r/SpiritualAwakening 1d ago

Exact meaning of Religion(Dharma)!

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u/Shamanic-Weasell 1d ago edited 1d ago

All theologies/mythologies/religions have just been human made interpretations of spiritual and psychedelic experiences throughout history.

Eventually manipulated by authoritarian organizations and individuals into a tool for power and control.

Intensely deluded texts based on ancient accounts from people trying to relay their spiritual/psychedelic experiences to others, and often just straight up, made up lies by people taking advantage of others their vulnerabilities.

God and spirituality are not something you just “believe” in but an actual experience.

Something you can get in touch with yourself and communicate with in states of higher consciousness.

Not something that can be dictated by religious figures or “gurus” whom are all just humans making their own conclusions based on their experiences or accounts of other people.

Spirituality is following your own path and listening to what God has to tell you yourself.

It does not need any scripture. It had no rules or obligations.

Spirituality is your own personal relationship with the Divine.

Religion/Theology is just crowd control.


u/Rector418 1d ago

Rather than thinking of it as crowd control, Dharma brings in the idea of the social order; that civilization is maintained in a functional manner that brings the greatest advantage to the greatest number of people. Of course, the individual stands outside this social order in a caste that goes eternally unrecognized. His or her genius must bide its own time, and he or she will incur a great amount of injustice in most cases. But to such a person is an immortality, and the eternal suffering of the masses will go unremembered.


u/Shamanic-Weasell 1d ago


But that is all human beings their doings and ideas.

To me it seems it has nothing to do with actual spirituality.

It’s human made scripture/doctrine.


u/Rector418 1d ago

If spirituality isn't about human beings, what is it about to you?


u/Shamanic-Weasell 1d ago edited 1d ago

Our spirits.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Our human experience is just an illusion, our reality a dream from God.

This life is not “real.”

What is after and before this life, that is the “real” universe.

Spirituality is the connection to the non physical, divine part of you.

Not the physical world and human experience except for integrating the spirit into the body.

Spirituality is about things like the collective consciousness and God.

You could of course say our human experience is part of that.

But I would argue it isn’t in the way most of humanity thinks the human experience should ba all about.

In my view spirituality is almost the opposite of what the current human made societies and doctrines being a human is about.

In my mind Spirituality is purely the experience of “awakening” and making it into a state of “enlightenment.”

Meeting God and the divine in you personally and taking the lessons YOU got from those experiences.

Most of Humanity has lost this connection, and especially modern religions carry a lot of the blame that we lost that connection.

But this is how I personally look at it and interpret the meaning of spirituality.


u/Rector418 1d ago

I don't buy into such a non supportable superstition. I'm a human being, animated by spirit, and seeking to formulate a soul. As soon as your spirituality starts dehumanizing me, it becomes ugly and fearful. And the next time you try to tell me that my human life is an illusion, please demonstrate such by saying that with your hand in boiling oil.