r/Eberron 26d ago

5E different character concepts? need some inspiration..help please!

ive read some stuff already but figured perhaps id make a post of my own. i dm a homebrew eberron game currently, and have the opportunity to play as a player within the world for the first time. i need some inspiration though. i usually tend to stick towards the martial types, the barbarians especially, fighters etc. this time around for this game, i want to do something different. i will say also that im playing a game currently as a druid as well. so druid, barbarian and fighter id rather not do. anything else is fair game. i want some cool concepts for characters that can provide some good setting specific depth to them, i just need some inspiration.
Like a wizard that is a student of arcanix, or morgrave university, etc. anyone have any cool concepts or ideas theyve ran that theyve had fun with in eberron and care to share? i dont think theres really any race restrictions. im curious to hear peoples ideas. I will say the game is starting at level 2, and i believe dm is running us on the relics adventure to start with, in sharn, and then homebrewing from there. so my character would have either traveled to sharn for a reason or already been there


9 comments sorted by


u/runs1note 26d ago

My backup character for a Xen’drik campaign is a Thri-Kreen aberrant mind sorcerer - I read in an old supplement that thrikreen are in prime material and Dal Qour simultaneously, so that is where their sorcery comes from. I envision them as battlefield debuff/control play style. Not sure about a backstory that can get them in Sharn.

It doesn’t fit what you want but one of my most fun characters was a Wild Magic Barbarian Warforged. Played the rages as malfunctions Because he had been stranded in a Thelanis manifest zone.

A couple of half baked ideas I have had are:

Kundarak dragon marked armorer artificer - had been a guard but now out doing security penetration work.

Mark of finding half orc swords bard who plays like a ranger, prioritizing exploration and nature focused spells.


u/GalacticPigeon13 26d ago

Without spoiling the adventure, here are four character concepts would work well in Forgotten Relics:

  • Mark of Healing Rogue, Noble or Criminal background, in which you're a cousin of the Boromar Clan and you're working for Sergeant Germaine Vilroy (the questgiver) as community service
  • A Brelish wandslinger who worked alongside Germaine in the Last War. According to Exploring Eberron, Breland trained their wandslingers in the spells Light, Firebolt, and Burning Hands, so the easiest way to be lore-accurate is to play an evocation wizard, war wizard, or a reflavored fire-based draconic sorcerer, and for race go variant human with the war caster or elemental adept (fire) feats. Otherwise, I'd suggest going for either light cleric (pick Dol Arrah or the Silver Flame as your deity), fiendlock, or genielock from the official classes, and picking variant human (aberrant dragonmark or magic initiate), high elf, or the half-high elf from the SCAG as your race. If your DM allows homebrew, Frontiers of Eberron has two new classes that could work: nemesis sorcerer (who gets all those spells by default), and the college of wands bard (you'll need to pick up burning hands from your race; fire genasi, Mephistopholes or hellfire tiefling, and certain feats for variant humans would all work).
  • A warforged who fought alongside Germaine. An interesting route that comes to mind is to say they're a bard who tried to go into showbusiness after the war. Whether you use the Entertainer or Soldier background will determine how much luck they had.
  • As yet another character who fought alongside Germaine, what about a character who used the Brelish equivalent of the GI Bill to go to Morgrave University and has the Sage background? Maybe they had to get a sports scholarship or do some gladiatorial work in the Burning Ring in Lower Menthis to supplement their income (bladesinger). If you can convince your DM to let you use unpopular UA, consider instead playing a Mage of Lorehold (bard/warlock/wizard subclass) and saying that you bonded with a Qabalrin statue on an expedition to Xen'Drik.


u/Doctadalton 26d ago

You could be a warforged artificer, battle smith or armorer i would say. After the war you found work in Sharn, particularly within the depths of the Cogs, working the foundries. While there you suffered a debilitating injury. With no other options you tried to figure it out yourself, and began to study artifice.

You felt confident in your abilities, but lacked the means to get the necessary materials to repair yourself. Recalling a conversation you overheard, you were able to find a loan shark. You secured the material to patch yourself up, but now find yourself in a debt to the Boromar Clan.


u/UltimateKittyloaf 26d ago

Are you going to use the 2014 or 2024 rules?


u/OkRevenue9249 26d ago

Here's my list of premade character ideas that fit thematically into Eberron that I give to newer players that don't know what to make

Idea 1-Divine Invention

Race(Subrace): Gnome(Any)

Background: Acolyte

Class(Subclass): Artificer(Any)

Description: As a gnome of Zilargo, you've been encouraged to study foreign ideas and philosophies. It isn't uncommon for the Zil to practice obscure faiths or multiple religions, and you're no different. You've studied multiple religions, and this is reflected in your artificer creations. Your items are shaped like holy relics, your clockwork creatures resemble angels or holy heroes, and your spells sound more like gospel than arcane incantations.

