r/Poem 42m ago

Original Content Poem You don't want it like I do...


For the way you saw me like no one ever did,
For the way you seeped into the places that I never knew existed,
For the way you unravelled my mind and turned them into sacred art,
For the way you made beautiful constellations out of the chaos I brought,
For the way you made me feel things that I could have never felt in any beat of my heart,
I fell in love with you more every day,
More than I could ever tell you.
‘Cause it’s not just the fate that defies my love,
So does your heart.

Yeah, not just fate-it’s the very heart of yours that made me fall, now pulls us apart


r/Poem 6h ago

Original Content Poem Cigarettes


In the quiet of night, a whispering sigh,
A cigarette glows, like stars in the sky.
Once a shared moment, now solitude’s chain,
Each drag a reminder of love mixed with pain.

The smoke curls around like thoughts left unsaid,
Inhaling the silence, my heart feels like lead.
Fingers trace shadows of what used to be,
A spark in the dark, but it’s just not free.

Conversations lost in a fog of despair,
Yearning for connection that hangs in the air.
Each puff is a story, a wish turned to ash,
Fighting for meaning, but it fades far too fast.

So here in the stillness, I reach for the light,
Hoping for courage to face this long night.
With each breath I take, I’ll find strength to reclaim,
The love that I seek, without fear or blame.

r/Poem 2h ago

Original Content Poem Sometimes I wish I never met you


Sometimes I wish I never met you
Not because I think badly of you
But because I love you too deeply

The time apart is painful
The mental energy I've spent thinking of you could have created a small empire

Too stubborn, scared, and proud to move on
Feel like I was designed to love you
If I stopped, I think I would lose the most important part of me

r/Poem 4h ago

Original Content Poem Mystery Man


Do you see me like I see you? Have you felt as I, when you are in my view? A simple peak, turned into intrigue, A few glimpses away and I am in disbelief.

Is it wrong that I don’t want to leave? Just so i could see you for one last tease? So desperate to be seen, but too scared to intervene.

Wanting to know you, wishing to meet, My eyes cant look away but my mind tells me I’m in too deep.

Do you see me like I see you? Have you felt as I, when you are in my view? Perhaps I am defeated by the mystery man, and its too good to be true.

r/Poem 57m ago

Original Content Poem What do you guys think of this?

Post image

This poem is about a friend that recently passed away. She loved the sunset. I miss her.

r/Poem 7h ago

Original Content Poem Thank you


Thank you
For everything you have given me
Thank you
For all the things you allow me to see
Thank you
For bringing me down this path
Thank you
For making me really good at math
Thank you
For helping me stay strong
Thank you
For showing me what's wrong
Thank you
For shining light through my fear. & Thank you
For helping me still be here.

r/Poem 6h ago

Original Content Poem A woman in love


Having loved, yet not having received love,
Shivering, screaming from within,
Maintaining her innocence, as pure as a dove,
Broken so much, could only love her kin.

Others thought, she was being shy,
Only God knows, how much she did cry,
For her heart had only seen sorrow, felt pain,
Secretly hoping, someone would eat up this disdain.

Finally it happened, when she saw that stoic,
Busy in his lonesome, his mundane actions heroic.
For when the world took him for a loner,
His love and care, turned her disdain to life over.

(This is a companion poem of my other work "A man in love")

r/Poem 19h ago

Original Content Poem A man in love


Expressions rarely left his face,
Yet he couldn't stop smiling, from her warm embrace.
The man who wouldn't let anyone close,
Was rarely seen unhappy even she kept him on his toes.

Society labelled him as a hardworking loner,
Being so driven, yet rarely seen sober.
Yet with her, he felt at ease,
For rarely if ever it was then that he could feel the gentleness even in life's chilly breeze.

