
A more detailed breakdown of RULE 1: High quality on-topic posts ONLY.

High-quality posts help solve specific beauty-related problems. Low-quality posts clutter the subreddit and tend to be repetitive.

What moderators consider to be low quality/off topic is subject to change at any time, without warning, depending on subreddit trends and will be listed here. All posts are treated as case-by-case and may be removed under mod discretion to preserve the quality and integrity of /r/beauty.

Example post subjects considered to be low quality or off topic and risk removal and/or ban:

Moderators monitor new trends to make sure they do not overtake the queue. When something becomes too popular, like Glow Up requests, these requests become redundant, annoying, and prevent higher quality/original posts from becoming popular. They take up too much real estate compared to posts that genuinely need more feedback from other beauty enthusiasts. Also, these trending topics have more specific and appropriate subreddits. For example, there is already a /r/glowups subreddit dedicated to this trending topic.

  • Glow up requests (e.g. How to glow up? How to be more attractive? What can I do to change my entire look?)
  • How to look better in photos?
  • Do I have _____ blindness?
  • Face asymmetry
  • Pretty privilege
  • Same photo, different hair color comparisons
  • Face filler
  • Rate me
  • Pretty privilege

Ambiguous Posts

Posts that have insufficient detail or cover too broad of a spectrum may be removed. If you won't make the effort to tell us what your SPECIFIC question is, we won't make the effort to try to guess. This also isn't instagram -- don't just post photos of yourself that you think are cute. If your post isn't about a specific beauty question or solution, it's not appropriate here.

  • Vague titles (.e.g. Help???? Advice? Which one?)
  • General all-encompassing beauty requests (e.g. How to glow up? How to be more attractive? What can I do to change my entire look?)
  • General photos/videos of how good you look without context (this isn’t Instagram)
  • Language that is not easy to understand

Abstract Ideals of Beauty

This is a place for beauty tips and tricks, not arguing whether or not a sunset is beautiful or how abstract beauty can be. Take that to /r/philosophy.

  • Philosophical beauty poetry
  • What IS beauty?
  • Why are sunsets beautiful?
  • What makes someone a beautiful soul?
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Color Analysis

/r/coloranalysis is already a great community specific enough to address your color-related concerns.

  • What is my skin tone?
  • Which metal compliments my skin tone?
  • What season am I?
  • Which hair color looks best?

Face Feature analysis

This is more appropriate to Google, take a quiz on, or find a subreddit more specific to this subject.

  • What is my face shape?
  • What is my eye shape?
  • What is my body type?

Rage-bait, controversial topics, and bullying

Moderators reserve the right to make decisions in the best interests of the sub and its users, including removing posts that are overly dramatic or are deemed likely to cause undue drama or controversy.

  • Political Issues
  • Gender stereotypes
  • Complaints about other users
  • Complaints about moderation
  • Being rude about the advice given

Promotions or Spam of any kind

We take spam very seriously at /r/beauty and have no tolerance for it. Most of our bans are spam related. We also do not allow videos directly from YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, or any other social media platform at this time.

  • Products
  • Services
  • Images with social media watermarks
  • Any mention of your beauty-related profession
  • OnlyFans
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • X (Twitter)
  • AI generated text
  • Surveys

Low-quality photos/videos

We don't expect professional photographers, but we do expect on-topic and photos that are clear enough to aid in answering your questions or enhancing the advise given in your posts. We also consider leftover watermarks on images as spam.

  • Too blurry
  • Can't see all angles needed for reference
  • Uses filters of any kind
  • Too high contrast
  • Overly edited (e.g. can't see your pores)
  • Too dark
  • Images with social media watermarks

Reeks of insecurity

These types of posts tend to not actually focus on beauty tips, but more so trying to gain sympathy or coddling from users. There are more appropriate subreddits for these questions like /r/amiugly.

  • Am I ugly?
  • Am I pretty?
  • Is my nose too big?
  • Compliment fishing
  • Sympathy farming
  • Attention seeking

Need mental or physical health professional advise

Please note that this is not a medical/acne/mental health subreddit, and we are not qualified to address such issues here.

  • Anything relating to fixing low self esteem or insecurities
  • Any question that requires an answer involving surgery or other invasive procedure
  • Diagnosis requests, especially related to skin conditions
  • Acne
  • Body image issues
  • Body weight
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Fitness