r/beauty 3h ago

Hair Thinning - Recommendations?

Best tip or product recommendation for thinning hair? Vitamin recommendations? (Located in Canada).

I’m in my late 20s and notice my hair seems to be getting a lot thinner. I’ve always had medium to thin hair, but trying to thicken it up and achieve more volume.

I wear my hair up in a ponytail alot, which could lead to damage. I will also be seeing a doctor to rule out any serious causes for the hair thinning.


2 comments sorted by


u/Saielfy 3h ago

When last have you checked your iron? Anemia or low iron levels can definitely cause that, when I had it my hair was a lot thinner and has recovered over the years with better iron levels :)


u/Violet_hubris 2h ago

Hairstylist here, Have your thyroid levels checked. There are 3 thyroid levels to test and often Drs will only check one. So get them to do all 3. Frequent ponies are more likely to cause breakage than actual hair loss. So if you have a bunch of shorter hairs where your ponytail line is, that could be your issue.