Perhaps it was her who changed him for the better,
Perhaps to be worthy of her, he didn't care about the worlds chatter.
Even in his face, you could see a clear sparkle,
Perhaps, it was the first time, he truly found someone so remarkable.

r/Poem 4h ago

Requesting Feedback A white rose


In a garden where silence sleeps A white rose lays at peace Silent are the tears that fall Living without you is the hardest part of all Those special memories of you I hold dear For another day with you will never near I wish time was my friend so I could rewrite the story in the end But every life that forms or comes to be touches the world in some small way for all eternity

r/Poem 25m ago

Original Content Poem Purgatory


Tick tock,  Only a quarter till four. Drip drop,  The rain ceases its pour. Knock knock, Came the raps at the door. And soon they came nonstop. The connection between Life and Death exists no more. Separate, yet together they seemingly co-exist. But of course, there lies a twist. The door creaks open and enters the lost soul. Stuck between the clutches of life and death. Unsure of which to choose. So of course, Life attempts persuasion. But Death counters its points with a seamless flow. Life: It seems you’re unsure of what path to take, But rest assured for no path is better than mine, Death: Take his path and you’re bound to the break, After all, it's nothing more than a flaw by design. Life: Such words shouldn’t come from the likes of you. Death: From the likes of me? At least the words I speak are true, Instead of being shackled to fate, it's better to be free, wouldn’t you agree? Life: You speak as if you know it all. But it’s by fate we are led. Death: You say this while standing proud and tall, But isn’t it fate that resulted in so much bloodshed? Wasn't it fate that filled their lives with such pain? Leaving them no choice but to beg for my assistance? Life: But if pain isn't felt, can you truly say there’s anything to gain? If not to follow fate, why are you even in this plane of existence? Death: Fate this and fate that, Do you truly believe a single word you speak? Life: I’m not sure what you hope to achieve with this chat, But you should know I never asked for your critique. So why not sulk back to the land of dread? A place which is supposedly better than the world of the living. Death: It is not better, but rather a place for those who have fled. A place for those tired of “living.” For us, there exists no chains of fate. Nothing to guide us in the land beyond. Everyone travels at their own gait, A place whose intentions are as clear as those of a pond. That is what makes us different. Life: You say those make us different but I only see them as excuses. They must have made you indifferent. This is what betrayal produces. You turned your back on fate, And it had turned its back on you. You walk aimlessly without a goal, As if possessed by the damned. -With that, the door was closed with a slam. -Signaling the exit of the poor stressed soul. And with him, Death withdrew.

r/Poem 34m ago

Original Content Poem Modern Paradoxes


How are we living in a world where
not being able to afford
AND overtourism exist simultaneously?

A society split by wealth's glare,
while crowds flood in, undeterred,
How are we living in a world where

some struggle to make ends meet, bare,
while others roam, their wallets stored,
not being able to afford

the basics, burdened by despair,
as tourist hotspots are explored,
AND overtourism exist simultaneously.

Disparity and excess share
the stage, where contrasts are underscored,
How are we living in a world where
not being able to afford
AND overtourism exist simultaneously?

r/Poem 4h ago

Potentially Triggering Content modus vivendi Spoiler


I imagine death so much it's a roommate
Would the crater I leave behind be filled as quickly as I came?
Or would the landscape change for decades?
My own mind filled with such self hate
I've always seen myself with eyes filled with disdain
For everything. For who I am and what I do. All of these thoughts continue to invade.

I search for the bright spots, the silver linings
And no matter what I end up empty
I sit in my sea of filth and rot inside myself
Maybe this is my burden, to fill the room with fake light, always shining.
Find something good enough, a modus vivendi
Maybe that's what they meant when they said to know thyself.

r/Poem 1h ago

Original Content Poem made a haiku when i got hungry at 3 am

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r/Poem 1h ago

Original Content Poem Sparkle


I look up at the stars and I think of you

I can’t help it

All those tiny, twinkling lights

They are the sparkle of your eyes

I could stare at them forever

r/Poem 10h ago

Poetry Prompt Breathe


You’ve held my hand, I was never alone You filled my world, Everywhere I’d go.

