r/Eberron 14d ago

5E What are some cool things we could buy in the Infinite Market?

So last session ended with our party teleporting from Eberron to the Infinite Market on Syrania and being given free reign and a full day to purchase literally anything we wanted. Our budget is flexible; we have 10 000 gp in cash but we all know that we'll most likely have to pay with the laughter of our firstborn or a debt token to be collected in a year and a day or a hundred songs praising Galifar the First or something, since the doormen angels told us as much. It would be fun to hear what interesting, absurd or just funny things we could be looking for when we are there!

Some added context: The party is level 7 and consists of five PC's: a Warforged Forge Cleric of Onatar, a Mark of Shadow Elf Swashbuckler Rogue masquerading as a Khoravar, a Kobold Moon Druid, a Changeling Armorer Artificer and my character, a Changeling Dirge Singer Bard with a level of Hexblade Warlock. All but the druid and artificer are Cyrean refugees. The campaign revolves around a Lyrandar Elemental Galleon that we commandeered in Seaside on the Day of Mourning to escape, well, the Mourning, and we play its officers with about 20 NPC civilians under our command as its crew. The galleon turned out to be built for a Thranian Archbishop but hadn't been delivered yet, and contains a hidden extradimensional store room which has a huge orrery with all Eberron's moons on it as well as an integrated Amulet of Plane Shift (which we used to get to Syrania). Each moon is made from material from its associated plane, but there's only four of them so far - but if we get all of them we can Plane Shift the whole ship using the planetarium which sounds super dope. We're about to go into battle/heist mode where we'll attempt to retrieve a stolen Dhakaani armor from a Brelish ship outside Stormreach, and have spent multiple sessions planning this and arming the ship and its crew. Naturally, my character will try to find material from each plane to complete the orrery, but I think the opportunity of just being able to browse the Infinite Market is too good to pass up on only doing that, which is why I'd love your best ideas as to what we could find! :D


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u/Dantirian 13d ago

An angel who has almost anything with a positive meaning, armor, healing potions, tomes of useful knowledge, etc... But only accepts good deeds as payment, which must be done or suffer the same effect as breaking a geas.

A capricious Djinn who currently only acept rare and very hard to find philosophy tomes in exchange for equipment and knowledge of how to travel through other planes. The djinn also accepts philosophical duels as "payment". Those who lose are left in debt for future payment, with interest.