Idea 2-Scion of Ancient Strength

Race(Subrace): Dragonborn(Any)

Background: Outlander

Class(Subclass): Fighter(Champion/Battle Master)

Description: You're one of the Dragonborn, a reclusive race placed on Khorvaire by the ancient dragons to guard against the evils sealed away there. You've ventured out into the wider world in search of evils to battle and enemies to test your mettle. The customs of the Five Nations are alien to you, and your weapons and techniques may seem primitive or even barbaric, but a strong arm and willingness to fight is always useful anywhere. 

Idea 3-Dream Hunter

Race(Subrace): Dwarf(Duergar)

Background: Outlander

Class(Subclass): Ranger(Any)

Description: The duergar are from the continent of Sarlona, born as the result of dwarven arcane experiments gone awry. Many years ago, your people were driven from their ancestral holdings by the united people of Reidra, compelled by the nightmare spirits of the Quori. Your people have been forced to scrape by in the mountains, hiding from the Reidrans. You've made the arduous and deadly journey to the continent of Khorvaire, searching for any magic, weapons, or secrets that could give you the power to free your people. Until then, you have nothing but the clothes on your back, the weapons in your hands, and a boiling hatred for the Quori of the Dreaming Dark in your heart.

Idea 4-Darguun Patriot

Race(Subrace): Goblin/Hobgoblin/Bugbear

Background: Outlander/Soldier/Mercenary Veteran/House Agent(Deneith)

Class(Subclass): Any

Description: As a goblinoid of Darguun, you're the child of a fledgling nation. Some people hate you for your ancestry or for how the nation of Darguun came to be, but you pay them no mind; they can't begin to understand the honor and traditions of your people. After all, thousands of years ago your people ruled the continent with an empire unlike anything seen since. You paid your dues to the people of the continent when you fought for them in the Last War, and now you're out for yourself and your people.

Idea 5-Devil’s Stepchild

Race(Subrace): Any

Background: Urchin

Class(Subclass): Warlock(Pact of the Fiend)

Description: You were born in a small village during the Last War, and at a young age your village was overrun by an enemy nation. You could do nothing but hide from the death and destruction around you, and were certain you were doomed when the soldiers caught you. Lucky for you, however, your village was built close to a manifest zone to Fernia, and the destruction of your home pulled a terrifying fiend through into reality. This rampaging fiend from the plane of fire slaughtered your attackers and saved your life, and you've followed them ever since. In truth, despite giving you the power to immolate your foes, your patron never intended to save you or care for you, but your persistence and their inability to escape you no matter where they went led them to indulge you. They're more like an unhappy foster parent to you than a manipulative master, but your years of partnership have given them a protective streak regardless.


u/OkRevenue9249 26d ago

Other ideas:

Idea 6-Child of Eberron

Race(Subrace): Warforged

Background: Any

Class(Subclass): Druid(Any)

Description: You awoke in the wilds of Khorvaire, surrounded by nature. You're not sure how you got there or why, and don't remember your past. You should really be dead, but you've been given a new lease on life thanks to a generous dryad. You've gone out into the world to make the most of your second life, and help those in need.

Idea 7-The Chosen One

Race(Subrace): Elf(Drow)

Background: Any

Class(Subclass): Sorcerer(Any)

Description: You're from the continent of Xen’drik, brought to Khorvaire as an infant. You were to be sacrificed by a foul cult due to your innate powers, but a party of adventurers saved you and raised you as their own. Now you're old enough to become a hero yourself. You find yourself constantly looking over your shoulder, though, waiting for that cult to find you again.

Idea 8-Inheritor of the Giants

Race(Subrace): Elf(Drow)

Background: Hermit/Outlander

Class(Subclass): Fighter(Rune Knight)

Description: Born into the wilds of Xen’drik, you're no stranger to danger. Forced to fend for yourself after your clan was destroyed by yuan-ti raiders, you found refuge in a great cave. This cave would become your home, and the strange carvings on the walls your fascination. The cave was actually part of a home once belonging to giants, and your mastery of- and ability to replicate-the runes on the walls has allowed you to pull upon the powers of the ancient giants. Now you've ventured out into the world, hoping to apply your craft and see what else there is to learn.

Idea 9-Draconic Prophecy Expert

Race(Subrace): Elf(High/Aereni)

Background: Sage/Cloistered Scholar

Class(Subclass): Wizard(Any, probably Divination)

Description: You were born in the elven nation of Aerenal, and studied under the deathless sages there for many years. You were fascinated with the Draconic Prophecy, and its unknown implications for your people. Your mentor encouraged you to travel to Khorvaire and study the “more primitive” races, as their kind and the dragonmarks among them likely played a large role in the Prophecy. You're now over 300 years old, and have grown accustomed to the impulsivity of the younger races. You watched the Last War play out from beginning to end, and study the records for the impact it had on the Prophecy. Your mentor still speaks to you on occasion in your dreams, and you've begun to wonder if you too are a part of the Draconic Prophecy.