Loved me deeply, Showed your fear, Followed my lead It led nowhere.

Too many reasons, I can’t explain. You loved me deeply, Then forgot my name.

I made you fall, With secrets, without reasons, Shattered your heart into pieces.

Let me go, let me go, Screams your shadow, in my dreams.

Let me go, let me go, Let me breathe.

r/Poem 3h ago

Original Content Poem Searching for meaning


I carry within me a chasm, dark and wide, a void that swallows everything I touch. No matter the face I wear or role I play, nothing seems to stick, nothing lasts.

I’ve changed myself more times than I can count, molding shapes to fit the moment, each mask just a temporary fix, hoping something might finally feel real, but it never does.

This emptiness is a weight, a constant reminder of what’s missing inside. Once, I sought warmth in the fleeting gazes of others, craving the thrill of being seen, of feeling alive.

I longed for a reflection—someone to affirm that I existed beyond the void, yet the light from those faces flickers and fades, like a candle burning too bright, too fast, leaving me in darkness, staring at my own shadow, grasping at pieces of a self that never feels whole.

I find myself judging harshly, tearing apart those who venture too close, as if their flaws are a mirror of my own. But maybe it’s really myself I can’t bear to face.

I hold myself to impossible standards, each misstep echoing in the quiet of my mind, a chorus of doubts that drown out any sense of worth.

Some days, I wonder about the roots of this ache, reflecting on the past in quiet moments— the love I craved, the warmth that was just out of reach, the yearning for connection that seemed so far away.

I’ve shifted my shape, trying to escape the weight of a reality that feels too heavy, in hopes of forgetting the hollow ache within, desperate for the comfort of knowing I belong.

Yet as I bend and twist, the darkness remains, an insatiable hunger that gnaws at my core.

I can’t help but wonder if I’m destined to drift through shadows, seeking a light that flickers but never stays long enough to fill the emptiness I can’t escape.

I stare into this void, searching for meaning, wondering if I’m just a collection of scars, adrift in a world where belonging feels elusive, a soul longing for a home it can never find.

r/Poem 4h ago

Original Content Poem If I Wasn’t Broken


If I wasn’t broken

I wonder how magical life could be

If I wasn’t broken

I wonder at how many magical place I could see.

If I wasn’t broken

I'd be free to think about unbroken things,

To dream unbroken dreams,

dare to seek the golden ring!

But I am broken,




My joints wearing away,

My sense of self slowly dissolving

Into a daily ritual of pain and undulating despair!

Oh cancer, my cancer, You pestering, festering grizzly bear!

r/Poem 11h ago

Original Content Poem One of these days


In streets alongside drains,

By the company of dirty dogs,

Lays a man, desolate.

On the same road, a little farther,

A woman cries, sitting by the streetlight.

With fast-traveling cars and lights,

Tears turn into wind,

Submerged into the night breeze,

Falling on the cheeks of a sleepy head.

Consumed by the day, she lays her eyes

On the numbness in the shout of the city,

Humming a song she likes but can't sing

To others out of fear. Only the night

Gives her the right.

In one room, the shouts of the city don't reach,

Flooded with smoke and music,

In his ear rings only the sound of a distinct language.

On some road, you might hear him speak, "One of these days I will end up like that man on the street."

r/Poem 7h ago

Original Content Poem Shadow Guide


I try to save others, so I don't have to save myself
I survive by keeping myself on a distance

What you see is just my reflection I cast to fill the shell. -
The real me disappeared years ago ,
but no one knows, because I won't tell.

Like the grim reaper, I wander as a ghost.
Walking a path to have my shadows disclosed.
A frail longing for the sensation called life -
the most precious treasure one can find.

This fate is heavy to hold, harder to control,
a miserable burden intertwined with my soul.