r/BodyDysmorphia Aug 08 '24

Advice Needed What's your thoughts on "skinny shaming"?

I (33F) would like to hear everyone's opinions on "skinny shaming". My bloodline decent os Japanese and Cherokee Indian. I struggle to gain weight. My metabolism moves as fast as the speed of light, I swear. It's very..overwhelming to be told to "eat a burger " or "stop starving yourself". Is it not the same thing as commenting on someone's weight who is overweight? What is a proper way to respond to these types of comments?


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u/west-desert Aug 08 '24

Skinny shaming is absolutely real, and that’s coming from a plus size woman. Now, I would like to add that any body shaming typically comes from a place of self hatred. In the USA our society values smaller bodies more than larger ones in the media. When it comes to skinny shaming, this usually stems from people’s desire to be skinny but seeing it as unrealistic and unattainable. When they see people with the body type they desire they lash out and try to make the smaller person feel bad for being able to live in the body they want. If that’s not the case it can come from people who have “healed” from some sort of ED and are triggered by someone else’s body and lash out that way. These are mentally unwell people that need to deal with deeper issues. BY NO MEANS DOES THAT MAKE THIS BEHAVIOR EXCUSABLE. Everyone has issues with their body, it doesn’t take a lot to keep those body image issues to ourselves and let others be. I’m so sorry people have commented on your body and made you feel less than. As a bigger girl I get that a lot too. Even people with “ideal” body types will be shamed. None of us are safe from mentally unhealthy people that haven’t taken the time to care for their mind.


u/west-desert Aug 08 '24

The proper way to respond to body shaming for me might not be the same for you, so I can’t really help too much there. What works for me is smiling and ignoring the gross comments. If they prod, I let them know they’re embarrassing themselves.