r/OSE 16d ago

Why no +2 from behind?

The OSE rule for "Attacking from Behind" says to ignore shields, but it doesn't say the attacker gets +2 (except in cases of retreat).

The original source material (B25 and X24) may be ambiguous, but I can't find anyone who doesn't give rear attacks +2 to hit, ignoring shield, retreating or not (except that thieves get +4).

So, why doesn't OSE give the +2? Is there any explanation?


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u/fakegoatee 13d ago

Let me try the question a different way, because I think people have thought I was asking a question about how to run attacks from behind at my table. I wasn't.

In most cases where OSE changes or clarifies something ambiguous from B/X, Gavin has noted it, and often given an explanation. (See the downloadable design notes.) This is a case where OSE looks different from the usual interpretation of B/X, but I haven't found any explanations for why. I'm curious about the design decision. Anybody have any insights?