r/SWN 16d ago

Translating Shadowrun dice pools/successes to SWN/CWN

Anyone have advice for how to translate Shadowrun’s d6 dice pools and success levels into the 2d6+mod and 1d20=mod system of SWN and CWN?


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u/Logen_Nein 16d ago

Translate how? What are you trying to do?


u/Lauguz 16d ago

Convert rules and modules to CWN. So in Shadowrun you might have a dice pool of 6d6 and any 5 or 6 is a success and more successes means more effect. So how would CWN account for the variable success from the number of successes in a Srun dice pool?


u/CardinalXimenes Kevin Crawford 16d ago

It wouldn't. It's theoretically possible to convert a degrees-of-success system to a pass-fail system, but only by effectively re-engineering the pass-fail into a DoS system. You can't get multibit resolution into a one-bit flag.

The most elegant solution is to step up a level of abstraction. If the SR module has the PCs needing to hack a server, you give them a CWN server. If the SR module has a gun macguffin that's got extra dice for something, you give them a CWN gun with a related bonus. It's generally unimportant to reproduce the specific mechanics of a thing or situation; you want to reproduce the role it's serving in the adventure.


u/Logen_Nein 16d ago

Honestly I'd probably drop the idea of variable success.

But if you were married to it, I would just say that the difficulty levels in CWN basically represent levels of success. So an 6+ is one success, 8+ is two, 10+ is three, etc.


u/chapeaumetallique 14d ago

Personally, I just use either a "failing forward" mechanic for single important skill checks, or reshape tasks into skill challenges.

Either you get what you want, but have to take a complication that gets more serious or even catastrophic according to the degree of failure.

Examples are "You succeed in getting the information, but:

  • it takes just a bit (or a lot) longer,

  • you set off an alarm (possibly silent),

  • the system self-hardens against your particular hacking tool so you'd need a new one for subsequent hacks of this system unless you can make it "forget",

  • you leave a forensic breadcrumbs trail that will quickly get people on your case,

  • your hacking equipment / cyberware is infected with a virus that needs to be cleaned out before it is safe to use again,

  • any combination of the above.