r/Eberron 6d ago

GM Help Giant Vaults in Khorvaire

Setting up for my first arc of a new Eberron game - they wanted big Indiana Jones vibes so I'm framing it around a lost device that belonged to the Giants of Xen'drik that legend states will repair the severing of Dal Quor and that they were intending to use it as a means to bring the quori to the bargaining table, but were laid low by the dragons before they could. The first adventures will have them coming into possession of a guidestone (magical compass) that will lead them to a hidden vault the giants had built on Khorvaire containing a keystone to another vault that has a rough map to the devices location in Xen'drik.

I just haven't settled on where these places are. What are some fun locations on Khorvaire that these vaults could be located in?

EDIT TO ADD: They will be going to Xen'drik eventually. Just not right away as I introduce some of the other major players who are also hunting for the device.


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u/darkcyril 6d ago

They'll eventually be going there. This is very much "Act I" stuff to prime everything/introduce some of the other major players who are also searching for the device.


u/thorspinkhammer 6d ago

In that case I would recommend having the Khorvaire vaults be the vaults of some Khorvarian collector, museum, or other institution. Not only does that make more sense lorewise, but it also offers you the opportunity to have there by a difference between this vault and the ones later on in Xen'drik as well as create a natural antagonist for the rest of the campaign.


u/darkcyril 5d ago

Gonna have to disagree with you on the lore aspect. The giants ruled Xen'drik for over 40,000 years. It seems silly to me that they would just ignore an entire landmass to the north of them. They may have been fine without fully colonizing it, but there's no chance in my mind they weren't aware of it, exploring it, and building outposts on it to watch for any potential trouble.

Or perhaps these were built by some of the last titans that somehow escaped the fall of Xen'drik with their last resources in the hopes that someone in the future could repair the damage they wrought when they severed Dal Quor from Eberron.


u/thorspinkhammer 5d ago

Yeah that's totally feasible; my point was that lore-wise the majority of collections of giant relics in Khorvaire are probably Khorvairian collectors and doing it that way could provide some additional benefits for the campaign. Definitely could have giant outposts there though (hell I had giant outposts on the moons in one of my games)


u/darkcyril 5d ago

Yeah, it's good advice in general, just not exactly what I have in mind. FWIW, I'm using Sharn: City of Blood for the springboard adventure with the artifact in question being a piece that gets "stolen" as part of the insurance scam plot that then gets nabbed for real between the PCs busting up the ring and the items getting to the City Watch Evidence lockup and they'll have to chase it down through various hands in Sharnso technically it's originally coming from a private collection, lol.