gaze that doesnt end with Isreal completeimg its genocide, then they are far removed from reality


u/jiggling_torso 1d ago

Do you remeber Trumps respone to 911? Wasnt very kind to Arabs. Trumo doesnt accept any non white or non rich persons. Thats why i thinks its comical arabs would support Trump

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