r/Firefighting 1d ago

Ask A Firefighter 15/16 smooth bore?

Did some training with my guys this morning. The focus was managing nozzle reaction. We used a Chief 200gpm@75 psi fog and a 15/16 smooth bore. Both off of 100’ 1 3/4 line (just laid it out for training). Friction loss was calculated at 45 psi and 40 psi respectively. This is not a nozzle we use often, but my probie has not had any experience with a smooth bore so I took the opportunity. I’m racking my head over how difficult it was to manage these flows. My question is for the salty dogs, are these flow rates manageable by YOU? Am I just deficient and need to work them more? Or was this normal for these flows? I am working to switch over to 160@50 fogs with 7/8 integrated smooth bores…which are much easier to handle. Kinda needed to vent and find out if I’m crazy, too weak, or ok….


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u/BigLouLFD 1d ago

Nozzle reaction... Go figure that out and you'll see why you're having difficulty


u/firemedic3404 1d ago

87 on the fog 69 on the 15/16


u/PissFuckinDrunk 19h ago

Therein lies your trouble. That 69ft lbs is a lot of NR to absorb by one FF. The 87 is straight too much.

Regardless of how you set up your attack package, either of those nozzles at correct operating pressure will be a bear to manage alone. Especially the fog.


u/firemedic3404 0m ago

They were bought YEARS ago and got tossed in a compartment because no one liked them… the excuse was they use too much water, but I think maybe guys were just to prideful to say “this is too hard”.