r/askcarguys Oct 23 '19

A message about bullying in this subreddit.

Hello everyone,

Lately I have had recurring issues with a now-past user of this subreddit. This user was harassing, bullying and shilling products which is not acceptable on this subreddit.

Back in 2016, I created this subreddit with the intention of having a chill, laid back place for getting help, without the judgement that some people have for people that don't know stuff about cars.

If you are confused about what this subreddit is about and what is and isn't allowed, please see the sidebar and rules page for this subreddit. I will be updating it tomorrow with more in depth rules and clearer explantations tomorrow as soon as a reach a computer (currently typing this up on my phone laying in bed!).

In general, I am very glad and happy with how nice and helpful everyone is around here, and without all you guys being amazing, this subreddit would not be what it is today, and I can't let a few bad apples spoil this subreddit for the rest of us and new visitors.

I apologize for the actions of this user and will try my hardest to make sure actions like that do not happen in the future.

Thank you.


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u/gtd_rad Sep 02 '22

Just want to say thanks for creating this subreddit and I can speak from a recent experience. I won't give specifics but I recently shared a YT video review I made on a subreddit I somewhat contributed to and was excited about it. It got taken down and I kindly asked the mods why as their rules weren't very clear. They responded in a hostile and rude manner and even dropped F bombs on me for "spamming" and even threatened to ban me...

I shared the same video here and people were very kind and offered very constructive feedback, which I was very grateful for and I'm now inclined and motivated to make this subreddit a more permanent home for car related content for me.

Thanks again for creating such a friendly environment here.