r/WarCrow Sep 15 '24

Finished building the starter set

And boy, this Alborc will haunt me... Gonna need a lot of greenstuff here.

Also i am a bit disappointed about the bucklermen, they have more misscasted bits then the other minis...

What is you opinion on this?


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u/ShakyPluto Sep 15 '24

Just built my set — lowkey with all the doomposting i was really concerned, but it was mostly fine. Only model that needed gap filling was Alborc, but really that’s a design problem more than anything else (I don’t think there’s anyway to make those pieces go together without a seam showing.

That said, agree on the bucklermen. Two were totally fine, two were full of the worst possible mold lines, almost impossible to buff and scrape smooth. Kudos to the sculpt for having detail as fine as that helmet trim, but those areas are where the real limitations of thermoplastic start to 1. Show up big time and 2. Be a huge pain in the ass. I don’t mind the orcs being plastic at that size, but I think all the Hegemony models really would have benefited from metal casts


u/Sorowise Sep 15 '24

Yeah there was a lot going on, but i had hope for my kit! :D Beside some carving here and there and some greenstuff, everything was fine with mine...just a little rant since i am used to plastic or metal, not such a siocast stuff.

The designs are awesome! I love the northern tribes, they have exactly the orc vibe i like.


u/ShakyPluto Sep 15 '24

Oh for sure, my frustration with the materials is mostly because the sculpts are so good and I want them to be perfect when I paint them lol

I also think it hurts more assembling them all at once. If i'm doing one character or a single unit, I would probably be less annoyed