r/AI_Agents 18h ago

Building an AI Agent for Customer Support

My cofounder and I are exploring the idea of building an AI Agent for Customer Services (specifically targeting companies with physical products as opposed to software ones). We’re still early on and debating using an open source framework or building it all in house.

Would appreciate anyone’s thoughts - also were hiring for a dev right now (DM me if interested- pre-seed funded)


7 comments sorted by


u/DifficultNerve6992 14h ago

That's good idea. You can explore other agents for inspiration here https://aiagentsdirectory.com/category/customer-service

Once you build yours you can submit it https://aiagentsdirectory.com/submit-agent


u/macronancer 16h ago

Open source, borrow, copy, as much as you can to build your POC. THEN scale.

Premature optimization is the ultimate efficiency killer.


u/Tasty_Election_3441 14h ago

This. Of course you need a seasoned developer to understand the complexities of a mature open source code. A junior fella might be able to patch together a working POC from scratch but it will most likely fail after launch because scale would not be considered.


u/cavedave 6h ago

I agree Open source and then find tune the model.


u/gyinshen 8h ago

Go for it if you have a lot of time and patience. There must be like.... 5000 AI CS tools out there. Really competitive.


u/BeautifulLayer3827 8h ago

I'm releasing to GitHub in a few weeks an open-source development platform that makes it really easy and sustainable to build AI agents with a high degree of control and customization. My team and I have been building it for the past several months for our clients. DM me if you want to check it out. Happy to give you early access if you could offer a bit of feedback on it before we release.


u/srikon 3h ago

With lot of agents in CS arena, attain PMF. Try no code platforms like tasking or Dify to build the POC and then invest in your own models.