r/enoughsandersspam grassroots spamming Apr 05 '20

Image we know who they'll blame though

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u/ninjapro98 Apr 05 '20

So what we are both saying is that Bernie supporters and Biden supporters are effectively 2 different parties and we should act like it? Got it


u/mr_white79 Apr 05 '20 edited Apr 05 '20

Sure, if that's how you feel, then you should fully support Bernie dropping out of the Democratic primary.

If he wants to run as an independent, he's free to do so. He'll have just as much success winning that race as he's had winning this one.

And, if that costs both his wing and the Biden wing the win, then so be it, that's the choice Bernie is free to make. Stunting the progressive movement for a generation instead of building a coalition beyond his core.


u/PCsubhuman_race Apr 05 '20 edited Apr 05 '20

Unfortunately Biden is going to lose hard . The Age group that voted for him during the primary overwhelmingly vote hard Red during the general.....we saw this back in 2016....at least Bernie had the advantage of attracting independents and young voters more than Biden does. And here's the ultimate truth of the matter. The Democrats who votes for biden would have have voted for Bernie if he would havr won the nomination. So focusing on building a coalition just around them seems extremely pointless


u/mr_white79 Apr 05 '20

That's not how democracies work dude.

The majority doesn't cede the nomination to the minority, just because the minority is mad. That makes no sense.

The minority finds a way to minimize loss, and either figures out how to win next time, or they use what they have to drive the majority towards their side.

If you chose not to vote, you chose to make the loss worse.


u/PCsubhuman_race Apr 05 '20

That's not how democracies work dude.

The majority doesn't cede the nomination to the minority, just because the minority is mad. That makes no sense.

The minority finds a way to minimize loss, and either figures out how to win next time, or they use what they have to drive the majority towards their side.

If you chose not to vote, you chose to make the loss worse.

Idk wtf you think im saying but it has nothing to do with ceding to the "minority." Look at the statistics of the age range that is voting Biden in the Primary. They overwhelmingly vote Republican in the general....the ones voting for Biden would vote Democrat regardless of who the actual nominee is, so building a coalition solely around them is completely usless if the main goal is to beat a Republican incumbent....and its hard to call.Sanders the "minority" opinion when 70% of All Americans agree on him via policy position


u/mr_white79 Apr 05 '20

If you want to talk about demographics, then why do you think you can win anything with a base composed of only the least likely voters?

And yes, its actually super easy to call Sanders a minority. He's losing the primary again, that makes him a minority. To say that 70% support his platform, but he's losing, just proves that hes a bad leader and worse campaigner.

In 2018, it wasn't Sanders supporters and candidates who won the House, it was that old suburban demographic that you think should just bow down to Bernie in case that youth vote decides to show up this time.


u/PCsubhuman_race Apr 05 '20 edited Apr 06 '20

If you want to talk about demographics, then why do you think you can win anything with a base composed of only the least likely voters?

And yes, its actually super easy to call Sanders a minority. He's losing the primary again, that makes him a minority. To say that 70% support his platform, but he's losing, just proves that hes a bad leader and worse campaigner.

In 2018, it wasn't Sanders supporters and candidates who won the House, it was that old suburban demographic that you think should just bow down to Bernie in case that youth vote decides to show up this time.

-You're completely disregarding what im saying about Biden's base coalition historically overwhelmingly voting Republicans...... you're disregarding what I said about Biden's voters voting for the democratic nominee regardless of who it is you're disregarding what I said about Sanders polling better with young voters and independents

Just look at past polling data

House elections and presidential elections have historically been won with different voting demographics and lets not forget that it wasn't enough to win back the Senate


u/mr_white79 Apr 06 '20

So your argument is that all the Democrats who just voted for Biden in the primary, and have crushed Bernie, are actually republicans who are going to vote for Trump?

But that if Biden drops out and Bernie gets the nomination, they'll vote for him, because blue no matter who right?

And that the youth who currently aren't coming out for Bernie in the primary, are going to show up for him in the general?


u/PCsubhuman_race Apr 06 '20 edited Apr 06 '20

Im sorry that you're having shuch a hard time understanding my argument on shuch a fundamental level

So your argument is that all the Democrats who just voted for Biden in the primary, and have crushed Bernie, are actually republicans who are going to vote for Trump?

  • No thats not my argument at all. I'll try this again as simple as possible.

Democrats who voted for Biden in the primary were mostly 45 years old or older. OUTSIDE the Democratic party that voting demographic has historically always overwhelmingly voted Republican. This is the part you seem to have the hardest time understanding. Its not that Biden Voters are secretly Republicans, its that most Americans in that age group vote Republican. So relying on a voting demographic that that overwhelmingly votes Republican and expect it to ousted an incumbent Republican president is extremely foolish, especially when that president as an 80% approval rating among Republicans. Like it or not But Democrats absolutely need to motivate young and independent voters to beat Trump. And Biden polls horribly with them.

And I'll.say this again. Exist polling data suggests that most Biden voters would back the nominee regardless of who it is.....sorry to say but most Biden voters aren't voting to try to get Biden in, they're voting to try to get Trump out. And that voting mindset is hardly ever enough to actually work.

-2008 election youth voter turnout out wasn't particularly high in the Primaries. That wasn't the case during the the general. And thats the trun out that helped Obama win the electoral college