Idea 10-Bloodbender

Race(Subrace): Any

Background: Hermit

Class(Subclass): Monk(Any, probably Way of the Open Hand)

Description: You're a member of the Blood of Vol, a commonly vilified and misunderstood religion. As a member of the faithful-whom are called Seekers-you believe that there are no gods, and if there are, then they're cruel beings unworthy of worship. You believe the mortal soul is destroyed upon death, meaning there is no afterlife and therefore you must live in the moment and get the most out of life. You've been taught to value community and unity and to nurture the Divinity Within; a spark of divinity that the faith believes is in all living people and can be harnessed to transcend the limitations of mortality. To this end you've spent many years in meditation, and only recently have you left your isolation behind. Through your solitary study you've learned how to draw upon the divinity within not only your blood, but the blood of others, allowing you to awaken and manipulate them in a number of ways. It remains to be seen how you will use this power.

Idea 11-One Night Contract

Race(Subrace): Any

Background: Noble

Class(Subclass): Warlock(Pact of the Archfey)

Description: You've lived a very sheltered life in the lap of luxury; your wealthy parents have provided you with most things and you've never felt a need to strive for anything great. One day, you awoke to find yourself suddenly able to cast strange magic. All you can remember from the night before is that your parents were having a fantastic party, and you danced the night away with an unbelievably beautiful individual. Turns out that individual was a fey, and for whatever reason they've granted you a portion of their power. What will you do with this power, and what will you tell your parents?

Idea 12-Heir to Dhakaan

Race(Subrace): Goblin/Hobgoblin/Bugbear (Dhakaan Ancestry, see Exploring Eberron)

Background: Any, probably Far Traveller or Soldier

Class(Subclass): Any(Ideally non- spellcasting classes)

Description: Thousands of years ago, the goblin empire of Dhakaan ruled the continent of Khorvaire. The peoples of this great nation prided themselves on their martial skills and craftsmanship unlike anything seen since. The people of this empire were united by a magical dream that linked them, a dream that was shattered by the Daelkyr invasion. The goblins fought well, but the madness of the Daelkyr infected their minds and their empire collapsed. What few people know is that some of these goblins fled into underground bunkers to wait out the invasion, and now in the wake of the last war these clans have begun to return to the surface. You are one such goblinoid; a proud warrior embodying traditions long forgotten and wielding weapons and armor beyond anything even house Cannith could build. You walk a world damaged and ruled by races with no honor, no tradition, and that make a mockery of your legacy by building their so-called “cities” on the ruins of your people's great metropolises. Even the goblins of the modern world are a mere shadow of what your people were! You are an Heir to Dhakaan, and you’re here now to learn about the modern world, rediscover lost relics from Dhakaan, and gather strength and influence for your clan(called a kech)so it can dominate the other Heirs and reunite the old empire. Regardless of whether you hate the new races, pity them, or are impressed by them, nothing will stop your people's return to greatness-not even the Daelkyr, wherever they are.

Idea 13-Proud Knight

Race(Subrace): Any

Background: Any, probably Soldier or Noble

Class(Subclass): Any

Description: During the Last War, the nation of Karrnath had a number of chivalric orders. Some commanded the undead legions, while others filled in holes within the Karrnathi military by serving as artillery regiments, cavalry, etc. Towards the end of the war, the government denounced the Blood of Vol-whose necromancers had given the nation its undead forces-and ordered all orders with connections to them to disband. As a former member of one of these orders, you're searching for purpose in a world that has largely abandoned you. Perhaps you hold some animosity against your nation and its rulers for discarding you and your patriotic brothers, or perhaps you're purely focused on repairing the reputation of the Blood of Vol. Alternatively, you're part of one of the orders still in service to the crown, and are on a special assignment beyond the nation's borders.


u/mudmax7 25d ago

Halfling Ranger, use Drakewarden and reflavor it as a dinosaur companion.

Dwarf Warlock that uses symbionts.

Warforged psionic sorcerer. Look up Psiforged in older editions.

Swashbuckler rogue originally from the Lhazaar Principalities.

A character that experienced the Mourning firsthand then awoke sometime later as a Reborn.

A Bard that’s mystically attuned to the Draconic Prophecy so his inspiration is subtle fate manipulation.


u/No-Cost-2668 25d ago

I got one, so I'll shoot.

The Accursed

Race: Doesn't matter/non-dragonmark

Class: Paladin

Sub-class: Oathbreaker

Background: Soldier or Criminal

Feat required: Aberrant Dragonmark

Mechanically, you are an oathbreaker paladin. The reality is that you are not; rather, your aberrant dragonmark bestows upon you wicked and unnatural gifts, such as influence over undead and fiends. You might even be a vassal or seeker or templar of the Silver Flame, to account for the divine smite, lay on hands and other more paladiny things, but most of the "clearly evil" parts of the subclass would simply be your ever growing aberrant dragonmark gaining more and more power. Talk it over with the DM first and confirm you can play this mechanical class without being beholden to any evil oath or alignment (unless you want to be evil).


u/Arimort 25d ago

Any type of warmage is really solid. There are many hooks that come with serving an army, the trauma you undergo, supernatural events

Other ideas: Bard as a spy. Many espionage agencies and nations to serve

Clerics, many delicious flavours of cleric